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Everything posted by AlphaMale

  1. The Poodles 4 hrs · · ”Merry Christmas and a Happy new year, dear Friends, Brothers, and Sisters! We want to take the opportunity to announce the end of The Poodles journey together as a band, and what an amazing experience it has been! Over the last 12 years we have travelled the roads together, created beautiful music, faught, laughed, loved, and dreamed! Alas, every ship must find a port e no matter how great the journey! We have cherished every moment and every encounter along the way. We want to thank the many people who helped and collaborated with us, some only briefly, others for longer periods of time; all in the service of rock! You know who you are! Also a very special THANK YOU to our fantastic fans and audiences for following us on the road, appreciating our music and for supporting us in every way! Without you, nothing of this would have been possible, we wish you all the very best!!! Now, the future is yet to be written and we hope to see you soon, somehow, somewhere! Salute and Farewell for now!”
  2. I don't think that's the same Skin & Bones either. Phone numbers on tape are all Chicago/Illinois area.
  3. This is a very rare video of the band THE VAMPS from Baltimore, MD on a local show. The Vamps moved to New York and became SKIN & BONES. @Geoff
  4. I did find this on te Bang Your Head festival page: A new single will be released in January, a new album is about to follow, and in July 2018 there'll be another big highlight: the show of CRASHDÏET at BANG YOUR HEAD!!!.
  5. I was thumbing through the new Sports Illustrated when I particular picture caught my eye. Am I wrong here or is that a cooter lip hanging out of that bathing suit? You be the judge!
  6. It's crap! I keep holding out hope that Reece will release something worthwhile. But he doesn't. It's the same drivel he's been releasing for years (minus Tango Down). Pretty much everything he's sang on has been "meh".
  7. Obviously..... since you think "Creeps" is killer.
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