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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. ha,manilla is my 2nd all time favorite band, but still you can't judge an ep with a band with huge catalog and various periods. the mezmerist has one good track and some nice dark atmosphere but overall not my cup of tea. even these eastern scales didn't do justice to them, coz they're not so well played. but surely, from a collector's point of view is a great one. godly cover and rare. if i could find it cheap, i would grab it. i already recieved an offer from the guy who got the last copy from ebay :christmas: perhaps i could do this also as a part-time job. i know that an old "rawker" has 2-3 boxes of them.



    edit: did you find the yellow avatar?

  2. I thought this was gonna be one of those "where's waldo?" kinda things! But rather than "where's MC?" more importantly I'd think is who's MC Blade? Honestly....I've never heard of 'em! :blink:




    Here it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/MC-Blade-Step-Into-The...id=p3286.c0.m14


    I guess, "Patsy" wanted to check out, what the record's worth...



    ahhaha....i'm assuming also that some of these hot boy etc sellers were looking here as well...do you have this vinyl of "glam/goth" ralph?ahahaha....



    patsy, i'm giving you $377.77 for an original iron cross(with the ex UK prime minister on drums),by the way. and i'll stop buying vinyls.


    Hi Geo


    Very "glam/goth" indeed! I don't have it in front of me but stored in my collection between Mayhem (US) and Medieval Steel...


    Are you talking about the Florida Iron Cross? Not that superb imho but obscure as hell and even more expensive. I'm glad I don't have to look for this anymore...



    ha, i stored it yesterday. how much do you want for iron cross?it's a crappy one. definately you won't need this.only killen is worse than this. $400? and i'll never look for US vinyls again.


    Sorry, I'm selling a lot but this one will stay in my collection. It's like many other so called "rare" records or cds: the price paid for usually is in no relation to the musical content (there are very few exceptions like the Image EP or the Slauter Xstroyes LP). But this is the curse all mad collectors do suffer of... :crazy:



    haha, so you really believe that i.cross and killen are crap?


    You are a heretic! :P


    I know so many people who wouldn't understand someone calling Iron Cross or Killen (just as IC not crap, but very average and definitely not worth the many $$$ I paid for) crap.


    But hey, isn't it much easier to say: "I have 4000 rare records in my collection that are all everlasting classics of heavy metal history" than being honest and admitting: "I spent a fortune on mediocre records to which I hardly ever listen to and that I wouldn't buy ever again but the desire and the smell of the hunt at the time was just too strong"


    You know, instead of telling the truth and admitting that they bought shitty vinyls these people will always tell you how outstanding these records are. Self treason is very familiar with record collectors I guess :whistle:


    Plus they will ask insane prices for these shitty vinyls... :hammer:



    ha, sorry but i disagree with you.after all you love centaurus :christmas: i worship both these records. killen didn't cost me nothing(one crappy death ss single ) after years and years of searching. a friend of mine told me that iron cross was a thrash band and i was in contact with their drummer. and thus i didn't take a copy of this baby. the drummer instead gave it to the usual "guru" in hellion records. who then sold it in ebay for crappy 100 euros. when i got the OPM reissue i was blown away. i could only discuss that the unreleased stuff is better. but then only iron cross can be better than iron cross :tumbsup: .


    ha, i only have round 1500+(counting and the singles). only quality my friend, only quality. :tumbsup: i don't have raven bitch, metal merhants and sabotage, for example but neither i'm looking for them. i've listened to all of them into the house of a greek buddy(editor of one of the best zines ever) and i never liked them and i never looked for them.same case like mezmerist which is the nowadays trend in the collecting mafia :tumbsup:


    i could just close my eyes, pick a vinyl from the shelves, grab a beer and let the lead goes on forever(now who's the guy behind this phrase? :christmas: )

  3. I thought this was gonna be one of those "where's waldo?" kinda things! But rather than "where's MC?" more importantly I'd think is who's MC Blade? Honestly....I've never heard of 'em! :blink:




    Here it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/MC-Blade-Step-Into-The...id=p3286.c0.m14


    I guess, "Patsy" wanted to check out, what the record's worth...



    ahhaha....i'm assuming also that some of these hot boy etc sellers were looking here as well...do you have this vinyl of "glam/goth" ralph?ahahaha....



    patsy, i'm giving you $377.77 for an original iron cross(with the ex UK prime minister on drums),by the way. and i'll stop buying vinyls.


    Hi Geo


    Very "glam/goth" indeed! I don't have it in front of me but stored in my collection between Mayhem (US) and Medieval Steel...


    Are you talking about the Florida Iron Cross? Not that superb imho but obscure as hell and even more expensive. I'm glad I don't have to look for this anymore...



    ha, i stored it yesterday. how much do you want for iron cross?it's a crappy one. definately you won't need this.only killen is worse than this. $400? and i'll never look for US vinyls again.


    Sorry, I'm selling a lot but this one will stay in my collection. It's like many other so called "rare" records or cds: the price paid for usually is in no relation to the musical content (there are very few exceptions like the Image EP or the Slauter Xstroyes LP). But this is the curse all mad collectors do suffer of... :crazy:



    haha, so you really believe that i.cross and killen are crap?

