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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. There has only been a couple of times when I have not been able to pay straight away. One was due to a problem with Paypal putting a block on my account because they said I owed them money which I didnt, and it took them nearly a week to unblock my account even after admitting their fault, but all the while I kept the seller updated and he was fine with it. The other time I knew I wouldnt have the money within the time scale required, but desperately wanted the item, so I messaged the seller first, explained I didnt get paid for two weeks but really wanted the item, and would he mind if I bid. He was absolutely fine with it as I was up front with him.

    Quite simply, if you are going to have to delay payment for whatever reason, communication is a must. I know some sellers will get the arse, but I am sure most will be understanding as long as you are honest and communicate.


    Yep, communication is key. Most sellers greatly appreciate it!

  2. fuck shut up jarred u have nothing to appologize for you haven't offended me or insulted me nor would I ever take anything u guys say on here as personally insulting, jarred the irony in what u said bout pretty boy, I finished up with a sleaze band I put together of high school guys and these guys cannot wait to get into costume I posted all about it on here that was the reference I made to the march april fiasco, we r going out on the 5th of june to go shopping and since i am an actual member ofthat band now guess what I get to do for the 1st time in my life and I am not looking forward to picking out my skirt and wig, having my ex an her friend show me how I put make up on and seeing myself as a full fledged bitch, that's the part the other guys have been waiting for,they wanted to get dragged out to record their songs I told them hell no that was before I had to join the band as our drummer found out this band was going to be glam he heard dressing up like chicks and I basically saw a vapor trail behind him, jarred I do believe that is a project you will like, I came uup with our band name Jewlius Sleazer, lol and yes jeff I am the lone fat white irish fag standing on the left, I tried my best to fit into the pic sagging my shorts pulling up my socks but I don't see it blending me into the pic that well,


    Cheers to you and good luck on all your adventures, no matter what they may be!

  3. I have a hard time telling when you are serious so please don't take me the wrong way...but are you being serious right now or is this a joke. I have the hardest time reading when you are serious or fucking with me brother.


    No bro, I dont mind, I dont like being read right, this is serious, I have a studio here and record lots and lots of demos for people, mostly hip hop shit, but sometimes I do bands, but like i said, generally they blow, and I just do it to get paid, these guys are fucking tight, they have been playing together in one form or another since they were in 6th FUCKING GRADE!! after I heard their potential, I offered to do a full set of songs for them, but they had to let me creatively influence them, if you get what I mean, bro, they fucking tuned up so tight, but now that I look at the pic, I could use it for a joke couldnt I, like send it to promote their album to a white supremist gang, I'll have to think up some more ways to fuck with people using a picture of 3 gangbanger mexicans and a white trailor trash irish shit talker, thanks for the redirect bro. Yeah ok you got me, I did drop my shorts down far as they would go, and pulled my socks up to my knees, I told them it was so I fit into the picture better, LOL,


    Ok I gotcha. Yeah, the pic had me vey much not taking them seriously as I basically make fun of people like this lol!



    Jarred, what exactly do you mean by "people like this" hmm??? people like "what" exactly, you gonna say it isnt you?


    Let me also say that I should have read closer. I was not aware that one of the people in the pic is you. So, I directly insert foot in mouth, say I apologize and firmly admit I am stuck in the '80s so you can imagine that from an image, music type, etc standpoint...well, you know, you guys don't look like Pretty Boy Floyd so I should assume it will be a style of music I don't listen to.


    Ok, enough rambling. I'm just sorry now :)

  4. I have a hard time telling when you are serious so please don't take me the wrong way...but are you being serious right now or is this a joke. I have the hardest time reading when you are serious or fucking with me brother.


    No bro, I dont mind, I dont like being read right, this is serious, I have a studio here and record lots and lots of demos for people, mostly hip hop shit, but sometimes I do bands, but like i said, generally they blow, and I just do it to get paid, these guys are fucking tight, they have been playing together in one form or another since they were in 6th FUCKING GRADE!! after I heard their potential, I offered to do a full set of songs for them, but they had to let me creatively influence them, if you get what I mean, bro, they fucking tuned up so tight, but now that I look at the pic, I could use it for a joke couldnt I, like send it to promote their album to a white supremist gang, I'll have to think up some more ways to fuck with people using a picture of 3 gangbanger mexicans and a white trailor trash irish shit talker, thanks for the redirect bro. Yeah ok you got me, I did drop my shorts down far as they would go, and pulled my socks up to my knees, I told them it was so I fit into the picture better, LOL,


    Ok I gotcha. Yeah, the pic had me vey much not taking them seriously as I basically make fun of people like this lol!


    Jarred, what exactly do you mean by "people like this" hmm??? people like "what" exactly, you gonna say it isnt you?


    Not my crowd is all I mean. Nothing personal buddy. You'll catch me hanging out with guys in torn blue jeans and a t-shirt.

  5. I have a hard time telling when you are serious so please don't take me the wrong way...but are you being serious right now or is this a joke. I have the hardest time reading when you are serious or fucking with me brother.


