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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 3 hours ago, Glen said:

    yeah I hope u look better when you have stage 4 cancer. 


    You do realise how disrespectful your comments are yes? 

    No I did not realise how disrespectful my commenst were as I had no idea he had cancer.
    I wholeheartedly retract everything I said, and wish him the best.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Glen said:

    pretty cringe comment really.

    Yes, I should have buried those opinions and played it nice and proper here I guess.
    Look at the clip, he looks like an idiot dancing with his mic stand.
    And he does look about 80.

    Holy shit! just googles him and he's only 57.

  3. On 3/26/2022 at 12:13 AM, Stefan said:

    New video for 'I've Hurt Myself (By Hurting You)'.



    Saw this the other day.
    Not only completely cringe the way he stands with his mic stand, he probably has reached the point where he'd be better off having actors only in his clips, or animated or whatever.
    He looks about 80.

  4. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    lol, that is awful. Hopefully the whole album is not in that style because that is not any type of Def Leppard I have ever known. Sounds more like Man-Raze than Def Lep. Which. Is not a good thing. 

    Couldn't for the life of me think what their last album was so had a little search. It was the s/t one from 2015? Apparently I thought it was okay. Must revisit. 

    Same thing everyone said when Slang was released.
    Now everyone loves it.

  5. Will Smith should have won an extra award with his tearful speech laster on.
    Note he didn't apologise to Chris for his poor taste joke, but that's all it was. and had he taken the high road, Chris would have copped a lot of shit, and probably been cancelled.
    As it stands now, I think most people feel that Chris got kinda what he deserved, so has been punished, and gets to walk away without much future condemnation.
    Smith on the other hand just looks like a tool and will likely be raked over the coals.

  6. I mean as a Swans fan, it was cool to see, but kinda concerned that there were no dickheads doing any damage to him.
    Was kinda hoping it would happen next week so I could be there at Marvel Stadium.
    Good to get it out of the way, great start to the season with two wins over a semi finalist and preliminary finalist from last year
    Next week hope to top it off with a win over a grand finalist in the Dogs.
    Then we have Kangaroos and Eagles, so looking pretty sweet for a 5 win start.

    As to the predictions for the season

    Premier: Swans
    Brownlow: Isaac Heeney (I got him for 15 bucks at 67 to 1 so I have a vested interest here :)
    Coleman Medalist: Ben Brown
    Wooden Spoon: Eagles
    Improvers: North Melb

  7. I dunno, the more I think about this it looks like the grass wasn't greener post HEAT and Erik was a bit lost.

    Then maybe one of the SR guys saw the American Idol clip and thought "why not? Adds a flavour to the band and will get some press"
    If that actually happened then props to them. Do what you gotta do to survive and move forward.
    But unless Erik comes out and says "SR were my favorite band, I feel like Ripper Owens" then it's probably just a phase.

  8. I'm a bit different to most here.

    ST was great obviously
    STTG was much heavier but after some listens it has some killer stuff.
    After that they went off the cliff.
    I've tried stuff post STTG with Bach and other singers with an open mind. i like to think I am open to changes (love post Jani Warrant, post Jack Great White etc), but in the end, shit music is shit music.
    Having a good and in vogue singer ain't going to polish a turd, so hopefully he cam help with the songwriting and they can put out something good. I'll give it a listen.

    Bach has made some gresat songs post SR, mostly ballads for me, not sure what that means.

    • Like 1
  9. The Adam Project.
    About what you'd expect. If you think Deadpool and the Hulk being in it makes is a guy movie, think again, my wife loved it and cried like 4 times.

    The King's Man
    Nothing like the fantastic first movie and the average sequel.
    This for me was really boring. Losely touching on history trying to incorporate the secret society at the smae time.
    Just mind numbingly slow and boring.

  10. Yeah, heaps.
    Especially early on, as we didn't really get much info on hard rock bands over here.
    There was Circus, and Metal Edge and Hit Parader, but as an 18 to 24 year old, I wasn't sitting in my room dissecting rock mags, I was out partying.
    So I'd see something and grab it and usually it was great.

    One that sticks out was Stryper - Soldiers Under Command.
    I'm like "whoa, look at these guys, yellow & black, guns, guitars,"
    So I grab it and put it on and I'm doing other stuff, just with background music happening, not really paying too much attention, until I hear "Jeeeeeesuuuus, king, king of kings" and I'm thinking "what the actual fuck?"
    I read the lyrics and it's the first Christian album I bought.
    Which I guess is a good thing as I wouldn't have touched it otherwise, much like all the other Christian bands out there.

    Aside from that, I remember visiting Bali when I was maybe 19 or 20 and they were all over hard rock.
    So much music blasting from the music stores as you walked past. They were all about cassettes and I was pretty much only vinyl but they were so cheap there (copies) I bought like 50 and brought them home. Listened to them all and checked the duds and replaced the good ones with records.

    Even now when I hear a Hollywood Vampires, Zinatra, LA Guns etc track it still brings back memories of hearing these the first time walking the streets.

  11. 9 hours ago, auslander said:

    I will be happy if it is full of 70s glam. Got no issue with that. I like Sweet, Slade and T.Rex 

    I quite like that new track and the stompin' beat.

    Same here.

    Why not? It works so go with it.

    Most people here (as already mentioned) want to hear Def Lep from the 80's.
    Blaming Viv Campbell for moving further from that sound? Yeah, that makes sense, new guy comes in and the band allows him to change their sound for shits and giggles?....

    Same deal with Warant post Jani etc
    Lose the expectation, and those golden memories of growing up with a walkman, and just enjoy good music.
    Listen to is as if it's a new band and you may be surprised...

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