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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. This Fire~ Dokken What a great song. Very cool return to their sound by Don and the Boys.
  2. Johnny Burning~ Get Up, Get Loose, Get Off!! Me likey. Good stuff.
  3. Rock it up Wes! I am spinnin' up a Moose Drool right now. Good Times
  4. Still waiting for copies of both of 'em I ordered mine last Saturday and got them today. Sometimes my orders take longer since we're on the Pony Express out here. I ordered on Friday, I believe. I guess I will be hangin' out at the mailbox tomorrow Give me my discs
  5. Plus, we can drink Motley under the table! Maybe now but not back in 1983. I don't know, I will put Evil Rick up against anyone
  6. Plus, we can drink Motley under the table! Sorry man, I was pullin' for ya! I guess now you can concentrate on the new Rockarma album!!!
  7. Still waiting for copies of both of 'em
  8. Congrats Rick!!! You're not turning your office/music room into a baby room are you? Thanks Chad. I'm pretty sure the little one would end up sleeping in a drawer before I tear down that room. That's good to know because you have a good set up in there. Let's hope your new one is as well behaved and quiet as your other two angels
  9. I found 7 suffered the same thing that the second wildside cd sufferred from, as well as Warrants Ultraphobic, like they left their roots, in search of the new sound, I couldnt even tell I was listening to Night Ranger, thats why I hated it, it just sounded like they put something out and didnt put any heart behind it, their were no, Color of your smile, or don't tell me you love me, quality songs on it, it all just sounded like one big song to me, and it wasnt a good song Ditto. Word to your mother. Nice synopsis. I like Neverland. It's not up to snuff with their first four albums but it has the NR sound.
  10. Congrats Rick!!! You're not turning your office/music room into a baby room are you?
  11. That picture of Pete in your avatar keeps making me think that your Pete until I read your user name. I'm confused as hell and at this pace I'm not sure who the hell I am. It confuses me too... I'm like... when did I post here, and what the hell am I talking about? And so the "Great Avatar Debate" of Rocktober continues. I will change when I have time as it is confusing me too
  12. I'm thinking of ordering both of them when I pre-order this new band I've heard about. Hey HH Well when you order THREE titles you get the third one half off. Also we will ship the two in stock titles asap. The pre order title will be shipped upon its arrival at no additional shipping cost to you.Not bad huh? :-) So third cd is half off. Pre ordering a title will ensure you have it before anyone else AND you also save on shipping. As the shipping is free when pre ordering it with other titles. PLUS I PROMISE U WILL ENJOY THEM!!!! :-) If you place your order in the next day or so you can have it by wed, thurs the latest. Granted thats if you are in the US. JK I remember from the Rockarma order that the 3rd is half off. That's a great deal. And yes I'm in the US, that is if you consider Wyoming the US. And to follow up Chad's question will the Far Cry's be autographed like the Rockarma's were? Also I didn't get a free shirt at Dakota Rock Fest, although you were kind enough to let me listen to some of the Far Cry. I hope to see some these bands at next years Kivel, I mean Dakota, Rock Fest. \ i THINK i can arrange a autograph copy for anyone that wishes for the FARCRY. See u at next years SDRF!!! jk I want one. I just placed my order yesterday for FarCry, Faith Circus & Talon. My order was placed on Friday night John! I needs one of them automographed copies of the Farcry!
  13. Kick ass tune. Decibel~ AC/DC What a great tune. Love it. Actually of the 15 tracks on the album, the only song I really don't like is War Machine, the rest are top notch. War Machine is my fav song from the new album and the best thing they've done since Thunderstruck in my opinion. Clean out your ears Wes. Weak track. Cookie cutter rock. There are so many better tunes on this album.
  14. Blue Thunder~ S/T What lost gem this one is and very underrated.
  15. I cleaned all my windows in the house today. A person does not really notice how many windows they have until they have to clean them. I am exhausted. We have a sun porch in the back of our home and the bitch has nine windows that are three by six feet. I finally had time to get knuckles deep in a sixer of Bud's American Ale around 6:30 pm. Did I mention I started cleaning at 8 a.m. Long day. Great beer.
  16. Oh fine, I get replaced by Don Dokken in your avatar. Let's compare careers shall we... He has one. I don't. Okay, uh... never mind... Fuck Don Dokken! Hey! Let's not bring Don into this! Don is a great guy, as is Pete. Since Don has a career, I will give Pete his due and put him back on my Avatar out of respect for him....... Done. At least Don can hold his liquor. Pete can hold garbage cans Hey now, imagine what could have happened had I not held down those wayward cans... ...and thanks for changing your avatar, I'm sure you know I was just busting your chops, I was honored that you had me up there at all in the first place bro! No problem. If folks will look that little blotch below your guitar is a plane. Cool pict, too bad its not bigger. I will tell you though, we are done having children so there will be no Petesdad. Sorry.
  17. Oh fine, I get replaced by Don Dokken in your avatar. Let's compare careers shall we... He has one. I don't. Okay, uh... never mind... Fuck Don Dokken! Hey! Let's not bring Don into this! Don is a great guy, as is Pete. Since Don has a career, I will give Pete his due and put him back on my Avatar out of respect for him....... Done. At least Don can hold his liquor. Pete can hold garbage cans
  18. Hey DD..... Look fwd to your thoughts on these new titles. You should have your cds by today if you havent received them yet. We have TALON tshirts btw. Email me about how grabbing one if your interested. The TALON shirt is black with the album cover on the front. as for the freebie thing. Thanks for publicly posting about getting freebies. Im sure i wont have to worry about having to give EVERYONE a freebie now....Thanks ..... LOL JK No problem John! I know how you love to please the masses! Seriously, looking forward to the tunes.
  19. Oh fine, I get replaced by Don Dokken in your avatar. Let's compare careers shall we... He has one. I don't. Okay, uh... never mind... Fuck Don Dokken! Hey! Let's not bring Don into this! Don is a great guy, as is Pete. Since Don has a career, I will give Pete his due and put him back on my Avatar out of respect for him....... Done.
  20. It's ordered. Hopefully its as good as their last album.
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