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Karen Lawrence and the Pinz

Nick C

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Huh! Whaddya know - I was perusing the Classic Rock AOR issue and thought I'd check out a Karen Lawrence video of the song Prisoner. As it was I came across this little lost gem.


After 1994 split she formed Karen Lawrence and the Pinz with Fred Hostetler,Leigh Foxx and Mark Bourcet . The album was very much a product of the times (she even cut her hair ...sob! hahaha)and kind of like 1994 in parts but with a much stronger "new wave" kind of feel. They only did one album although she and Fred Hostetler went on together for her next album the much rockier Rip & Tear (which is f*cking great!) and her next band Blue By Nature along with Rick Dufay ex Aerosmith (where I think she still resides today)

Anyway the song is the title track of the album Girls Night Out....


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Nice find mate. Never heard of this one before, although I do have her 'Rip & Tear' on vinyl. Another one that should be re-issued on CD I think

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It's a pleasure chaps, re CD of Rip & Tear - I lent my vinyl copy to a chap called Chris Woods of Revolver Records the label that released the album so they could add a decent copy to their archives. Wow is he a perfectionist, he had the vinyl for nearly 12 months - tried remastering it at the Revolver facility wasn't happy, he had his turntable re-aligned, mucked around trying to get a copy he was happy with for months, sending bits of kit for upgrade e.t.c. he got some great versions he reckons but couldn't quite get rid of the sibilance as much as he wanted. I eventually asked for the album back as I was missing it and he said he would send the results - got the album but no CDRs of anything. What'ts worse the vinyl was covered in dust....ffs, no wonder he said towards the end of each side the distortion became worse....he probably had an inch of dust on the stylus fucking up the recording. Anyway it cleaned up just fine.

The Revolver Records website have it listed as a download....and even have it listed as CD (but when I tried buying it as CD they don't actually have it available...it's how I got in touch with Chris in the first place trying to buy it). He seems a nice guy but like many in the music industry unable to get their shit together at times hahaha!

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