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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. their first 2, which i love, are missing from the pole.


    I believe that topic is discussed back on page one or two of this thread.

    They do sound like a different band on those two although there are a few awesome tracks those two pale in comparison to what came later IMHO.


    ok,bro. actually, i love them, but surely, they're not my favorite ones. although,these days if i'm gonna spin something from them this would be the live on the friday rock show

  2. Hurry Scuary - Break It Up (Jap pressing sealed)

    Nightcrawler - S/T

    Robby Scott And The Guilt Trip - S/T

    The Bloody Stools - Meet The Bloody Stools

    Trash Can Baby - S/T (reissue)



    wow. i din't know that you're into metal as well! although it's not as good as their other demos and EP. actually i think that the only thing that saves it from mediocrity is hamar's throat!

  3. any wailers on that cd?


    Someone said only on the limited edition greek pressing :christmas:



    you beat me to it. i only have the cypriot "all records" pressing. :christmas: trade?



    I would love to trade but the greek limited edition pressing is already out of print before i could manage to buy it :(:christmas:



    i'd love to trade also but i'm sure you don't have what i'm looking from australia. :doh:



    on topic: where can i listen to the taxxi?



    you can find most taxxi songs around the usual download sites buy their lps easily.


    I'm pretty sure I could have got you a prowler demo tape but gave it to another cypriot friend last week.


    If you want anything else let me know othewise they will go to Yanni the cypriot metal trader friend :christmas:



    prowler's still a pain in the ass. but it's not my major wanted item. i wouldn't care so much, and thus losing my sleep, for a demotape, especially from the moment that i have it on cd-r(thanx to mr. harrison). who's this yanni? i wouldn't believe that any other cypriot would do things like these, let alone searching for prowler's demo.


    do you have 7" inch singles? enticer?



    back on topic: what are taxxi's titles?

  4. any wailers on that cd?


    Someone said only on the limited edition greek pressing :christmas:



    you beat me to it. i only have the cypriot "all records" pressing. :christmas: trade?



    I would love to trade but the greek limited edition pressing is already out of print before i could manage to buy it :(:christmas:



    i'd love to trade also but i'm sure you don't have what i'm looking from australia. :doh:



    on topic: where can i listen to the taxxi?

  5. Home to Mansfield tomorrow night.



    how much do they pay the local sportscasters for a briefly review of these matches? i used to cover some of the 4th division in my area(actually i watched one or two every w/end and then phoned the newspaper and gave them the results+ short review+ results of the others games in my area, which i learned by phone after calling these clubs, actually every coffeeshop of each village). the entrance was free and i was receiving approximatel 150-200 gbp each month.

  6. No cd's, so far, but I was given an amazing turntable recently (more on that later) so I perused the LP's at a local 2nd hand store and picked up a few.


    Jerusalum-Cant' Stop Us Now

    Jerusalem-In Her Majesty's Service Live In The USA

    The Choir-Diamonds And Rain

    Petra-Beat The System

    Marcy Brothers-Growin' Up Country (Could not pass up the fact that they played there own instruments, picked some awesome songs to cover, country tunes of course and the magnificant bastards autographed the jacket!! All that for $.50!)

    The Jack Street Band-S/T (This bugger was still sealed, not anymore, but...)

    Barnabus-Hear The Light (This one is cool, a christian female fronted group in the Blondie, Runaways, early Pat Benetar, guitar jam, hard rock, proggie band kind of vibe from Bellingham, WA circa 1980. You can sample the cuts here: http://www.jesusmusicoldies.com/hearthelight.html )



    bro, barnabas came from jerusalem to my holy island! :tumbsup:


    did it come with cut out hole?(barnabas, i mean)

  7. Charity Shield on Saturday........what a f waste of space that will be. Both will probably play their 2nd teams cos they will all be too worried about injuries.


    May as well scrap it.


    A complete non-entity for me too, like a friendly match, it means nothing!


    Roll on the new season, a little disappointed Utd haven`t gone out and brought in a top name or two (Owen and Valencia aside)


    perhaps you could get centeros instead of us. :christmas:


    Never heard of him? :bananamac:


    ha, i spelled it completely wrong:



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