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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. A couple of long car journeys this weekend, so ...


    Eclipse: Bleed And Scream

    St. Prostitute: Here Come The Prostitutes

    Van Halen: A Different Kind Of Truth (nope, still can't get into this one)

    Twisted Sister: Love Is For Suckers

    Keel: The Right To Rock

    Thora: Baby No.666

    Iron Maiden: Brave New World

    Sweet Cheater: Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'

    Beautiful Sin: The Unexpected

    Two Of A Kind: Two Of A Kind

    Sunstorm: House Of Dreams

    Harlan Cage: Forbidden Colors

    Banshee: Mindslave

  2. Second Hand (I do love charity shops):


    Iron Maiden: Killers

    Aerosmith: Get A Grip

    Sylosis: Conclusion Of An Age

    Kansas: Best Of Kansas

    Danny Bryant's RedEye Band: Night Life - Live In Holland

    Humble Pie: Rocking The Filmore

    Uriah Heep: The Collection




    Iron Maiden: Book Of Souls (finally!)

    Toyah: Sheep Farming In Barnet/The Blue Meaning


    I gotta admit, I agree with you guys on that, I loved Guardians Of The Galaxy though, and truly felt it was a good flick, I refuse to see anything having to do with Spiderman, and I feel DC is just as lame, Superman, Batman, these are all titles I avoid at all costs, Im also good on Iron Man, I do enjoy Captain America as im a Falcon fan, and think Suicide Club could be alright, I wish Vertigo would do a few dark edged adaptions, but I really could take or leave the genre, unless it's something completely stunning, it is getting to all be the same old shit, and be completely boring.

    Comic book geek I'm not but I see the inclusion of Black Panther thoughts?


    I wish we could see more Hellboy, The Spawn styled stuff. Heck how bout Lobo?



    Lobo NEEDS to be done ... although it'll probably end up as some absolute dog's dinner, in the same way that 'Constantine' stamped all over the brilliance of 'Hellblazer' :(


    It's 30 years since Phil Lynott shuffled off this mortal coil, and 40 years since 'Jailbreak' was released … so Thin Lizzy are heading back out on the UK festival circuit this summer in celebration/commemoration with a line-up featuring Scott Gorham (so far, so good), Darren Wharton (who played keyboards on 'Renegade' and 'Thunder And Lightning'), Ricky Warwick, Damon Johnson, Tom Hamilton (yes, the Aerosmith bassist) and Scott Travis (yes, Judas Priest's drummer) (I think Europe's drummer is joining them in Europe.)


    It's not often that I get REALLY annoyed about stuff like this (the ongoing AC/DC-Axl Rose car crash notwithstanding), but HOW is THIS 'Thin Lizzy'?


    Ive seen this line up live [well Gorham & Warwick] - they are OK, but in my opinion you are better off seeing Limehouse Lizzy.


    They might be a tribute band but they are fantastic and about as close as you will ever get to the real thing.



    I've seen Limehouse Lizzy, and they were fantastic! :)


    Once all the original members of a band are gone...the band is a tribute band....once even half the members are gone they are a different band and should probably change their name....


    ..Which was the main reasons they decided to change the name from Thin Lizzy and evolved into the Black Star Riders, which was the correct decision. Along with Bon, now Phl is rolling in his grave unfortunately.



    Given that they've been going out as Black Star Riders for some time now (and have released two decent albums under that name), I think they should've billed these gigs as a 'celebration' of Phil and 'Jailbreak' ... rather than pretend to be something they're not.


    How would people feel if, say, Aerosmith carried on without Tyler and Perry? Or Maiden with only Dave Murray from the 'classic' line up?

  6. It's 30 years since Phil Lynott shuffled off this mortal coil, and 40 years since 'Jailbreak' was released … so Thin Lizzy are heading back out on the UK festival circuit this summer in celebration/commemoration with a line-up featuring Scott Gorham (so far, so good), Darren Wharton (who played keyboards on 'Renegade' and 'Thunder And Lightning'), Ricky Warwick, Damon Johnson, Tom Hamilton (yes, the Aerosmith bassist) and Scott Travis (yes, Judas Priest's drummer) (I think Europe's drummer is joining them in Europe.)


    It's not often that I get REALLY annoyed about stuff like this (the ongoing AC/DC-Axl Rose car crash notwithstanding), but HOW is THIS 'Thin Lizzy'?

  7. What the hell is Angus thinking? Jesus! How long before Axl throws a tantrum/turns up three hours late for a gig/insists that the band play 'November Rain', etc.?


    Surely it would be better to postpone the shows and see what happens with Brian? If I had a ticket for one of the remaining shows, I'd be looking for a refund!

  8. Meat Loaf is playing my town in a few months. Fairly cheap, too. Anyone seen him before? Any good?


    I saw him when he toured 'BOOH2' - I wasn't expecting much, to be honest, but he was brilliant - great voice, plenty of banter with the audience, and the songs were spot on.



    Happily married 10 years :)

    it all went to rat-shit ...


    that good eh?? I look forward to 2022 :whistle:



    D.I.V.O.R.C.E ... on the plus side, I've got four great kids :)


    VH (up to 'Balance', at least) are/were one of my favourite bands ...


    Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love

    Somebody Get Me A Doctor

    And The Cradle Will Rock

    'Dirty Movies'

    So This Is Love


    House Of Pain

    Why Can't This Be Love


    Top Of The World

    The Seventh Seal



    I really shoulda done a DLR-era and a Hagar-era list ...

    What about a "Cherone" era list. lol.



    That could take some time ... LOL! What WERE they thinking?

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