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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I've never heard Petra...worth getting into? What's it like?

    I'm not an expert on your tastes, but from what I've gleaned over the years of lurking around here, you probably shouldn't bother with the early Volz-fronted stuff--too AORish. But "This Means War" & "On Fire!" are big, over-the-top stadium/arena-rock. Yes, the keys are there, but the guitars are what dominate. And if you like thick, layered backing vocals, well, you'll be in Heaven here, because nobody produced that sound/style better than John & Dino Elefante.


    But "Beyond Belief" is when they really delivered a classic, and it's when they turned to full-on hard rock. I have yet to meet a rocker, Christian or not, who wasn't impressed with this CD. Monster production, catchy riffs galore, sing-along choruses, gang vocals...this one had it all.


    Their next album, "Unseen Power," while not as good as its predecessor, picked up in pretty much the same vein, and is also worth checking out ("Destiny" & "Dance" are 2 killer tracks). After this release, the quality of their albums dropped off significantly until their final/comeback effort, "Jekyll & Hyde," which is right up there with their best and is definitely their heaviest, meaning it might be the one you like the most.


    So once again, in my usual long-winded way :crazy: , I'm saying you should cautiously check out "This Means War" & "On Fire," but definitely check out "Beyond Belief," "Unseen Power," and "Jekyll & Hyde."


    (For the record, hope you don't mind blatant Christian lyrics...these guys don't beat around the bush regarding their faith.)

  2. As much as I like PJ, he is HORRENDOUSLY bad at getting back to people in a timely manner.

    Backed. Cool guy, great sense of humor, and over the years he hooked me up with a lot of rare gems through our various trades, but waiting for him to get back to you was truly an exercise in patience. But that--and his insistence that his stuff was always worth more than your stuff--are the only 2 major flaws I've ever encountered in my dozens of dealings with the man.

  3. I must shift my butt and get some discs submitted.

    I believe you'll find the shift-stick on the opposite side of your body. I generally find it most enjoyable to let an attractive female do the shifting (and by 'attractive female' I mean my wife, of course ;) ), but in the event no attractive female is available, solo shifting is permitted.



    You should drive away from this movie as fast as you can. Direct-to-video dreck about a killer clown that looks good (polished visual, decent directing, etc.) but had nothing going for it beyond a couple of gore shots, which were usually followed by the villain spouting corny-ass one-liners like a low-rent version of Freddy Krueger. For example, after cutting a victim in half so that his entrails gush out, the clown sneers, "You got guts, kid." Ha-ha, hardy-fucking-har. Unfortunately, there weren't nearly enough of these kills to help pass the time, which spent way too long unraveling the "mystery" of the clown's identity. I don't want to give anything away, but suffice it to say that if you've seen Nightmare on Elm Street, you can hazard a pretty good guess as to why this clown is offing teenyboppers. The final insult for me was the method they use to dispatch the villain. Listen, you ignorant retards, if that's how you killed him in the first place and he didn't stay dead, how is doing the same exact thing going to send him to Hell once and for all? God, this movie sucked. Avoid it like a vegetarian avoids a steakhouse. Seriously, the content of this film will be about as welcome as what comes out your ass after an all-night binge of beer, hot wings, and chili-cheese fries. :puke:

  5. I actually didn't care much for Schlitt's debut solo album ("Shake," I believe it was called), but he went a little darker and harder-edged on his second effort, "Unfit for Swine," and I like that one.


    Surprised you didn't like Petra's final studio album, "Jekyll & Hyde." I thought it kicked all kinds of buttage. The guitar riff on "I Will Seek You" just slams! After a few lackluster releases, I thought they rallied and went out with a bang.


    As for egos...bet it was an off day or an errant impression. I hung out with the band several times back in the 90s and 'egotistical' would be the last word I would you to describe them. Heck, John Schlitt might just be the most humble, down-to-earth, easy-to-talk-to musician (OK, vocalist, if you want to get all technical) I've ever met.


    I honestly don't have "Jekyll & Hyde" & I might have even stopped listening to soundbytes of them by then. I just found "Wake Up Call" so weak. I bought a couple of the other recent ones ("No Doubt" was pretty reasonable, "God Fixation" wasnt. Nor the one with the older tunes....I forget their titles) but they had lost me by then.


    Schlitt wasn't there when I met them, & they were jet-lagged, but they didnt leave me with a good impression at all. Because of that I didn't bother submitting the interview, & I rated "No Doubt" at a 6/10 which was probably a bit harsh!

    Consider giving "Jekyll & Hyde" a listen. They just rocked out on that one...easily their heaviest album. You're right, "Wake Up Call" was the beginning of their slide into mediocrity (though I love the song "Underneath the Blood"), and the less said about "God Fixation" the better (what were they thinking?).


