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Posts posted by tts42572



    Got this today...pretty solid IMO.


    I love pretty much everything up through Heavens Little Devil and then the disk starts a little downhill for me with the last few tracks....I guess for me the last 3 songs almost blend together as they're all sorta social commentary, heavy songs. I think I would've liked to see something else in the "Sickening" spot...a more melodic song like a Face The World, Bullseye, etc.


    Need more listens to fully digest it but liking it a lot. At this point I think Sickening was the only track I really had the urge to skip past.


    Get out of my head! :D


    The other day I was thinking exactly the same: if they only had put some great melodic hit instead of 'Sickening' this album could have been quite strong actually.


    Anyway it's good, I agree, has grown a bit more on me.


    They really need to have 2 or more commercial style songs on an album. I really do like them and will continue to, but that is how I feel about them and all of their albums. Just my opinion.



    I agree. I think one or two more commercial type songs would've elevated this album from pretty good to awesome for me.


    I agree with the other poster above too that said it doesn't match the Nordic Union album....I just love how consistently melodic that Nordic Union release is throughout and it's why it's probably my #1 album this year.


    I do like this release and it is pretty melodic....I just don't like the run of similar themed songs at the end.

  2. Got this today...pretty solid IMO.


    I love pretty much everything up through Heavens Little Devil and then the disk starts a little downhill for me with the last few tracks....I guess for me the last 3 songs almost blend together as they're all sorta social commentary, heavy songs. I think I would've liked to see something else in the "Sickening" spot...a more melodic song like a Face The World, Bullseye, etc.


    Need more listens to fully digest it but liking it a lot. At this point I think Sickening was the only track I really had the urge to skip past.

  3. Hadn't paid attention to this...finally took the time to listen and I'm liking. My first impression reminds me a bit of the debut album from Roxy Blue with how it sounds. I haven't listened to anymore than the tracks above yet though.


    I love finding obscure stuff like this....might have to pick this CD up.

  4. Thanks for your thoughts....looking forward to this album.


    For me though, I liked Motherland quite a bit more than Pandemonium...thought it was just a bit more melodic and haf more variety.... it just fit my tastes better.


    So something that sorta continues the Motherland approach will be fine with me.




    Yep, but it's a good album nevertheless. Anything above 80% is good and deserves to be listened. It's just that the hype made me hope they were going really to beat Pandemonium.


    Just to compare, my score for the last Bon Jovi crap wouldn't go beyond 50%, and that's coming from me, who I consider 'I'd die for u' the best song ever (for me). So >80% -> solid.

  5. Very harsh assessment of the debut.


    I agree the first 2 songs standout a mile but the rest of the album is hardly bad and nothing a would skip.


    No song under 7.5 imo


    Guess I'm with Glenn here...I think the debut is pretty solid from top to bottom and pretty much follows the same formula throughout. I would think most people that like the approach of songs like Wings and Burning Down Inside would like the rest of the album as well....Most of the album is just upbeat, melodic AOR/rock or whatever you want to call it with over the top hooks, harmonies, etc.


    I don't consider myself a Tyketto fan by any means. I loved their debut, was lukewarm on the second album and basically dismissed them when Vaughn left in the mid 90's. I never really paid much attention to his solo stuff and didn't care much at all for their last release Dig In Deep.


    I'm liking the new album for the most part though which really surprises me. I just think it's put together pretty well. I agree it's not the same soaring, melodic style as their debut so can see why others might not like it. I still think it sounds pretty good overall though....It's probably hitting me at a good time as I've been wanting something new to listen to.

  6. I messaged these guys on Facebook today asking about their status...They are still very much a band contrary to what was posted above...and have not put the band on hold.


    I was told they are currently working on new material and hope to have either a second EP or possibly a full album out in early 2017. They also may put out a new single in the next month or two.


    Interested to see what happens as I think their first EP showed some promise.

