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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. i also nearly sold my Nirvana albums....im still on the fence about those :P


    Keep NEVERMIND and sh*t can the rest. NEVERMIND is the only essential one. Oh, and if you've got BLEACH and wanna dump it, send it my way. My tape crapped out years ago and I have yet to come across a CD copy.




    If I could I would collect all of Nirvana's crap & send it to you. That way no one else would have to see it :)

  2. Oh god, give me a break, John Riggins ran over people, Rocky Blier was great for the time he played,

    you show me any white running back thats even in the same category as the great one, MIKE ALSTOTT, he ran over people, drug entire D-Lines into the endzone with him, Plus!!! their has never been a white running back of that size, who could change direction like a 5"10 halfback, he could stop on a dime and make every defender miss him, he was unbelievable, now I suspect your going to pull the All Time Records card, well sometimes just as the most talented bands don't get utilized, neither do the most talented athletes, for one, he played for the Buccanneers, who were only succesfull for about 5 years of his 13 year carreer, Tony Dungey was really the only coach who used him as a ball carrier, when Bitchboy became the coach, he was thrust back into the blocking Fullback role, then benched outright, but unless you REALLY!! know who he is other then just the big white guy for the Bucs, I really doubt you know what im talking about.

    And the bucs are my team, I will tell you how I feel, now I feel happy! Adios Barbara Gruden.


    As Chris Berman used to say, you were always in good hands with Alstott






    He was an absolute BEAST!

  3. "I have great news All you Southgang fans. As of today I have spoken with Jesse Harte, lead vocalist of Southgang, and he is very interested on working on some projects with myself and possibily at least one other member of the ORIGINAL Southgang lineup (YET TO BE NAMED..as it has not been confirmed).

    Well I'm wondering how much truth there is to this rumour. I agree with everyone who notes that there is obviously 0% chance of Butch coming back, but if Jesse and the other two dudes managed to get together and record something I would be far more than moderately interested. :)




    It's not gonna happen...

  4. Oh god, give me a break, John Riggins ran over people, Rocky Blier was great for the time he played,

    you show me any white running back thats even in the same category as the great one, MIKE ALSTOTT, he ran over people, drug entire D-Lines into the endzone with him, Plus!!! their has never been a white running back of that size, who could change direction like a 5"10 halfback, he could stop on a dime and make every defender miss him, he was unbelievable, now I suspect your going to pull the All Time Records card, well sometimes just as the most talented bands don't get utilized, neither do the most talented athletes, for one, he played for the Buccanneers, who were only succesfull for about 5 years of his 13 year carreer, Tony Dungey was really the only coach who used him as a ball carrier, when Bitchboy became the coach, he was thrust back into the blocking Fullback role, then benched outright, but unless you REALLY!! know who he is other then just the big white guy for the Bucs, I really doubt you know what im talking about.

    And the bucs are my team, I will tell you how I feel, now I feel happy! Adios Barbara Gruden.




    I definitely agree he is one of the best full backs to play the game...your post said greatest running back to ever play which he is not obviously. As a full back though, I'd rank him pretty high & would have taken him on my team anyday. I don't remember him getting benched though. I thought he had like a broken neck or something?

  5. i'd love to see fernando garcia on vox but never the less quite keen on chcking out herman's album


    Is the guy singing on this album the new guy on the last Victory album where they redid on the songs? He had a decent voice..



    God no...you can never mistake this guy with Fernando. Everything after Voiceprint has sucked donkey balls because of the vox. Victory is one of my all time fave bands...I would kill to have them get back together with Fernando...

  6. I like Creed. Okay, the lead singer is an asshole. But the guitar player just plain shreds. Their songs are very well put together and they did not have a bad album. I hope they get back together and rock it up. I think they have some great music left in them. I am looking forward to it.


    Tremonti's playing in Alter Bridge burries anything he did in Creed.

    And Myles Kennedy is a much better vocalist than Scott Stapp IMO.

    I prefer Stapp. Minus of course his assholeness... :whistle:



    Same here

  7. Screw it was far better than the debut as it rocked more.

    The debut was good, but far more lightweight than Screw it.


