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Everything posted by Gibbo

  1. Sad news indeed ... it won't be Slayer without him
  2. A Nice DAY To Die - XYZ
  3. One Small Day - Ultravox
  4. One In Their Pride - Celtic Frost
  5. Shoulda gone to see this, instead of Evil Dead
  6. One In A Million - Guns n' Roses
  7. Cracking album - Forgotten Sons is one of my all-time favourites
  8. Re-reading The Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko ... damn good book (and the film isn't bad, either.) Just finished World War Z (for the umpteenth time) ... I wonder how many people are going to be REALLY confused by the book if they pick it up after seeing the film?
  9. We Drink BLOOD - Stuka Squadron
  10. is that the new version. A woman I work with said someone was sick in the cinema where she saw it lol !! Not a Disney film then ;-)) Looks like a real gore-fest. Freddy might like it, but I really hate gore, much prefer scary horrors to bloody ones. Yeah, it was the new version ... it was 'okay' ... buckets of blood (if that's your thing), a couple of moments that made me jump ... the trouble with it is that you know exactly what's coming, and the characters behave as predictably as you'd expect ('Oh, look - here's a scary looking book, hidden away from human sight and covered in dire warnings about what will happen if you read it - I know, let's read it out loud! What's the worst that could happen?') By the end of the film, my mate and I were both laughing at scenes that probably weren't supposed to be amusing ... and marvelling at the fact that some of the characters managed to sustain a whole load of bodily trauma and blood-loss without going into immediate shock I KNOW it's not supposed to be taken seriously, and I KNOW it's not been made to win any major awards, but it feels like a remake just for the sake of it (it's a bit like the pointless remake of 'Psycho' in that respect.)
  11. Why would you do that to yourself? is it really that bad? There aren't enough words to describe just what a waste of time the film is ... Blimey......... I know, I know ... I really shouldn't sit on the fence ... Is it really that grim..... Hm ... if you haven't seen the original film, then you might enjoy it ... but I have, and I didn't. The re-make is all a little too 'gung-ho' and jingoistic for my liking - now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a 'good vs evil/put your common sense on hold/give the bad guys a good kicking' film as much as the next man, but the remake has lost a lot of the 'humanity' that the original film had ... plus, with this version, I found that I really didn't care if the heroes of the piece lived or died. In fact, I found myself hoping that some of them would meet an untimely end before the credits rolled ...
  12. ROCK Will Never Die - MSG
  13. Why would you do that to yourself? is it really that bad? There aren't enough words to describe just what a waste of time the film is ... Blimey......... I know, I know ... I really shouldn't sit on the fence ...
  14. FOR Those About To Rock (We Salute You): AC/DC
  15. Rise Of The Tyrant: Arch Enemy
  16. Good on ya ... I've got a couple of friends who run marathons on a regular basis, so I'll see if I can get some motivational tips for you :)I've done the London to Southend bike ride a couple of times ... whoever said that Essex was flat was lying through their teeth!
  17. Why would you do that to yourself? is it really that bad? There aren't enough words to describe just what a waste of time the film is ...
  18. The Rods: Let Them Eat Metal
  19. Ilid: The Shadow Over Arkham Bryan Adams: Reckless
  20. Ah, well, if we're going to have 'bonus tracks' I'd have to add:Killer Of GiantsThank God For The BombRevelation (Mother Earth)
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