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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I've never seen the words 'excellent' and 'Australia' used in the same sentence to describe a movie from here. Although 'Wolf Creek' was kind of cool.


    And I don't mean to bad-note my homeland - best country on the planet, imo - I just don't think I've ever seen a decent movie made here, aside from 'Wolf Creek', as noted.

    I stand by my words--Undead is an excellent movie. That is, assuming you like action-oriented zombie films.


    Wolf Creek pretty much falls into the overrated, overhyped category. Yeah, the whole "head on a stick" scene was a classic horror/torture moment, but the flick took waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to get moving and ended abruptly and unsatisfactorily. I've watched it twice and I don't forsee myself ever suffering through it again.



    His last reply:

    Grasped the rules and regulations. Let me tell you something and you can pass this on to all the other little friends on your laughable website heavy metal harmonies, where you all give honestly the most ridiculous opinions on bands and ebay members, wishing you had their talents. Look at yourselves in the mirrors, your making a profit off other peoples music,a major profit, which they deserve not you all. How some of you start the bidding at ridiculous prices, sell cdrs and have there little buddies hike up there auctions so they make more of profit. Before you judge judge yourselves, I crack up at that sight very insightful, it's funny half you guys don't know squat about music. Cheerio


    I won't even bother responding, nothing in his response really gets my goat, I'm not motivated to respond because he's basically talking rubbish and out of his stinky ass. The not knowing anything about music comment is the thing that pisses me off the most. Also that ridiculous comment about Geoff constantly having to touch himself is kinda funny....wait that's from somewhere else, not Levine....nevermind! :lol:


    That's the part that annoyed me, he assume we know nothing about music when not only are we ALL avid music fans, most are collectors and some of us are even musicians!


    Now, how much does he know exactly?

    Very little, he's just lashing out because he has a very small penis.

    I was going to ask you how you know this, uh, little fact, but then I figured it out: Levine is a Rockarma groupie.

  3. Latest acquisitions...



    Invisible Target

    The Bodyguard (hysterical action/comedy from the creators of Ong Bak:Thai Warrior)

    Undead (excellent action/zombie movie from Australia)

    Where did you find such awesome foreign titles? :whistle:



    Traded some schmuck a couple of cheap-ass CDs for them. :crazy:

  4. Mebbe this band has been polled before, but if so, I couldn't find it and the Search Engine didn't dig it up, so here it is, a poll on the truly excellent (in my opinion anyway) melodic hard rock band Baton Rouge. Big guitars, excellent production, a killer lead singer, gigantic hooks, massive choruses, tons of backing vocals...one of those bands that just had it all, yet somehow missed the so-called "big time."


    My vote goes to the debut, "Shake Your Soul," which I consider damn near flawless.


    So what say ye?

  5. I bought 'Boy's life' and 'Stinger' yesterday, by McCammon. I should have them in a week or so. :)

    "Stinger" was actually the very first McCammon book I read. Like all his work, it's really good, but my favorite of his was, is, and I suspect shall forever remain "Wolf's Hour." I devoured that book, it was so good.


    Currently reading "Wildest Dreams" by Norman Partridge.



    Thought this would be a passable time-waster and ended up enjoying the heck out of it. I thought the love story (despite making the movie drag a bit in the beginning) was well-done, giving the ensuing chaos an emotional foundation, something all too often absent in horror films. Of course, no discussion of Cloverfield is complete without mentioning the hand-held video camera and while it's far from my favorite style of film-making, it didn't bother me much here. That's not to say it's any less dizzying than other flicks of this sort, but it worked well within the context of the movie. Really, I found this to be a top-notch "monster" film. Not my standard blood-and-guts stuff (I still can't believe I'm praising a PG-13 flick), but for some reason I found myself drawn into the scenario. It had intensity, even if the camera wouldn't hold still as much as you might have liked (seriously, even during an end-of-the-world scenario, I could film better than this dolt).


    Bottom line, for monster movie fans, this one delivers.

  7. I am a big fan of Kutless and consider their "Sea of Faces" CD to be a classic Christian hard rock album, so I welcome a new release with high anticipation. The new single ("The Feeling") definitely sounds like one of the best tunes they've ever written and has me eager to hear the rest of the CD.

    I think, Mark, you were the person who put me onto Kutless...they remain my favorite modern band. I listened to their entire CD in store after you suggested it and had to have it (Sea of Faces). I totally love that album, although I felt very dirty for days buying modern nu-metal stuff. I need to replace my copy as I lent it out...and never came back. I feel dirty that I havn't replaced it yet!

    Yep, Matt, that was me making the Kutless recommendation to you a couple years back. And you took to them like Geoff takes to armadillos. Now, about feeling dirty...just because Geoff emails you naked pictures of himself doesn't mean you have to open them. Just delete them like I do.

  8. FRONTIER(S)--slick & brutal French horror film directed by Xavier Gens (Hitman). Like so many horror films, it takes a bit longer than necessary to get going, but once the thieves reach the inn, things kick into high gear and rarely let up. Make no mistake, there's little here plot-wise you haven't seen before--creepy cannibalistic family feeds on wayward travelers--but the directing is several notches above par, and the violence factor is so extreme, the flick was originally slapped with an NC-17 rating. If you thought the achilles-slicing scene in Hostel was cringe-worthy, Frontier(s) takes that particular torture scene even further down the hardcore road. Frankly, I think every horror fan, at least those into the extreme violent stuff, owe it to themselves to at least give this a watch. Gunshot wounds, guttings, impalements, dismemberment, cranial explosions, and blood by the bucketful make this a red, wet offering for fans of such gory cinema. In other words, this is heartily recommended if you're sick in the head...like me. ;)

  9. The other big suprise was Elektrik which just by chance was another Christian band.

    They're a Christian band? Is this the same band who released 'Love Buzz Harmony' or something like that? A few fillers, but overall a great band and great disc with a few outright killers. I wouldn't have picked they were a Christian band....

    I used to have Elektrik "Love Buzz Harmony." While they weren't over the top with their message, they were definitely a Christian band. A pretty good indie one at that. I remember there being a killer ballad on it but can't remember the song title for the life of me.

    I still have Elektrik: "Love Buzz Harmony" (the reissue w/bonus tracks). As others have said, they were definitely a Christian band, though honestly, not much in their lyrics would give them away. The killer ballad Chris (hardrockhaven) was referring to is called "Never Too Much" and it is easily one of the best ballads ever to emerge from the Christian rock/metal scene.

  10. Unlike my brother, I am a big fan of Kutless and consider their "Sea of Faces" CD to be a classic Christian hard rock album, so I welcome a new release with high anticipation. The new single ("The Feeling") definitely sounds like one of the best tunes they've ever written and has me eager to hear the rest of the CD.

  11. I should preface my picks by stating I really can't stand this band. That said, if I'm forced--and by "forced" I mean at gunpoint--to listen to them, my "favorites"--and boy do I use that term loosely--are "1984" (DLR) and "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" (SH).

  12. This person:



    1 bi avenue du luxembourg

    91600 savigny sur orge



    This guy bought 5 CDs from me which I promptly shipped to him via Priority mail. The package custom number was #LC191239351US and when tracked on USPS website showed the package was delivered to the buyer on April 29.


    Nevertheless, shortly after the dude initiated PayPal dispute claiming the package was not received.


    I provided all info and details to PayPal, but after their "careful examination" they decided in buyer's favor and ripped me off by returning him his money...

    Ya know, stories like that burn my ass worse than last night's five-alarm chili.

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