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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Latest acquisitions...


    DOOMSDAY--damn good action movie from the director of The Descent. Recalls the good ol' days when action films weren't castrated, sissified PG-13 affairs. This sucker earns its R-rating.


    LETHAL WEAPON 4--the only Lethal Weapon flick I was missing on DVD. Plus, I got it for free, so ya can't beat that. This is actually my second-favorite entry in the franchise, after the first one.

  2. Yes, every time I go to post a thread in the "Other Music Styles" section about the killer new opera CD I found, I always end up forgoing the idea, realizing that my beautiful opera recommendation would be lost in the swamp of modern rock/metal bands that have taken over the section. :crying: Where, oh where, does one go these days to post about opera, polka, and other disturbingly under-discussed musical genres?


    Seriously, a Modern Rock/Metal Section is a good idea, given that a lot of the newer stuff has been embraced by melodic hard rockers, including myself, probably because modern bands have finally learned how to incorporate melody, hooks, and harmonies into their sound. But if this idea doesn't come to pass, I won't sweat it; I'll just keep going to the "Other Music Styles" thread. Let's face it, we already have Modern Rock/Metal Section; it's just a matter of do we want to officially label it that or not.

  3. You complain about people talking shit about your beloved Bon Jovi but you seem to talk shit about Iron Maiden a lot knowing that it's gonna piss people(like me) off.

    You mean when I say things like Bon Jovi > Iron Maiden, it pisses you off? :P

    See but when you say it, you say it knowing that your wrong, he actually thinks he's right. :lol:

    Uh, is now a bad time to tell you that I actually do like Bon Jovi better than Iron Maiden? :unsure:

  4. Latest acquisition...


    DIARY OF THE DEAD--Romero returns with another solid entry in his long-running zombie saga, opting to shoot in the same pseudo-documentary, hand-held video camera-style of Blair Witch/Cloverfield, but far less shaky. Of course, being Romero, he doesn't skimp on the gore, my favorite setpiece being the dispatching method of choice for the Amish farmer (those who have seen this film know what I'm talking about). OK, so maybe it's not quite a cinematic masterpiece, but horror fans thinking they should skip this one would be dead wrong...

  5. Latest acquisition...


    HOSTEL 2 (Unrated Director's Cut)--some horror fans were "hostile" (pun intended) toward this second helping of "torture porn," but I enjoyed the heck out of it. Already pretty gruesome in its theatrical R-rated form, this version tosses in some extra snippets of blood/gore.

  6. Scorpions - eye II eye

    What are you, a glutton for punishment?

    OK so I got it cheap, and I love the Scorps...

    I love the Scorps too, but I wouldn't touch "Eye II Eye" for a penny; heck, for that matter, you'd have to pay me to listen to it again...


    But hey, to each their own, brother...one man's crap is another man's treasure. ;)

  7. This is some sweet stuff. At times the vocalist reminds me of Daughtry, but I daresay this band is more melodic and sports bigger backing vocals. It's produced by Travis Wyrick, one of my favorite contemporary producers, so you know it sounds top-notch sonically. I'll gladly buy a copy when they get around to releasing this. Not sure if this is a Christian band or not--the name could be an indication of that, and Wyrick typically works with Christian groups--but the lyrics aren't going to turn anyone off, that's for sure.


    Geoff, check these guys out ASAP. If "Paper Dolls" doesn't have you drooling like a Thorazined retard, then I will give up predicting what you will and will not like.

  8. Latest acquisition...


    HALLOWEEN (Rob Zombie version)--some horror fans bitched that Zombie "butchered" (pun intended) a horror classic with this reimagining/remake, but I thought he did a pretty good job. This is the R-rated theatrical cut, which I actually prefer to the unrated Director's Cut version.

  9. Great guitars, and a fairly decent Dokken vibe, but the choruses need to be better to make this a keeper, at least for me. Big improvement over their first CD though, particularly in the production department. There was a time when I would have happily picked this up, but nowadays there's so much good stuff out there, even in the Christian rock/metal realm, that only the strongest make the cut, and this just isn't quite strong enough. Good effort though, and I'll gladly check out what the band does in the future.

  10. Just heard this last night. I liked it. Lookin' forward to the new CD. Wonder if there'll be a single on it that gets as overplayed as "Lips of an Angel"... Great song, but good Lord, you couldn't turn anywhere without hearing it...

  11. Operation Mindcrime is one of the albums I want buried...

    I agree...buried so I never have to hear it again. -_- When you're done digging the hole, can you throw some Iron Maiden albums in there too? Thanks. :gone:


    (I can feel your hateful stares and I am not frightened. Pay no attention to that wet spot on the front of my pants...)

    Oh Mark, please say it isn't so, how can you not like Mindcrime...there aren't any keyboards in it.

    Sorry, boys, just not a Queensryche fan. Not one thing about "Mindcrime"--or any other Queensryche CD--strikes a chord with me. Takes more than an absence of keyboards to make an album good, it also takes an appealing vocalist, good hooks, and memorable choruses...all of which Queensryche lack. :devilgrin:


    For the record, I don't hate Queensryche...but if all their CDs suddenly vanished from the face of the earth, I wouldn't lose one iota of sleep. :whistle:

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