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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. first album is the best....but i love and the other 3 they made next....nowadays,though, if i'm going to play something from them it would be from the first one....i still laugh when i recall the reviews about it from the "metal gurus"(sadly i also have in mind some reviews from some great fanzines, not only the crappy and rotten major mags)....power metal like stratovarius and other crap like that....fekk them one thousand times....they've never heard of pure swedish heavy metal like gotham city, mindless sinners, universe, atc,parasite, syron vanes, depzon,crystal pride and other stuff like that which was more similar to "in a time of blood and fire".... still to this day i find it mystery how a bunch of thrash/vlack/death/punk guys came up with such a timeless record....

  2. Thank you all for a welcome response!



    Where in the UK are you based?


    I'm in sunny Nottingham (well it's partially sunny Today!)


    hey, are you wallas' buddy?


    Don't know. Can't understand a bloomin' word you're saying!


    voltz sux big time


    Oh dear!



    hellride forum? i don't know if i wrote correctly the name of the other guy who was banned 'cause of the lingo he used....

  3. The thing that pissed me off the most is, I was there 2 weeks ago. No 50% off, store fully packed and no sign whats so ever about closing. Where did the stuff go? Did they ship it to the store in TOTOWA? (Is that store still there?).


    I see in 10 years, everyone will be shopping online to get their c.d.'s. If they still make them.

    Think about it!

    Will we ever see KIVEL, STORMSPELL, RETROSPECT, SENTINEL STEEL,ROCKADROME and all the other great labels in BEST BUY?



    i would care the less if they stopped making cds.... :christmas:


    Be nice George.


    ha, i was teasing mr. dom! actually it's difficulty to stop right now. i've been doing this for many years and life would be even more boring without this. but still vinyls>cds.

  4. hey, are you wallas' buddy?whatcha doing? voltz sux big time :lol: .....welcome here, matey! i have some good stuff, sealed copies(doubles and more) of great hard rock/metal for trade.....i don't need voltz and clientelle...i have them and they suck majorly!

  5. The thing that pissed me off the most is, I was there 2 weeks ago. No 50% off, store fully packed and no sign whats so ever about closing. Where did the stuff go? Did they ship it to the store in TOTOWA? (Is that store still there?).


    I see in 10 years, everyone will be shopping online to get their c.d.'s. If they still make them.

    Think about it!

    Will we ever see KIVEL, STORMSPELL, RETROSPECT, SENTINEL STEEL,ROCKADROME and all the other great labels in BEST BUY?



    i would care the less if they stopped making cds.... :christmas:

  6. After work today, I drove across the highway to browse through a record store I've been going to for years. Just to look around before I meet with a friend for lunch (Which was next to C.D. world).

    I looked over and noticed a huge empty store. At first I thought it was that SUZANNE store (A store from SUZANNE SUMMERS). As i got closer I noticed it was the place I've been going to for 17 years.

    Stripped to the bone and the outside sign was already took down and showed a faded empty space where the c.d. world sign was.


    I nearly fell to my knees and cried. I was just there 2 weeks ago and no sign of going out of business. The girl that worked there told me a few months ago that they are not going out of business.

    This chain at one time bosted 10 stores throughout New Jersey. Now! I don't think they have anymore. They did have one in TOTOWA, but it's too far for me to travel to find out if they're there or not.

    I now go to about 4 stores in new jersey and for everyone that goes, another piece of me dies. I just hope most of them hold out, but I do know 2 of them are in big trouble as well. :crying:



    any photo of that girl?

  7. are you looking for real metal or some rockish stuff? fighter, holy soldier, petra, jerusalem, idle cure, etc have nothing to do with real metal. which period of bloodgood do you prefer? when they played uncompormised and great metal of their demo and first 2 lps?or the" rock in a hard place" era?


    if you're looking for olde stuff with strong message check this video of this great video(in the land of glam/hair some refused to follow the trends):even some great fanzines of the past like white throne etc ignored them....



    the band released them on a cd-r which i have and if you like'em i could send them(the only negative point is that the singer, although great, lost his voice in some parts)...unfortunately i couldn't manage,so far, to find out all the lyrics.....




    check also this great band(their singer followed a monastic life after):



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