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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. Was "Most Likely To Exceed" released on cd or only vinyl?


    Only on vinyl


    Never would have guessed that they would be such a rarity...


    Anybody remember REX VECTOR from New York?


    they used to be there(now they're in 3 different states)....they ripped me off once the bastards....instead of the single they've sent me a promo photo....another 10 lost bucks....


    How long ago george?


    for sure 10 years+ ago....and just a couple of years ago, i found one of them and he told me the story 'bout all of them....one of them is in texas now and still active in the music.....i tried a couple of times to get the single after some trades, but then i decided that i don't want to have it....despite the one godly track in it....



    edit: do you remember RIP? did you see them?

  2. Was "Most Likely To Exceed" released on cd or only vinyl?


    Only on vinyl


    Never would have guessed that they would be such a rarity...


    Anybody remember REX VECTOR from New York?


    they used to be there(now they're in 3 different states)....they ripped me off once the bastards....instead of the single they've sent me a promo photo....another 10 lost bucks....

  3. Their was a metal band from my state (I Think) that had a 45. The band was called 666. They were more of a B.O.C. feel. I don't remember the song, but I remember hearing them on a local radio station.

    Another band from New York that I got to see live one time BLACK VIRGIN.

    I don't own anything from these bands.



    ha, i have black virgin's feel the steel single. did you see czar also? we need more info 'bout 666. year of the single?


    Probably around 1981 or 1982

    I can't tell you anymore...



    bro,you fekking rule. me needs this badly.same year as the mighty czar. man, early NY steele rules fekking suprme. now i won't sleep this night....i'm assuming you didn't see czar or squadran?

  4. Their was a metal band from my state (I Think) that had a 45. The band was called 666. They were more of a B.O.C. feel. I don't remember the song, but I remember hearing them on a local radio station.

    Another band from New York that I got to see live one time BLACK VIRGIN.

    I don't own anything from these bands.



    ha, i have black virgin's feel the steel single. did you see czar also? we need more info 'bout 666. year of the single?

  5. from your state check Solitary Sabred (new album is out!):


    Solitary Sabred





    ha, off topic bro...but i'd like to see what panos demetriou is doing these days...it's been awhile since i last spoke to him....


    also i still didn't get the latest diphtheria stuff....you'd like to know that their guitarist is general manager of APOEL's marketing department....he'll have lots of work these days with the package deals of champion's league tickets... :lol:

  6. please can you name some interesting old/new bands from your state/area? please, i'm interested only in pure heavy/power metal. not thrash/punk neither hair/glam stuff...if you're interested for the other stuff, please start another topic...terra giga mega ultra thanx in advance. some links would be great also. too many shit out there to look for....


    and of coz, the older, the better.... :christmas:

  7. delaware....so any metal from idaho and wyoming? i don't recall anything from there....


    Onward is from either Wyoming or Montana not sure which one.

    Their recordings were done in Sheridan Wyoming which is really close to where I'm at.


    thanx bro,i think they're from montana, but their guitarist is in WY now , although he transfered from....?(i don't recall now, but when he recorded guitar distortion wasn't there, have to find the cd to check out....idaho?

  8. I made sure everything with my Ebay front was cleared up before going. So no auctions a month before leaving.....it was a long month.


    So, when are you starting again, Dave ?!?! :drink:


    My last auction just last week was so-so in results. I decided to open up an Ebay store to sell off most of my remaining things. One in a while I'll do an auction. So far I've only listed about 50 things. It's slow going and I'll have to be patient with it. If the store ends up being a bust, I'll go back to the auction format. So few people are still doing auctions, I'm not sure they'll (auctions) even be around on Eaby in a few years.


    Speaking of my last auction, guess which person hasn't yet paid me or contacted me....rockpirat1973. :whistle:


    will you list some more the next couple days,bro? i already did a small digital journey to your shop....

  9. some buckeye steele for today:(actually while making some stuff in audacity)


    medalyon-victim of circumstance

    sacred heart-time after time

    black death-until we rock

    rebellous angel-stand up and fight

    attaxe-metal messiah

    breaker-still life

    destroyer-flag of victory

    destructor-storm of steel

    character-the best is yet to come




    no thanx to sam, for releasing the crappiest band from there.... -_-

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