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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Actually, I think its great that you are playing Friday again. That means you can party with us all day Saturday! We will however reserve a recycling can for you and Evil Rick. Make sure you grab a can on the left though Pete, Evil Rick has that nasty right handed pointer finger I would not want you to lose an eye
  2. True dat, Taco is the real draw. No one steals Taco's thunder...if they try he just makes more! He's quite the rainmaker. I hope I get to meet him someday... Hopefully this summer. You will have to share him with Chris though. Them two have a thang.... Yes, from what I hear, don't interrupt when Taco and Chris are together in "alone time". I think Chris would appreciate it if you get Taco's nails cut prior to DRF. Last year Taco popped Chris's air mattress, not sure what was going on and I really, really do not want to know....
  3. Who would want to record anyone taking a crap much less 24,000 of them? And yes I'll buy you a beer even though my vip ticket will let me just take one for free. I don't drink Guiness but I want one of those at DRF
  4. Played fine for me Rick. Maybe your new baby has a remote and he's gearing you up for what's to come.....no tunes for you!!!
  5. What do the other members of Shotgun Ali say about the remake Pete? Curious minds want to know..... As a fan, I think its great that it made it onto High Gear! Did I mention that I cannot wait to get my copy?
  6. Wes~ It's getting old. I am sick and tired of seeing another thread about the thousands of posts you have made. Sheesh. I am no longer going to pad your ego. Big deal. You have 24000 posts. I have probably taken that many craps in my life. Nobody ever recorded those. Knock it off. Quit paying these people to point out your activity on the Board. Buck up and buy me a beer at DRF would ya? I would be honored to recieve a cold one from such a celebrity as you.
  7. Hey Dave To answer your question..... YES!! Jace is a super talent and equally a super guy. He has a few penned songs on the FARCRY, as well as two on the GOODBYE THRILL cd, and even a cowrite on the upcoming TANGO DOWN. Which we go into the studio tomorrow morning to start recording. So it became obvious after hearing all his work demos that he should do a album for us. So in a nut shell without overshadowing the main purpose of this thread (FARCRY!) Jace along with his brother have put together a top shelf melodic gem. It is in the can and once i can free the studio up of the backlog of upcoming Kivel titles coming out, mixing will comence. Look for the Jace cd to be out sometime in the spring, along with upcoming releases from SEVEN DAYZ, GOODBYE THRILL, TANGO DOWN, TALON, BOMBAY BLACK and a few more surprises!! We are taking no prisoners this year as you can see! :-) We have about 10 - 12 releases. All set for the 2009 year. Not bad for our modest lil label ;-) LOL. As for the depature of Farcry's rythm section on the eve of the albums release is unfortunate, and a bit surprising i know. However , something that could not be avoided. (Everyone are still friends) Simply put, the delay of the album and now all of a sudden the band having all these comitments out of nowhere. It was obvious that John and Chris would not be able to throw themselves back in the saddle. Which we understand. Both band and label wish them the absolute best. With that said, we couldnt be any happier with the new additons to the band. We are 100% positive that the band will not dissapoint in SD. As for the video question....yes we have plans to shoot several videos for this album. One of which will utilize footage from SD. So get up front if you want to be in it ! ;-) Thank you! John KIVEL RECORDS Lookin' forward to seeing you again at this years DRF John! Rockarma and Bombay Black tore it up last year! All great guys! You were more than cordial to our"crew" and we had a great time! As I am sure we will this Summer! It is so cool that you are signing these awesome bands and keeping "our" music alive. Thanks John! See you a DRF! ~C
  8. Welcome! Have a good time. Just don't post as much as Geoff or there will be trouble. Trouble you do not want. Trust me.
  9. I agree...that song along with a handful of others were a big nail in the rock coffin back then. Dont agree with that at all. That song was just a good time party rock song, which is exactly what I still wanna hear from bands. I don't have a problem with that tune either. It was just a bit of fun and not meant to be taken seriously. Besides someone must of liked it back in the day because it was all over MTV and radio. So, will we get to hear this song while drinking from the Wheelbarrow?
  10. Farcry~MySpace Absolutely love Fine Line. Great tune Pete! Can' wait to hear this one Live in July!
  11. I agree it's very good and right on par with Superdeluxe as far as their newer stuff goes. IMO Superdeluxe is a superior piece of work. I love DL but CFR sounds rushed and not up to par.
  12. Both are great bands but Angus and the Boys leave Storace and the Chumps in the dust. Only one from Krokus that got my vote was Headhunter which is my fave Krokus album. I am not a big fan of FOTS for some reason. I think it has filler on it. Headhunter has no filler. Awesome album.
  13. I was sick of winter three weeks ago officially Widda. Currently it is -15 degrees and luckily there is no wind. This freakin' sucks. Big time.
  14. It went like this for me.... 5150 Great album! Still spin this one quite a bit. Skyscraper~ My only DLR vote. For some reason I really dig this album and its better than OU812. FUCK- Right Now is a stellar tune. Balance~ Some very good tunes on this underrated VH album. VHIII~ Not a good album at all. So what does that say about the DLR debacle?
  15. I cannot wait to get the entire album into my mitts! Looking forward to DRF Pete and Tommy!
  16. True dat, Taco is the real draw. No one steals Taco's thunder...if they try he just makes more! He's quite the rainmaker. I hope I get to meet him someday... Hopefully this summer. You will have to share him with Chris though. Them two have a thang....
  17. Fuck yeah!!!!! I second that Freakin' Awesome Pete!!!
  18. If it makes you feel better Wes, at least Don's voice won't come close to touching the old material... ...I'm awful, I know! Chad is gonna kill you for that one. I guess we can take this up with Don at DRF. Well Rick, you better still have Pete's Rockarma business card because if you want backstage this year, you'll need it My take on this is that they have interest from their label to churn out another album and since the last one took flippin' forever to record, they just figured they could rip out the old stuff and then tour. I look forward to Levin's take on some George's solos as the dude can play. I am suprised the Sparks is still involved as he and Don had a fallout. They must have patched things up. I am thinking there will be two new tracks tops on it. Don just does not want to keep writing the 80's stuff. But I think he has a few more left in him as I don't think anything modern would fit on this album. Hopefully he does write a couple of new songs and does not just dig into the vaults and grab some demos that never went anywhere. There is a reason that they never went anywhere.... Now Chad, you know I said that knowing full well you would see it! And speaking of getting backstage, Mike and I were just discussing that very situation while I was trying to persuade him into getting VIP tickets (btw he is still kicking himself over calling you Wes at BW3's lol!). I'm sure there were worse things Mike could of called him, at least I hope there is. I guess he could have called me Mark Slaughter......
  19. If it makes you feel better Wes, at least Don's voice won't come close to touching the old material... ...I'm awful, I know! Chad is gonna kill you for that one. I guess we can take this up with Don at DRF. Well Rick, you better still have Pete's Rockarma business card because if you want backstage this year, you'll need it My take on this is that they have interest from their label to churn out another album and since the last one took flippin' forever to record, they just figured they could rip out the old stuff and then tour. I look forward to Levin's take on some George's solos as the dude can play. I am suprised the Sparks is still involved as he and Don had a fallout. They must have patched things up. I am thinking there will be two new tracks tops on it. Don just does not want to keep writing the 80's stuff. But I think he has a few more left in him as I don't think anything modern would fit on this album. Hopefully he does write a couple of new songs and does not just dig into the vaults and grab some demos that never went anywhere. There is a reason that they never went anywhere....
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