    I actually like "No Doubt." It wasn't a return to their glory days by any means, but the songs were fairly catchy ("Heart of a Hero" & "Two are Better Than One" particularly come to mind) and overall it's aged well with me. Still, I probably would have only given it a 7/10, so you weren't that far off. :)

  6. F*cking sleazy mutherf*ckers still haven't sent my CD. Well, the f*ckers say they've sent it, but I still don't have it. F*ck I'm pissed off with Maple Mutherf*ckin' Leaf Records. May they burn in hell once (if) I get this f*cking CD. F*cking pay $4000 for postage and the f*ckers take 17,000 times as long to post it as anyone else I've paid $5 to post stuff before. I sent a fired up message to the f*ckers yesterday... I wonder if they replied yet. Can't access hotmail from work. :(

    Really? I ordered mine from Maple Leaf Records and received it over 3 weeks ago. I have to admit I'm severely disappointed. You know I loved their debut, but this new album is a misfire of epic proportions--no hooks/choruses, and a serious lack of energy--and will probably kill any chance Cauterize has of making it big. Honestly, mate, it's just too motherf*ckin' mellow. Heck, the new Bon Jovi CD rocks better than this. I'd send you my copy, but then I'd have nothing to set my beer on...


    Ah, just messin' wid ya, mate (or taking the piss, as I believe you Aussies like to say). I haven't even ordered the thing yet.

    :lol: I half thought you were serious, but didn't know what the hell you were talking about, especially with the whole mellow and hook-free thing as I already own 8 of the 12 songs. :) I was about to turn myself into an Alablaster Rokkit and explode with unrestrained anger and abuse.


    BTW, order now (NOT from Maple Leaf) or you won't have anything to call the best album of 2007.

    What do you mean? I already have TNT: "New Territory." ;)

  7. I've not heard any of those first 3, but have a lot of the Schlitt-era stuff (his solo album is worth picking up too). I went for "Beyond Belief" too, although "On Fire" runs it very close. And probably my fave Petra song was on the album after these two ("I Need to Hear From You", off "Unseen Power").


    Then they lost me after "Wake Up Call" & nothing since has been that great IMO. I was also unfortunate enough to interview them for Frontiers Magazine & - it may have been an off day - they appeared to have egos the size of their back catalogue.

    I actually didn't care much for Schlitt's debut solo album ("Shake," I believe it was called), but he went a little darker and harder-edged on his second effort, "Unfit for Swine," and I like that one.


    Surprised you didn't like Petra's final studio album, "Jekyll & Hyde." I thought it kicked all kinds of buttage. The guitar riff on "I Will Seek You" just slams! After a few lackluster releases, I thought they rallied and went out with a bang.


    As for egos...bet it was an off day or an errant impression. I hung out with the band several times back in the 90s and 'egotistical' would be the last word I would you to describe them. Heck, John Schlitt might just be the most humble, down-to-earth, easy-to-talk-to musician (OK, vocalist, if you want to get all technical) I've ever met.

  8. I'm a little poll-shy...I usually royally louse 'em up, but I like to keep getting back on the horse that threw me, so here I am trying again. Up for consideration this time are Christian rock legends Petra, who began in the 70s as part of the "Jesus rock" movement (I haven't bothered including those albums on the poll) before emerging as a crisp AOR/rock group fronted by the unique vocals of Greg X. Volz. Upon Volz's departure in '85, the band hired ex-Head East vocalist John Schlitt and turned to grittier hard arena rock, resulting in a string of awesome albums that saw them ruling the Christian rock charts in the late 80s/early 90s.


    So the question is:

    1) which of the Volz-fronted albums do you prefer?

    2) which of the Schlitt-fronted albums do you prefer?


    For part one, I voted for "Not of This World" based on nostalgia alone. It also has one of my all-time favorite Petra tunes, "Grave Robber."


    For part two, I easily cast my ballot for "Beyond Belief," which is easily the band's crowning achievement. The song "Creed" in particular is spectacular, and so nicely sums up my beliefs that my wife has vowed to play it at my funeral should I pass away before she does. I hope I can be watching from the edge of Heaven when that happens so I can see the looks of surprise on the mourners' faces when the song explodes into a cranking blast of hard rock. Not exactly your typical funeral dirge...


    OK, I'm done talking now. Your turn.

  9. Try it now...looks like it may have been only editible by mods before...Oops. :unsure:

    Well, the problem is fixed, but I remain suspicious of your explanation and therefore will continue to cling pointlessly to my conspiracy theory... -_-


    Hmmm...where did I put that tin foil hat smilie... :lol:



    Hehe, like this happy little guy?



    Ya'll are just out to get me. The voices in my head told me so.

  10. F*cking sleazy mutherf*ckers still haven't sent my CD. Well, the f*ckers say they've sent it, but I still don't have it. F*ck I'm pissed off with Maple Mutherf*ckin' Leaf Records. May they burn in hell once (if) I get this f*cking CD. F*cking pay $4000 for postage and the f*ckers take 17,000 times as long to post it as anyone else I've paid $5 to post stuff before. I sent a fired up message to the f*ckers yesterday... I wonder if they replied yet. Can't access hotmail from work. :(

    Really? I ordered mine from Maple Leaf Records and received it over 3 weeks ago. I have to admit I'm severely disappointed. You know I loved their debut, but this new album is a misfire of epic proportions--no hooks/choruses, and a serious lack of energy--and will probably kill any chance Cauterize has of making it big. Honestly, mate, it's just too motherf*ckin' mellow. Heck, the new Bon Jovi CD rocks better than this. I'd send you my copy, but then I'd have nothing to set my beer on...