    No bro, I dont mind, I dont like being read right, this is serious, I have a studio here and record lots and lots of demos for people, mostly hip hop shit, but sometimes I do bands, but like i said, generally they blow, and I just do it to get paid, these guys are fucking tight, they have been playing together in one form or another since they were in 6th FUCKING GRADE!! after I heard their potential, I offered to do a full set of songs for them, but they had to let me creatively influence them, if you get what I mean, bro, they fucking tuned up so tight, but now that I look at the pic, I could use it for a joke couldnt I, like send it to promote their album to a white supremist gang, I'll have to think up some more ways to fuck with people using a picture of 3 gangbanger mexicans and a white trailor trash irish shit talker, thanks for the redirect bro. Yeah ok you got me, I did drop my shorts down far as they would go, and pulled my socks up to my knees, I told them it was so I fit into the picture better, LOL,


    Ok I gotcha. Yeah, the pic had me vey much not taking them seriously as I basically make fun of people like this lol!

  6. Their last album is amazing!


    Really! "AMAZING" that is an amazing word to use and not one I would ever associate with even the best of bands to come out in the past 10 years of American style music, amazing to me was last years H.E.A.T.disc now that was amazing, so your saying I can buy this 3 Days Grace album, put it in, and it's going to absolutely floor me, and be on par with the latest H.E.A.T release? if you confirm this, I will get on Itunes and buy it right now, as in right this second?


    Life Starts Now is just what I said...amazing. I played it nonstop for six months. There is even a ballad on there that may be the best ever.

    As for the Heat album, I didn't care for it so we may just differ.






    And the amazing....








  7. EP, full length, 2 CD, mega box set, hidden tracks, blah blah.....the true question is...will it have any good songs on it?


    So far, so good...


    Well, I cannot agree with you on that, but probably not a surprise since we vastly differ in our opinions of Skid Row as I think of Slave To The Grind to be a top all time album and Subhuman Race forgettable at best (maybe I should try to sping it again...it's been years).


    Slave could be my fave on some days as I love it as well. SHR is just Slave on steroids and is heavy as hell. Play it when you crave something heavier to give it a fair shot,


    Unfortunately right now there is a lot of bad blood between a LOT of people and FnA records. :(


    Me included. I'm done with them.


    Hmm...add another big name to the list. DrumRman, believe me...I really do wish you the best but where their is smoke, there is fire. The guy thinks I am small time but I will follow through with what I told him. I will make sure everyone knows what a douche he is and I won't stop until the label is shut down.



  9. I haven't seen this confirmed one way or the other in the thread: Is this being released as a replicated CD or burned CD-R?


    I'm pretty sure they are regular CD but let me find out and get back to you ASAP. I have more then 100 sold already (one guy bought 25 to give away to people!!) and it's still in pre-order.


    Not much feedback here yet on the samples (not sure if its due to label or the music sucks haha) but other outlets seem to enjoy it knowing what it is....music recorded from 1994-1995 that has yet to see the light of day in any outlet.


    Ok will get back soon with info for you. Thanks for the interest. :)


    You should be in control of that as the artist. The label was quick to blame Tora Tora for using cdr's.

  10. from Braveworlds.com

    Legendary Canadian band KILLER DWARFS, are very excited to announce that they are reuniting to support the release of their 'lost' album Start@One. The tracks were recorded in 1993 at Powerlines Studios in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with Producer/Engineer Fred Duvall. Fred also recently produced and recorded the very successful RUSS DWARF acoustic release Wireless.




    Start@One features the same lineup as 1992's Method To The Madness: Russ Dwarf Graham (vocals), Gerry Dwarf Finn (guitar and vocals), Bad Ronbo Dwarf Mayer (bass and vocals) and Darrell Dwarf Millar (drums and vocals).


    The original master tapes are currently being digitally remixed and re-mastered for the release scheduled for early July 2013. This is the 20th anniversary of the recording of this never released album.


    The tracklisting for Start@One is:


    'Lonely Road'

    'Solid Ground'

    'Sky is Falling'


    'Psycho Circus'

    'Start @ One'

    'Down in Hollywood'

    'Walk on By'

    'The Crowd'

    Plus two new bonus tracks that are being written just for this release.


    Chances are the titles are different but I bet the same tracks mostly. Killer tunes though...can't wait!

  11. Is this unreleased album the "Just Another Day" disc? I've had the mp3's for awhile and the sound is pretty damn excellent. The songs are awesome too.


    My mp3's tracklist for this are:


    1. Just Another Day

    2. Psycho Circus Clown

    3. Keep My Life

    4. Annaleanah

    5, Cycle Of The Future

    6. Turn It Around (#1)

    7. If I Could

    8. Hollywood

    9. Won't Go Flyin' (You Can't Run)

    10. If I Could (#2)


    That's the one!

  12. 106695b.jpg


    judging by that pic, I would think silver but in extreme limited quantities.


    The back cover tells me nothing. I need info from someone who owns the cd and knows if its silver. I have the option to buy one but it appears to be a cdr bottom and I do not want it if it is.

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