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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. Any way of spotting the Casanova bootlegs? (s/t and one nigth stand)


    Do you think you have one and didn't you just buy those?



    i got them in a trade (so didn't shell out any $$$'s for them)

    i remember reading in this thread that these had been bootlegged so was just keen to see if mine were the real thing or not. They were from a russian trader so I wouldn't be surprised if they were boots.


    They were from the guy who runs this site:



    Please note, i'm NOT saying this guy has sent me boots, I was just wondering how I can tell if there are or not.



    don't know, the answer as usual is hidden in the matrix number....but seeing some of the wants of this guy, i have to say that some cds exist only in his imagination.....

  2. I guess I just want to reiterate my point...that I never thought the dude didn't send me my CD, he just was really crappy about replying back to any of my inquiries (including Paypal complaints). He blamed it on being on vacation, which my or may not have been legitimate, but it is certainly plausible (even though it seems weird somebody wouldn't check email for weeks on end, but I've already mentioned that in previous posts). I was just curious as to if anyone else had problems with dealing with him. So I've never said he was a scam artist or anything like that, I was just trying to feel out if I should be concerned about no CD after waiting over a month and no replies to my inquiries. And to date as of today, the CD still never has arrived, so I'm sure he sent it to the wrong address like I said before.


    So even though I probably won't take back my negative feedback because I think it is important for others to know I had a bad experience as a buyer dealing with him, I just want to say that I'm probably the exception, not the rule with this seller. But he does seem to be having some type of issues as of late with other people besides me.


    OK, I've gotten 2 more emails from him demanding I remove the negative feedback, then another one just with the word "LIAR" in a big red font, so I just told him to fuck off, so hopefully he does. I know most people have had good luck with this guy, but I'm done with him.




    perhaps he was listening the great 2nd cd of LIAR(also in red font). tell him that bad boys don't cry. :christmas:

  3. The enemy has changed her position at her job. This means she will be home more :crying: .

    which means, I have to be more clever on intercepting the postman and going out on journeys to the c.d. store..

    As you can tell, I haven't been buying much.

    Wish me luck!!!!


    the funny thing is that my wife just came in and gave me your parcel.... :christmas: good luck,bro.

  4. They say it was reissued by TOE JAM records back in 2000. That's what it says on the A.O.R. F.M. web-site...



    roxane is the girl on the front cover....did she appeared anywhere else? etc etc etc

  5. Is fluency in Sharatanese considered a second language? I'm thinking about listing it on my resume...


    :rofl: I don't know if it's considered a second language, but the I believe that the better you understand his posts, the more troo, arcane Texas steele you are. For whatever that's worth.




    mia zoh karagkiozhs eisai re gie ths sarantasporhs orospas....ante na psofhseis piso apo thn othonh sou re xerkele.....

  6. Did you use it for cutting your nails over it? like I do with all these mags? :christmas:



    Seriously, I have no idea what this post means.


    Whatever. Thanks for calling. <_<

    I think he was referring to using the magazine to catch the clippings when cutting your nails. Personally, I just do mine in the aisle at Wal-Mart and leave the clippings for the janitor to sweep up. Don't give me that look. It's what they get paid to do.

    Thanx for the assist, Mark. Obviously I left my Troo Arcane Steele Vinyl Warrior-To-English dictionary in my other jacket.

    Is fluency in Sharatanese considered a second language? I'm thinking about listing it on my resume...



    ama ertho re karagkiozako kai se gamhso apo ton kolo na doume ti tha les.....poustopezevegke....

  7. thanx, herr calzada. awesome videos. i liked the music of sgt. roxx but not so much the vox. sure i'll get it of coz. i hope eonian will keep unveiling many chicago bands. my dream is to see now some cds from paradoxx, infra red and ironhawk with demos, videos(if any), inner notes about the trax and some bios in the great tradition of the other eonian projects.

  8. did anyone notice that from the moment the name of the seller mentioned here prices went up and up and up? no more 9 bucks cds to get from him..... :christmas:


    I was watching a copy of Possessed - Beyond The Gates disc that went for $9.99.



    take for example lilian axe. i bought the same title from him 3 times for 9.99. now it's 50+(he raised the starting price coz obviously some are willing to bid on it)


    of coz in some cases he also raised the starting bids(and i don't mean all these mini lp cds which were always starting high)....

  9. RIP was a great mag, wish I still had some of my old ishes (tho once Lonn Friend started showing up on MTV on a regular basis, I quickly decided that he was an annoying doofus, haha...). I would love to see a print version resurrected if this site takes off.


    By the way, didja know that the original RIP was a product of "LFP Incorporated," otherwise known as "Larry Flynt Publications," a.k.a. the fine folks who bring us Hustler magazine? It's true!



    did you use it for cutting your nails over it? like i do with all these mags? :christmas:

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