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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I picked up the new Kutless CD yesterday. ...as suspected, the single they released is by far the best song on there. ...nothing wrong with the new album and fans will be more than pleased. I just thought they might have finally broken the mold with that kickin' new single. Sadly, this is not the case. Not a bad band, just not a great one either.

    My brother, not much of a Kutless fan and not too impressed with this newie ("To Know That You're Alive"), was cool enough to give me his copy. He's correct, the single ("The Feeling") is easily the best song on the CD (and one of the heavier tunes they've ever recorded), but most of the other songs will still be perfectly acceptable to Kutless fans. Personally, I think it's better than the debut or "Strong Tower," but not quite on par with "Sea of Faces" or "Hearts of the Innocent." In other words, if you've liked Kutless all along, you should definitely pick this up...if you haven't cared for Kutless up to now, this won't convert you.

  2. Operation Mindcrime is one of the albums I want buried...

    I agree...buried so I never have to hear it again. -_- When you're done digging the hole, can you throw some Iron Maiden albums in there too? Thanks. :gone:


    (I can feel your hateful stares and I am not frightened. Pay no attention to that wet spot on the front of my pants...)



  3. Operation Mindcrime is one of the albums I want buried...

    I agree...buried so I never have to hear it again. -_- When you're done digging the hole, can you throw some Iron Maiden albums in there too? Thanks. :gone:


    (I can feel your hateful stares and I am not frightened. Pay no attention to that wet spot on the front of my pants...)

  4. 100% have to agree with Chris and Mark here...took me awhile to find it but this album absolutely blew me away... I listened to 'Apparitions of Melody' too and have to admit I liked it a lot... I am yet to hear the debut...


    All I do know for sure is that as soon as 'Love Hate Masquerade' hit the speakers I was blown away by modern melodic hard rock bliss. Can't wait to hear it some more!

    Shhhhhhhh...nobody tell Geoff that this is a Christian band and therefore he is not allowed to like 'em. ;)

    Yeah, but this is one of "those" bands. Yes, they're a "Christian band" but I have heard all 3 albums and can't find one lyric that makes me want to stab someone's eyeball out by referring to Christianity.

    Granted, most of Kids in the Way's lyrics fall into that "take 'em any way you want" category, but songs like "Hallelujah" & "Scars That Save" off their debut weren't exactly hiding their faith. I think you just need to come out of the closet and admit you really do like Christian rock/metal. You know what they say when someone protests too much... ;)

  5. 100% have to agree with Chris and Mark here...took me awhile to find it but this album absolutely blew me away... I listened to 'Apparitions of Melody' too and have to admit I liked it a lot... I am yet to hear the debut...


    All I do know for sure is that as soon as 'Love Hate Masquerade' hit the speakers I was blown away by modern melodic hard rock bliss. Can't wait to hear it some more!

    Shhhhhhhh...nobody tell Geoff that this is a Christian band and therefore he is not allowed to like 'em. ;)


    Mate, seriously, you liked "Apparitions of Melody"? I thought it blew goat dick, and that's coming from someone who usually likes it when a band steers in a heavier direction. Really like the debut, though. But neither the debut or "Apparitions..." can touch the awesomeness that is "Love Hate Masquerade."

  6. Undead came out in 2003, I believe. It sort of combines spaghetti western elements (taciturn, no-nonsense, quick-shooting antihero) with some truly messy gore setpieces (similar to Peter Jackson's early stuff) and a few out-of-left-field sci-fi leanings (toward the end), all slickly, stylishly directed.

    Yeah, to each their own but I'm just not a huge fan of that type of stuff. You can pretty much be guaranteed that most the movie is going to occur at night. (I generally HATE night time movies), although 'Lost Highway' is a magnificent exception. And also it's bound to be very corny and would probably irritate me. Sorry mate, I know there's probably a couple of exceptions, but they're generally not my thing.


    And don't get me wrong with the whole night thing - it's not a deal breaker, just a preference. I love horror movies, but prefer they stay as far away from my most disliked genre - sci-fi - as possible.

    Actually, a large chunk of Undead takes place in the daylight. It's not corny either--most of the humor is of the gallows variety, such as zombie fish attacking a gunpacking fisherman, or a body obliterated from the waist up, but the legs keep stumbling around, guts hanging out. As for the sci-fi thing...it's part of the "twist" ending, and barely makes up a fraction of the movie's running time. But hey, to each their own. You like Donnie Darko and I think it sucks donkey balls, so maybe our cinematic tastes don't parallel as closely as our musical preferences.



    His last reply:

    Grasped the rules and regulations. Let me tell you something and you can pass this on to all the other little friends on your laughable website heavy metal harmonies, where you all give honestly the most ridiculous opinions on bands and ebay members, wishing you had their talents. Look at yourselves in the mirrors, your making a profit off other peoples music,a major profit, which they deserve not you all. How some of you start the bidding at ridiculous prices, sell cdrs and have there little buddies hike up there auctions so they make more of profit. Before you judge judge yourselves, I crack up at that sight very insightful, it's funny half you guys don't know squat about music. Cheerio


    I won't even bother responding, nothing in his response really gets my goat, I'm not motivated to respond because he's basically talking rubbish and out of his stinky ass. The not knowing anything about music comment is the thing that pisses me off the most. Also that ridiculous comment about Geoff constantly having to touch himself is kinda funny....wait that's from somewhere else, not Levine....nevermind! :lol:


    That's the part that annoyed me, he assume we know nothing about music when not only are we ALL avid music fans, most are collectors and some of us are even musicians!