    Ah, just messin' wid ya, mate (or taking the piss, as I believe you Aussies like to say). I haven't even ordered the thing yet.

  11. ANTHRAX: "We've Come For You All"


    Heard this way back when and hated it. Flash-forward to present day and my evolving taste for heavier metal (as opposed to melodic rock/metal) and I decide to give this another try, prompted by Tim(2)'s recommendation. Well, shave me hairless, cut off my nads, paint me purple, and call me Barney, but damn, this is some good stuff. Aggressive, heavy-hitting, slamming production...everything a growing metalmaniac needs!! :banger:

  12. SCORPIONS: "Humanity Hour 1"


    One of my faves of 2007, packing an aggressive punch without ever once losing sight of those all-important catchy melodies. Desmond Child is the motherf*cking man, giving the songs some killer hooks and giving the production that big-budget, bass-heavy gloss. This one will be spending a lot of hours in my stereo in the weeks to come. Maybe not quite the #1 album of the year, but it's up there.

  13. btw, is cdbaby any good for buying stuff?

    Just to echo what others have already said, CD Baby is a great place to buy CDs. Friendly service, quick shipping, reasonable prices...the works. Just double-check before ordering to make sure you're not getting a band-released CDR (if that sort of thing bothers you). For what it's worth, I've probably ordered from CD Baby 20 times in the last couple of years and only one time received a CDR.


    Try placing 20 orders with Retrospect Records and see if you can say the same thing. <_<


    (Sorry, I probably shouldn't pick on Retrospect since he's no longer here to defend himself... :banana: )

  14. Latest acquisitions...


    HELLYEAH: s/t--enjoyed the hell out of this, a real ass-kicker!


    Yeah, decent disc that one. Not exactly "Vulgar Display of Power", & too many annoying slow tunes, but better than the reviews it got. It was slated over here in all the Metal Mags...

    I avoided it for so long due to all the abysmal reviews, but I had some credit at my local music store and picked it up on a whim. You'll have to pardon my blasphemy, but I actually like it better than "Vulgar Display of Power," which for reason just never did much for me (then again, given my newfound proclivity for heavy metal, perhaps it's time to revisit that CD). If I had to complain about something, it would be the over-use of juvenile profanity (how many f-bombs does this album have, anyway?) which means in another year or so, I won't be able to crank it around my daughter. I'm pretty sure that if the first words out of my daughter's mouth are "Fuck you, motherfucker," I will be getting a divorce... :P

  15. Just curious, I have a box to add "Favorite Band" in My Controls/Profile Information, but I can't find a spot to add "Favortie CD". Am I just looking in the wrong place? :dance:


    You should be able to click the following path:


    My Controls------> Edit Profile Information: Favorite Band & Favorite CD sections should be at the bottom of this page

    "Should be" and "are" are 2 different things, my good man. :) I have the same problem Mr. Tequila is having--there's a place to add Favorite Band, but no place to add Favorite CD. I can only assume there is a conspiracy occuring 'round these parts against myself & Blue Tequila and that the moderators of Heavy Harmonies do not wish the rest of the members to know what our favorite CDs are for fear that our selections would be so crushingly brilliant that all others would pale in comparison. :P


    Or, uh, maybe there's just a glitch somewhere... -_-

  16. SANCTITY-Road to Bloodshed. Ouch this hurts SO good...Damn these guys have it down COLD! To my ears I hear alot of Testament...and That's a Good Thang...Great Riffs,Killer

    Solos but above all Great Songs with Great Hooks...a 2007 Fave IMO...Great Stuff

    Great buy. I hear the Testament too, & it's similar to the latest Shadows Fall.

    I was going to after I saw you post about it...I think SANCTITY is better than

    SHADOWS FALL...just a touch...I can't stop playing it.

    Other way around for me. I think Shadows Fall is better than Sanctity, but just a touch, and they're both excellent metal albums. :banger:

  17. Yeah, I agree those bands lick balls, except for London Calling. You dismissed them too?


    Does your dislike for "pop-punk" include SR-71 and Hedley too? Just curious.

    I kept (burned) a couple songs from London Calling ("Supernatural Girl" and another one I can't recall right now), but I'm getting to the point where I only want top-notch CDs in my collection, not just a bunch of "it's-OK-so-I'll-keep-it" crap sitting on my shelves gathering dust. Nothing particularly wrong with London Calling, but if I want to hear Jamie Rowe sing, I'll pull out Guardian or Adriangale, not his nubreed/pop-punk side project.


    I do still have SR-71 and Hedley, but to me they have a little more of a rock edge than the typical pop-punk formula, so I've allowed them to stay around. Who knows how long the stay of execution will be though...

  18. I was a fan, but I stress was. Not anymore. Not just Bowling For Soup, though, but all the pop-punk bands. I enjoyed 'em for a little while, but for me, that nu-breed sound wore out its welcome fairly quickly. Bowling For Soup, Lit, Yellowcard, London Calling, Good Charlotte, etc....they've all been jettisoned from my collection and I haven't missed them one iota.

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