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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. Charity Shield on Saturday........what a f waste of space that will be. Both will probably play their 2nd teams cos they will all be too worried about injuries.


    May as well scrap it.


    A complete non-entity for me too, like a friendly match, it means nothing!


    Roll on the new season, a little disappointed Utd haven`t gone out and brought in a top name or two (Owen and Valencia aside)


    perhaps you could get centeros instead of us. :christmas:

  2. fekk starbucks and malls in general. i made the mistake today and visited one here(ikea+ something else next to it) for first time in my fekking life and thus to avoid the usual "bed lecture" this night. i sut in one starbucks there(hope i spelled it right, i doubt though if the fekking staff there know who the fekk mr. starbucks is) and waited for half an hour and none fekking waiter came to serve me. i was ready to leave when at last my wife came and told me that you have to go to the staff there and order.i guess you learn a new fekking thing 'bout fekking modern society every fekking day i fekking guess. fekk me i said. then i went and ordered 2 big fekking iced coffees. fekk them coz they cost 6 fekking euros each(in my usuall place i pay only 2 euros for almost equal quantity of fekking iced coffee, in a fekking glass not fekking plastic, and also it's served to me accompanied with a large glass of fekking water, but i said fekk it! for fekking once in my life, i'll pay the fekking price they asked for) . jaysus! then i took them and went to my table. i put them down on the fekking tiny plastic table and while trying to sit my fekking big ass in their fekking tiny plastic chair, i spilled my fekking iced coffee . 6 fekking wasted euros in a big fekking place full of fekking crappy shops. no fekking way i'll do this fekking trip again. and that fekking iced coffee was full of fekking cream, the fekking cheaters.

  3. I'll keep my eyes open for that. Sadly tho', High Voltage is a label that seems to be difficult to pin down over here. Was it not them that issued the Point Blank on CD years ago?


    yes, but their first one is out of stock. oli,when not on drugs, is a great dude. even if i have everything, at least the titles that i love, on vinyl i also bought the reissues. most of them when i met him in one of the numerous festivals in germany. he still has some titles availiable and perhaps someone should contact him, find him sober, and make some huge order.he used to have a website but i don't know if it's still active. man, praying mantis first(with tons of bonus), thrust, cutty sark, some riot, some mentors, tokyo blade with alan marsh(not that vic wasn't a throat also),juggernaut, Q5(tons of bonus, not the crappy old metal bootleg version),the rods, breslau, damien thorne, mindless sinner etc etc

  4. That Cutty Sark is a great spin, been one of my faves for many a year. Is it available on CD does anyone know?















    RAGE ....NICE & DIRTY"








    only 3 bucks each, all are in great shape in plastic slip covers, it was a thrill after looking thru piles of crap to find some metal...




    the cutty SARK(not shark) was reissued on cd from high voltage(don't know if it's still availiable though)....great lp like all of their others....

  5. Yup, it's official. Time to put away Ol' Blue. Discussed it last weekend and decided to do it. Blue Tequila is no more. If you are wondering where "Evil Rick" came from, I guess I made an appearance at Dakota Rock Fest 2008 one Friday night after wayyy too many beers and the name has kind of stuck. Cheers all.


    Evil Rick :)



    at least you didn't choose rick the prick... :christmas:

  6. Decided it was time to catch up on buying the Suncity and Eonian releases (plus a few indies too)


    Androids - Let It All Out

    Antix - Take It Off

    Bad Attitude - Prisoners Of Rock

    Cruella D'Ville - Showdown In Tinsel Town

    Crush - S/T EP

    Fatal Charm - Looks Like Trouble

    Flash Addict - Live Fast Die Pretty

    Gynger Lynn- S/T

    High Noon - No Turning Back

    Joker - S/T (from Brazil)

    Kidd Havok - Roll The Dice

    Masque - Face First

    Pistol Dawn - Conversation Piece

    Rock Dogs - S/T

    Schoolboy Crush - Good Times Bad Boys

    Shake City - S/T

    Taupier - That Was Then

    UZI - Madhouse

    Victory - Liveline (2 CD Set)

    Worlds Apart - S/T



    lovely! victory,bro! may i suggest ya to grab all the cacumen cds? they've been reissued with tons of bonus trax(especially from some high priced bootlegs) and they roxx! especially since you're a big bonfire fanboyo(like me!).




    edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMD5rWh0hfQ

  7. Absolutely incredible find Swazi, are the german shops selling this yet?



    No, Andre, I got this EP directly from the band. Send an email to the following email address: gotthard82@hotmail.com or to Daniel Borén personally: daniel.boren@comhem.se


    But I am extremely proud I found something before you ! :lol:






    the issue I have in getting this cd is the band is yet to open a paypal account so this is ghoing to be difficult one to ovbtain for those of us outside Europe :( :( :(



    perhaps you could trade with them one of these bob marley cds you have..... :christmas:

  8. 233391.jpg



    bate, you da man! a dream came true at last! i'm listening to this realising how "modern" and "cool" is even if it was recorded 30 years ago....yeah, this is pure heavy metal heaven.....(and at least a black/white godly cover-this and e.rite are the best so far).....zdravei for more to come.....

  9. GDAY MATE!! :headbanger:

    I'll put anotha shrimp on the barbie!! :beerbang:


    WAIT! :yikes:


    I'm from New Jersey :blink:




    That's Jersey talk for Greetings and Wecome :tumbsup:



    perhaps you could arrange him/me for some land property there....if you have the right "connections"..... :christmas:

  10. Thanks a lot for the metallic welcome!


    I especially liked the Jersey talk...


    But it's cool too to meet people on this board who obviously are knowing me (@sharatan) or who are living in my neighbourhood (@metalhunter).


    By the way: if you ever happen to get to know that Centaurus (1978, Azra) will be released on cd drop me a note!



    why don't you email our own d.richards and ask him to do a small "limited" run of centaurus cds? he's guru in such thingies..... :christmas:


    He for sure would make me a cut to shape edition that's limited to 2 copies, with a star cut out of an old cover glued on the playing side. That would be a totally new definition of that hilarious "picture compact disc", wouldn't it?


    surely,ha! however, i'd like to have one of these liege lord picture lps with the demo!

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