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When the 'Foot drops...

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Hey boys--and girls. It's been a while. I've been missing you, although most of you probably haven't noticed my abscence. Is it gay to say I've been thinking about the lot of you? What if I put a wig on you? Anyways, in an hour and a bit, I'll be picking up my Chickenfoot tickets for the Vancouver showing. Anybody else plan on going? I'm dragging my brother out. He doesn't know Chickenfoot, but how could he resist Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony, and Joe Satriani? How can anybody resist that combo? I feel completely out of the hard rock loop. This show should toss me back into it. You boys--and girls--enjoy your weekend. I need to get a bloody computer. I need to get back to my HH loitering days. Peace.



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