    That said, there isnt a single D2 album I dislike, and that includes Dawn!


    I agree wholeheartedly.....!!

    Yeah, I'll buy a ticket for that train too. :)


    Is there a seat for me on that train? :banger:



    Save a spot for me bud ;)

  8. Nothing they have done can touch the S/T



    I disagree dear...Cochroach & Screw It touched it...several times :)



    ok, i agree. screw it came close.



    You didn't like Cochroach?


    As much as I like the debut IMO Screw It was better and Cockroach is right there as well. :tumbsup:

    All three albums are above 90% imo, but here's my thoughts:

    1. Cockroach

    2. Screw It

    3. s/t



    Backed 100%


    Am I reading this right? Jarred and Geoff agree on something? Has the world ended? :lol:




    Don't get use to it ;)

    I agree with that comment too. Two in one day, let alone one year. What's happened to us?


    It happens buddy...sometimes people just gorw together instead of apart...:)

  9. Nothing they have done can touch the S/T



    I disagree dear...Cochroach & Screw It touched it...several times :)



    ok, i agree. screw it came close.



    You didn't like Cochroach?


    As much as I like the debut IMO Screw It was better and Cockroach is right there as well. :tumbsup:

    All three albums are above 90% imo, but here's my thoughts:

    1. Cockroach

    2. Screw It

    3. s/t



    Backed 100%


    Am I reading this right? Jarred and Geoff agree on something? Has the world ended? :lol:




    Don't get use to it ;)

  10. Nothing they have done can touch the S/T



    I disagree dear...Cochroach & Screw It touched it...several times :)



    ok, i agree. screw it came close.



    You didn't like Cochroach?


    As much as I like the debut IMO Screw It was better and Cockroach is right there as well. :tumbsup:

    All three albums are above 90% imo, but here's my thoughts:

    1. Cockroach

    2. Screw It

    3. s/t



    Backed 100%

  11. I rooted for the Raiders in the final game, Gruden won the Super Bowl with Tony Dungys team, he was a world class bitch, with Monte Kiffen leaving to join his son, I thought Oh Fuck! it's back to the Orange and White days, Gruden was a fuck, he hasnt done a fucking thing since he got here, other then send the good players packing, use 20,0000 shitty to mediocre quarterbacks, and bench the greatest white running back to ever play the game!!! fuck that shmuck, him and Billy Mays can go down in a firey crash for all I care, good riddance, hopefully one of your teams picks him up, since you all love him so much!




    What running back was that? BTW, tell us how you feel :)

  12. Give it another spin with an open mind for me brother ;)

    You realize you're asking the world from the guy.




    Yeah I know...I thought I'd try :lol:

    Background info: My good mate is Paul Gilbert's biggest fan in the world. Seriously. He worships him. This same dude was my surfing buddy for about 10 years before I ever got a license and in that time I probably heard every Mr Big album more than 1000 times each, no joke. I know this album inside out. For your enjoyment:


    1. Colorado Bulldog ; Why not just include a bonus knife with the CD so listeners can cut parts off their body, which is the equivilant of hearing this song. Completely terrible.

    2. Price You Gotta Pay ; bland as all-f*ck.

    3. Promise Her the Moon ; arguably the best song they ever recorded. Stunning.

    4. What's it Gonna Be ; as fogettable as sin.

    5. Wild World ; not a bad cover, to be honest.

    6. Mr. Gone ; so bad it'll make you vomit stuff you didn't know you'd digested.

    7. The Whole World's Gonna Know ; good solid hard rock song. Some killer guitar.

    8. Nothing But Love ; not too bad at all. Really a pretty decent song.

    9. Temperamental ; bring out the knives again and slice them ears off - horrible.

    10. Ain't Seen Love Like That ; okay track, but amazingly average. Below 40%.

    11. Mr. Big ; again, pure and simple garbage of the purest form.


    I honestly cannot see what's so good about an album with 2 great songs and 2 pretty good ones. ;)



    The only filler on this cd for me is Mr. Gone & Mr. Big (the song :)...that's it.


    So, we disagree once again. Big shock...:)

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