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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I think I might have hyped the album up too much. Maybe I was expecting more Danger Danger. It's by no means a bad song, but I guess it's not what I was anticipating. I'll give it a few more spins. That's weird, because when I heard this song I thought that this sounded more like "real" Danger Danger than anything Laine recorded with the band (well, except 'Cockroach,' I guess). But this sounds a hell of a lot more like the "real" Danger Danger than 'Four the hard way' or 'Guildersleeves,' imo. Great as both albums were... Agree with Geoff
  2. Listened to the samples on itunes. With ALL the "GOOD" stuff coming this year, this is just a "maybe" buy. Thought it sounded just ok.
  3. Anyone have an updated list of up coming releases?
  4. Not for me, Love Emotional Fire. 3,1,2 for me. But all awesome stuff.
  5. First Signal... Lol. Come on I don't think it was even in my top 10 that year First Signal was/is awesome and was in my top 5!!!First Signal > Coup de Grace Neither are the best album of the millenium tho. What is then? Seriously. I'm obviously missing out. Here's a few that are WAY better than First Signal IMO. Treat wouldn't be far off this list with CDG. I could list more contenders from bands that don't quite fit the HH mould. 91 Suite s/t AdrianGale - Crunch Blanc Faces - s/t Frontline - Against the World Guild if Ages - Citadel Harem Scarem - Higher Jaded Heart - The Journey Will Never End Journey - Revelation Loverboy - Just Getting Started Pink Cream 69 - In10sity Place Vendome - s/t TNT - My Religion Work of Art - Artwork Not for me. Love/like all those, but not better than Treats CDG. He also completely ignored The Magnificent. Yes!
  6. First Signal... Lol. Come on I don't think it was even in my top 10 that year First Signal was/is awesome and was in my top 5!!!First Signal > Coup de Grace Neither are the best album of the millenium tho. What is then? Seriously. I'm obviously missing out. Here's a few that are WAY better than First Signal IMO. Treat wouldn't be far off this list with CDG. I could list more contenders from bands that don't quite fit the HH mould. 91 Suite s/t AdrianGale - Crunch Blanc Faces - s/t Frontline - Against the World Guild if Ages - Citadel Harem Scarem - Higher Jaded Heart - The Journey Will Never End Journey - Revelation Loverboy - Just Getting Started Pink Cream 69 - In10sity Place Vendome - s/t TNT - My Religion Work of Art - Artwork Not for me. Love/like all those, but not better than Treats CDG.
  7. First Signal... Lol. Come on I don't think it was even in my top 10 that year First Signal was/is awesome and was in my top 5!!!
  8. It was time, Holy Holy Holy Wig. Screw rainbow! Without too much fuss and fanfare, Sunstorm actually have one of the best, most consistent discographies of any recent band, imo. Excellent stuff - can't wait for the new one. Agree!
  9. I'll wait to see Japanese versions of both. I can't afford the Jap editions
  10. Yes really good song, but would sit in the middle if it was on CDG.
  11. Like I said in another thread, I am really going to be broke this year!!!
  12. The solo was the low point for me too...expected it to fly....but just kinda didn't happen Still a good song tho - love the sonics. If I could ''like'' this comment I totally would That's what I hate about Facebook- everyone presses 'like' instead of leaving a comment. I'm guilty of that too - it's the lazy way to respond to something. I think I've 'liked' one thing one time, and only because I was asked not to. I hate the 'like' culture social media has created. I do both. I "like" the post, and then leave a comment.
  13. Does it sound like Danger Danger?? Somebody in the Mafia was saying it sounds like The Return of the Great Gildersleeves. I read that also
  14. I don't bet shit anymore. On anyone. But I'm really hoping it is. Song titles are sounding like it should be awesome.
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