    Now, how much does he know exactly?

    Very little, he's just lashing out because he has a very small penis.

    I was going to ask you how you know this, uh, little fact, but then I figured it out: Levine is a Rockarma groupie.

    Correct, our target market is made up mainly of people with small penises.

    Explains why I haven't bought a copy yet. :banana:

  8. 100 pages into 'Mine' by Richard McCammon...

    Finished this one. I liked it. I like him as a writer....would very much like to get aquainted with his entire discography. Doesn't seem like there are many...

    "Doesn't seem like there are many"?? Geoff, here's a list of all of McCammon's books:


    Baal (not his greatest, but OK)

    Bethany's Sin (a little formulaic, but still good)

    The Night Boat (total gore-fest, but well-written)

    They Thirst (McCammon's take on vampires)

    Mystery Walk (one of his worst)

    Usher's Passing (solid, but not his best)

    Swan Song (his post-apocalypse tale...I like this better than King's "The Stand")

    Stinger (excellent)

    The Wolf's Hour (his masterpiece, in my opinion)

    Blue World (short story collection)


    Boy's Life (haven't read this one)

    Gone South (not horror, per se, but a real page-turner)

    Speaks the Nightbird (bought it, but haven't read it yet)

    The Queen of Bedlam (sequel to "Speaks the Nightbird," but haven't read it)


    As you can see, at 15 books, his bibliography isn't exactly "lean." Plenty there to keep you reading for awhile.


    I just finished "Wildest Dreams" by Norman Partridge, a pretty cool book about a knife-wielding hitman who sees ghosts and comes up against a Satanic cult who believes one of his murdered victims will be the vessel by which the devil rises from Hell to walk the earth. Staccato prose, a cool antihero, lots of bloody violence and raw sex, and a few surprisingly touching moments. I enjoyed it.


    Haven't decided what to read next.

  9. ...even a bad season of "The Shield" is better then a good season of most other shows...

    You said it, brother. After a summer of watching crap like "So You Think You Can Dance" and "America's Got Talent" (my wife watches 'em, so by extension, so do I), I'll be more than ready to hook back up with "The Shield" and some Vic Mackey shenanigans.

  10. DISTURBED: "Indestructible"


    One thing's for sure, previous fans of this band won't be disturbed by what the band is cranking out on this new CD, because it's pretty much a continuation of the last one, albeit with a bit more polish to the production that comes close to dulling their heavy edge, but manages to stop just short of doing so, leaving the band to sound like a million bucks while still remaining metal. I really liked "Ten Thousand Fists" and slightly prefer it over this newie as I think it's a bit more heavy/aggressive, but honestly, they're very similar, if not twins in sound/style, then at least kissing cousins.

  11. I am likely in the minority here but I really dig the S/T album.

    You may be in the minority, but you are certainly not alone, because I totally love the s/t album as well. While the debut will always be my favorite, I actually put the s/t ahead of "Lights Out on the Playground."

  12. I am a big fan of Kutless and consider their "Sea of Faces" CD to be a classic Christian hard rock album, so I welcome a new release with high anticipation. The new single ("The Feeling") definitely sounds like one of the best tunes they've ever written and has me eager to hear the rest of the CD.

    I think, Mark, you were the person who put me onto Kutless...they remain my favorite modern band. I listened to their entire CD in store after you suggested it and had to have it (Sea of Faces). I totally love that album, although I felt very dirty for days buying modern nu-metal stuff. I need to replace my copy as I lent it out...and never came back. I feel dirty that I havn't replaced it yet!

    Yep, Matt, that was me making the Kutless recommendation to you a couple years back. And you took to them like Geoff takes to armadillos. Now, about feeling dirty...just because Geoff emails you naked pictures of himself doesn't mean you have to open them. Just delete them like I do.

    You can delete the emails...but there's not much you can do about the paper machete models of...ah...Geoff Jr. he sends in the mail.

    Yeah, he sends me those too. I just give 'em to the dog. Geoff Jr. frequently finds itself being ripped to shreds by sharp, pointed teeth. Problem is, the dog usually comes back looking for more, the hungry gleam in his eyes saying, "That was such a small snack..."


    On a sidenote, it's pretty frickin' funny that a thread about a Christian band has devolved into a conversation about Geoff's cock...

  13. I stand by my words--Undead is an excellent movie. That is, assuming you like action-oriented zombie films.

    I try to stay as far away from zombie films as I can, though, so I might just leave this 'Undead' on to you, mate. Is it recent, or an old one?

    What's wrong with zombie movies? Undead came out in 2003, I believe. It's not your standard zombie film, I can assure you of that. It sort of combines spaghetti western elements (taciturn, no-nonsense, quick-shooting antihero) with some truly messy gore setpieces (similar to Peter Jackson's early stuff) and a few out-of-left-field sci-fi leanings (toward the end), all slickly, stylishly directed.

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