  7. On Facebook they said that they will be getting a mailing list up soon, for those interested.

    Sounded like around a month until they update their status.

    What was the EP?

    I was waiting for something, didn't realise they already had something out...


    Link to their tunes;




    I hadn't heard of these guys at all and thought they were just some novelty act just based upon the name. However, checked out the EP and really like it.....Sounds That She Makes is pretty darn good IMO and Stay isn't bad either.


    Too bad it sounds like the future isn't looking good....Sure hope these guys can catch a break of some sort and crank out a full CD of tunes like this.


    Out of 4 songs, I dislike 2 and am lukewarm at best on the other two. I don't mind Big Money and I Need It Now....But don't like Scream or Reach at all.


    I don't know what's missing for me. I loved their debut album and think Danny is a fine singer. I think it's just the songs themselves....They just don't soar and aren't melodic enough or something. It's probably more in line with his solo stuff than early Tyketto stuff....Which is why it isn't working for me.


    After 4 songs this one is a pass for me.





    I've been streaming this album and it really is better than I was expecting...I did have pretty low expectations though.


    For whatever it's worth, I think Scream and Reach might be my two least favorite songs I've heard on the album. I'm not sure why Frontiers chose those plodders as singles to promote the album.


    There are a handful of songs I think sound pretty good and this is the best I've heard them since their debut. I'll need more listens but it could be a grower.

  9. Anybody gotten this album? I've sampled all the songs on You Tube.....I've heard a couple songs I like better than some of the songs that we released.


    Not sure if it's enough to get me to buy the album though....May just buy a few tunes off ITunes. After hearing all the tunes though it probably is their best release since the debut album IMO. It does sound pretty well put together and doesn't seem to have the almost "country-ish" vibe that I got from Dig In Deep. I know when I sampled those songs there was absolutely nothing that interested me. Honestly, after hearing all the songs I think 2 of the songs Frontiers chose to release are my least favorites that I've heard (Reach, Scream). Here's a couple I kinda like...




    Love both tracks!!!

    This new disc looks to be nowhere near the quality of Pandemonium or Motherland.


    Kind of disappointed.



    I don't know why you say that. If you have listened more tracks than us or have read any insider review saying it's weak, ok, then I shut up, but if you only have listened the 3 tracks pre-released as the rest of us I think they are pretty good, so I disagree (for now).


    In my case Motherland disappointed me a bit (having some good tracks), Pandemonium was the top.



    I've seen one person over at MR.com posting that they have an advance copy of the album for review and that the album is indeed much more melodic than the previous couple releases. He stated that his favorite PM albums are Spooked and Future World and while he wouldn't put it above those, does like the new album a lot. He said there are a few heavier songs but they still have melodic choruses.


    I like the first 3 songs and the melodic direction so no complaints from me.

  11. Anybody seeing any reviews of this album anywhere yet?


    I'm on the fence about pre-ordering this. I've liked the first 2 songs but curious how the rest sounds. I basically prefer the more melodic side of PM. I picked up Motherland recently and really like about half of it......But by the same token, I really don't care for the other half. I did like Motherland a lot better than Pandemonium though as there were only a few songs on that album I liked.


    So just curious what the approach is this time around. I'm kinda hoping the new album almost ends up being some combination of Motherland and Nordic Union. Basically, a tiny bit more melodic "Motherland" album would be awesome IMO.


    I think I saw they're releasing another song this week so maybe that'll give a better idea.



    What? What's happening with the band? Imploding?


    No. Eric Rivers left the band amicably. I don't know if they'll be the same without him, though.



    I didn't know that. I knew Dalone left, but didn't realise they'll basically be a new band when they come back in our ears again.



    I really don't think Dalone was missed that much....


    Rivers is a big loss though. I'm not sure how instrumental he was in song writing but thought he was a great guitar player and viewed him and Erik as sorta the faces of the band.


    I wonder why he left? From the sounds of it, it wasn't anything to do with personality clashes....The post on facebook just made it sound like he was burned out and ready to do something else outside of the music industry.

