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The Hot Rails: "Single Entendre" review

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For those interested, my review of The Hot Rails: "Single Entendre" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out:


The Hot Rails review


If you happen to be friends with the band, don't read it: I was not impressed.

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Hi Mark,

If this is the same band from cleveland Ohio, then your spot on.. Seen this band open up for Starz a couple of years ago at the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland.

They sucked!! I also wondered why such a shitty band would be on that bill. It turns out, the singer works at the club as a house roadie.. The singer was even giving out cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Yes! I even turned the free beer down..



Great review :tumbsup: Some musicians should be taking down a notch..

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If this is the same band from Cleveland, Ohio, then you're spot on...seen this band open up for Starz a couple of years ago at the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland. They sucked! I also wondered why such a shitty band would be on that bill. It turns out, the singer works at the club as a house roadie. The singer was even giving out cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Yes! I even turned the free beer down...


Btw! Great review :tumbsup: Some musicians should be taken down a notch.

Yes, they hail from Cleveland. Yes, they pretty much suck. Yes, they are pretty shitty. However, never turn down free beer is a good rule to live by. Though it was Pabst Blue Ribbon, so I guess you may as well have gone and drank from the nearest unflushed toilet and gotten the same taste.


Thanks for the thumbs-up on the review. I try to call 'em as I see 'em when writing these things.

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