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Posts posted by Mullethead



    They have 3 albums:

    - Mind Funk

    - Dropped

    - People Who Fell From The Sky


    First abum is Hard Rock with an alternative/metal touch. A great record. Different from all others.

    Second & Third are like a dark grunge stoner. Dropped is a masterpiece and one of the most underrated albums from that era.


    I have also the cd single "Touch You" taken from the 1st album. It contains 2 unreleased great songs and the original version of "Touch You" or should I say "Fuck You" ... lol

    There's that word again...lol


    Mullet, I really dont know if you could even call these guys "grunge" I mean honestly, lets look at this people on here who like them, lets put Mudhoney up for a second, now lets compare it to my favorite song off Dropped Zootiehead, there is no comparison, now that I stop and listen to it, I dont know if I could even say it's post grunge, I think dude before had it right, when he said it's Hard Rock, only for the year it came out, it had a phenomenally killer modern sound to it, since very few bands were ever even able to successfully crossover with any sort of quality at that time and period in music, listening to it as we speak, I think that's really what it was, Hard Rock with a hint of Alternative, but really all thats saying is it was a modern sounding Hard Rock group for the year it came out, I really don't think they were grunge, at all, just my opinion, and my opinion changed as I listened to their 3 discs last night, and to Dropped as we speak, so I guess it's in the ear of the listener, but Mullethead, dont lose your wood to quick bro, I am anti-grunge, matter of fact, for what it was, I dont believe any of the so called "grunge" bands are even really grunge bands, I believe they were metal or alt bands who saw the potential, and jumped on board, as many of what I consider real grunge bands, are not only not known by anyone, but had pretty much vanished by the time it had exploded, maybe im to literal minded, but Mind Funk is good as fuck, you should check out their 1st disc, maybe you get your woody back?



    I will give anything a spin once but it does not sound like anything I would like, especially using Mudhoney as a reference (terrible band in my opinion). I never called it grunge, someone else did but I can't say because I have never listed to it. I know a lot of people who listen to hair metal and evenatually came around to some of the older grunge stuff but I'm not one of them. I don't blame grunge for the fall of hair metal (though a lot of bands do) but I still think it sucks. It's dreary, depressing & make me want to pull a Cobain if I had to listen to it all the time. I'm not a fan of "stoner" rock. Give me Slave to the Grind, On Your Knees or Master of Puppets any day.


    There it is....my dick JUST got hard :)

  2. They have 3 albums:

    - Mind Funk

    - Dropped

    - People Who Fell From The Sky


    First abum is Hard Rock with an alternative/metal touch. A great record. Different from all others.

    Second & Third are like a dark grunge stoner. Dropped is a masterpiece and one of the most underrated albums from that era.


    I have also the cd single "Touch You" taken from the 1st album. It contains 2 unreleased great songs and the original version of "Touch You" or should I say "Fuck You" ... lol

    There's that word again...lol
  3. Okay, I will TRY & rank their cd's but this will be a bitch.


    1. The Great Radio Controversy

    2. Bust A Nut

    3. Mechanical Resonance

    4. Psychotic Supper

    5. Into the Now

    6. Forevermore


    It's still almost laughable looking at this list & seeing Forevermore at the bottom. Songs like "Fallin' Apart", "Breakin' Free", "All of Me", "Private Ledbetter", the list goes on. I didn't take that cd out of my player for 8 straight months. That should tell you how truly great the other cd's are. Bust a Nut could be #1 for me on a different day as well. The first 3 albums I have listed have ZERO filler. Supper would be ranked higher but the album had a couple of lame songs towards the end. The 2 newer albums only had a couple songs with filler. All in all, this band can do no wrong in my eyes. Great as well but not listed are the Reel to Real albums.

  4. I like it and will be buying the release for sure......I know I'm in the minority on this but I prefer their later music to the older stuff....while I liked their music, it wasn't until "Into The Now" that they really got my attention...

    I can't say I rate any of their releases above any other. They are one of the few bands that you just can't pick one best cd. They are all so good and one of my top ten favorite bands. I have listed to this clip several times and it's a big time grower. I love the attitude and everything Jeff Keith stands for.



    is it just EZO labelled as something different, or a different band recording EZO songs?


    If I remember right it was only one song correct? It is def a different group. Not a great indie compared to others either.

    No. The High Heels album is only missing one song from the EZO release.


  6. The funny thing is, go back in the day and I probably would not have been to excited about a Stryper album as the only one I loved from start to finish was Against the law, but since their comeback I have loved everything they have done, so Stryper is now one of my most looked forward to bands. I loved the modern sound they came back with on Reborn, and the mix of modern and classic on Murder by prided was amazing. Loved their covers album as well.

    The only one that didnt totally blow me away was Second coming, but that was mainly because it was re-recordings of songs from the era that wasnt my favourite.

    I'm just the opposite. Reborn was just good and Pride was a step in the right direction. I love all of their early albums which is what made me such a fan to begin with.


    Not sure about his attitude but guy sure has some pipes especially in the high range. But sadly couple of last TNT albums with him are horrible, let's just hope he'll go back to those Tell no Tales or Intuition era

    I disagree. My Religion was a melodic monster! IMO, easily their best cd ever recorded. I want another one in that vein...

    As was All the Way To the Sun. Fix is a KILLER song!!!

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