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Derek Davis: "Re-Volt" review (ex-Babylon A.D. singer)


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My review of the new solo album from ex-Babylon A.D. vocalist Derek Davis, entitled "Re-Volt," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out:


Derek Davis review


It's not the Babylon A.D. of old, instead hewing a little closer to the sound of "American Blitzkrieg." Since I was one of the few people that liked that album, I also happened to like this one, but I won't be surprised if there is disagreement with my review. And this time from more than just Tim... ;)

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Complete opposite opinion of this one. Granted I'm just going from the samples on CDBaby but I didn't like a single thing I heard aside from two tracks. The first being "Troubadour", which I thought was easily the best of the bunch. The other song I liked (of course) was the rehash of "Desperate" (probably because I was hoping beyond hope the whole album would sound like that). The rest was very forgettable, especially the industrial tinged tracks. I will say this, if Joe Leste ever leaves Bang Tango the band should give Derek a call because he sounds just like him throughout most of the album.

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Complete opposite opinion of this one. Granted I'm just going from the samples on CDBaby but I didn't like a single thing I heard aside from two tracks. The first being "Troubadour", which I thought was easily the best of the bunch. The other song I liked (of course) was the rehash of "Desperate" (probably because I was hoping beyond hope the whole album would sound like that). The rest was very forgettable...

I definitely get that. This is one of those albums I would not necessarily "defend" my position, because I completely understand why some people would not like this release. There's just something about it that clicks with me, hence the favorable review. I AM totally shocked, however, to hear you praise "Troubadour," which I think is simply atrocious. But yeah, this is one of those albums that I like but I totally undestand why many people won't.

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