  13. Bummer news....These guys have become one of my favorite bands over the past few years.


    I'm sure glad I went to see this iteration of the band when they were in Chicago and didn't put it off waiting for a next time.


    Anyways, I hope they can find a new guitarist that fits well and they keep on track with plans to have a new album out by the end of 2017.


    Maybe Erik Martensson or Chris Laney wants to get in another band :)

  14. Out of 4 songs, I dislike 2 and am lukewarm at best on the other two. I don't mind Big Money and I Need It Now....But don't like Scream or Reach at all.


    I don't know what's missing for me. I loved their debut album and think Danny is a fine singer. I think it's just the songs themselves....They just don't soar and aren't melodic enough or something. It's probably more in line with his solo stuff than early Tyketto stuff....Which is why it isn't working for me.


    After 4 songs this one is a pass for me.

  15. I'm liking the two tracks I've heard also.


    These two tunes are sounding pretty melodic which is a plus for me. I'm hoping some of Ronnie's work on Nordic Union rubs off on the Pretty Maids stuff in terms of a slightly more melodic approach.


    Have said before I never was into Pretty Maids until Nordic Union came along and got me paying a bit more attention to them. I've found some older stuff that sounds pretty good and think probably the Motherland album most closely resembled Nordic Union in it's approach....at least from what I've heard. I like a good portion of that album....Really didn't like tracks like Hooligan or Iceman while I thought tracks like Infinity, Mother Of All Lies, Sad To See You Suffer, Who What Where When Why, Bullet For You and Wasted are all pretty good.


    Anyways, have my eye on this one and sounding pretty good so far.

  16. Agree there is some cheese on Cruzh...But I really dig most of the album outside of the 3 ballads. It is a tad lighter than I normally like and do wish it had a little more edge. I really like tunes like Aim For The Head, Hard To Get and Set Me Free though...awesome stuff!


    I guess being a Hysteria/Adrenalize era Leppard fan that the production on Cruzh sorta hits my sweet spot. I'm a sucker for over-produced, Def Leppardish sounding stuff I guess.


    I get your point though...kinda surprised myself. Maybe my views will change in time.


    As for Palace...still giving it a shot. There's some good stuff on it so maybe it'll grow in me.



    Too smooth, ok I get that... preferring harder-edged rock vs. AOR... ok.... but then how the F*CK does Cruzh then end up on your top of the year list? There's some wickedly syrupy stuff on that album.


    "One of these things is not like the other..."




    Definitvely, great album!
    • 1 Master of the Universe - 10
    • 2 Cool Runnin' - 9.5
    • 3 Man Behind the Gun - 9
    • 4 Part of Me - 10
    • 5 No Exit - 7
    • 6 Matter in Hand - 9
    • 7 Path to Light - 8
    • 8 Rules of the Game - 10
    • 9 She Said It's Over - 8.5
    • 10 Stranger's Eyes - 9.5
    • 11 Young / Wild / Free - 8
    Total: 89.5% - > Defeats Treat and enters my this year's Top-3!!! :headbanger:
    1. Nordic Union
    2. First Signal
    3. Palace



    Been giving this album a try but it's just not happening for me.


    My top albums this year are Nordic Union, Defiants, Cruzh and Treat so thought Palace might appeal to me. I think it's just too smooth and keyboard driven or something for my tastes. There's a couple songs I kinda like....Part of Me, Rules of The Game, She Said It's Over...But most of it just isn't doing much for me. Honestly, I often struggle with pure, "smooth" AOR though with bands like Harem Scarem, Toto, Survivor that I usually don't seem to like much from.


    I will say the album is put together really well and does sound great and can see why people would like and can see why it's highly rated....It's just not falling in my wheelhouse I guess. I may give it a few more spins to see if it grows on me some. I think it's very similar to me as the First Signal album....Another one I haven't really been able to wrap myself around.

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