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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. ...any enticer copy for me?...




    btw, Dahun a big welcome on this board and congrats for your good musical taste!!!


    Rockin greetz from Austria to Australia :drink:



    ha, i could give a box of beee eezees for it.... :christmas:

  2. charly brotha, another one for ya....



    :bowdown: I've heard from a few collectors that the second APOCALYPSE isn't as good as the first release...but this song sounds great!!! Hm, I think I will need it for my collection :whistle:


    Thanks Bro :drink:


    i'll ask my buddy, gregory, if he still has some..... :whistle:



    btw, only the best for characters like ya, brotha.....


  3. charly brotha, another one for ya....



    :bowdown: I've heard from a few collectors that the second APOCALYPSE isn't as good as the first release...but this song sounds great!!! Hm, I think I will need it for my collection :whistle:


    Thanks Bro :drink:



    read my review....they added some jazz elements here and there, especially from the new bassist, but the overall impact is great...the good olde savatage is here, the throat is here, so what else can ya ask......and this is not the best track of the cd....i was just bored to upload the longer ones....

  4. holidaying, sexing, watermelowing, frappeing, fishboating, airconditioning, holidaying, sexing, ice-creaming, figing, mango teaing, holidaying, sexing, redd barroning, metaling, steeleing, scanning, holidaying, sexing, youtubing, ebaying, paypaling, googling, facebooking, holidaying, sexing, basslining, smoking, tour de franceing, wimbledoning, motogping, holidaying, sexing........

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