  4. I thought this was gonna be one of those "where's waldo?" kinda things! But rather than "where's MC?" more importantly I'd think is who's MC Blade? Honestly....I've never heard of 'em! :blink:




    Here it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/MC-Blade-Step-Into-The...id=p3286.c0.m14


    I guess, "Patsy" wanted to check out, what the record's worth...



    ahhaha....i'm assuming also that some of these hot boy etc sellers were looking here as well...do you have this vinyl of "glam/goth" ralph?ahahaha....



    patsy, i'm giving you $377.77 for an original iron cross(with the ex UK prime minister on drums),by the way. and i'll stop buying vinyls.


    Hi Geo


    Very "glam/goth" indeed! I don't have it in front of me but stored in my collection between Mayhem (US) and Medieval Steel...


    Are you talking about the Florida Iron Cross? Not that superb imho but obscure as hell and even more expensive. I'm glad I don't have to look for this anymore...



    ha, i stored it yesterday. how much do you want for iron cross?it's a crappy one. definately you won't need this.only killen is worse than this. $400? and i'll never look for US vinyls again.

  5. I thought this was gonna be one of those "where's waldo?" kinda things! But rather than "where's MC?" more importantly I'd think is who's MC Blade? Honestly....I've never heard of 'em! :blink:




    Here it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/MC-Blade-Step-Into-The...id=p3286.c0.m14


    I guess, "Patsy" wanted to check out, what the record's worth...



    ahhaha....i'm assuming also that some of these hot boy etc sellers were looking here as well...do you have this vinyl of "glam/goth" ralph?ahahaha....



    patsy, i'm giving you $377.77 for an original iron cross(with the ex UK prime minister on drums),by the way. and i'll stop buying vinyls.

  6. I have dealt with him as a seller.

    He bought a CD off me, but asked me to ship it to someone else in the USA.


    I have a feeling he may buy off other people for cheaper than he sells to someone else, then gets you to ship the item for him, saving him having to pay for the extra postage.


    He was absolutely fine to deal with, so I couldnt say for sure whether he is dodgy or not, but going by other people he buys from, it could be hit of miss.

    endangeredcds is obviously reputable, but I know a lot of people think highscoolgirl is a seller of boots, and he has bought off of both of them.


    He may very well be genuine, and is just using a loophole with the buying and selling, but it does raise questions as to whether he has ever seen some of the CDs he is selling, meaning he has no idea if they are genuine or not.


    Not trying to high-jack this thread, but speaking of highschoolgirl, I won a copy of the Crush - E/P from this seller and it wasn't a bootleg, however looking over the sellers CDs, it appears they could be selling boots because of the multiple copies they are selling of the same CDs each week. But the 1 CD I won was legit.


    The HOT BOY - Barely Legal CD I bought from highscoolgirl is legit as well. But it is kind of strange that she/he has multiple copies of this CD to sell.



    why's this strange?

  7. Yes, it is Christoph Baumgartner


    Just got an email from him, he says he was on vacation for 3 weeks and apologized and sent me the tracking number. Good news is he shipped it and it has been delivered. Bad news is that I looked it up and he sent the CD to Alexandria, Virginia and I live in Lawrence, Kansas. So he sent it to the wrong address (or he sent me the wrong tracking number)....to be continued.....stay tuned.


    I'd still file a Paypal claim, because I believe the time period to file a claim expires 45 days from the day you made the payment. Something tells me your not going to get your package if it's in Virginia at the moment and you're not. Maybe it's just going from state to state in westernly direction. If you check back and it's now tracking in West Virginia, Kentucky or Missouri you may yet get the cd.


    I already filed a claim several days ago for that very reason. No, it shows as delivered to Alexandria Virginia, not in transit. The CD is in Virginia (or he sent me the wrong tracking number). This is getting old I tell ya.



    if i were you, i should make a new herman hill out of him....but you're far away.... :christmas:

  8. FRICTION - Baby Talk

    JILLSON - Deadly Girl

    KK WILDE - Rock N Roll

    VICE - Made For Pleasure...no not the boot that's out there

    WIG WAM - 667 Neighbor Of The Beast

    BANSHEE - Take Em By Storm...original press not the recent band CDR

    AM:PM - Running Out Of Time

    ICON - An Even More Perfect Union...signed and numbered by Dan Wexler #2159 (only one in exsistance) ;)

    MAD MAX - Night Of Passion...Fems Japan pressingPYRACANDA - Two Sides Of A Coin

    TYPHOON - Sometimes



    trade? :tumbsup: these days is my number 1 wanted item.

  9. feck, i only have cruella d'ville. would love to have them all and thus answer this question. as general, this thing happens. it happened to me a couple of times, and then the guys from the labels where very prompt to replace them. they didn't even want the defective copies back. but i have also to say that they're real friends of mine. don't know what happens if they're only "digital" ones. perhaps they'll ask the defective copies back.

  10. yeah Suncity seemed to have come to a screeching halt but those guys are probabbly busy with some pretty cool signings of which kid skruff being one of them :beerbang:


    Hopefully a new bunch of stuff isn't too far off.



    perhaps they're working on some package deals. :headbanger:

  11. as Nick says, there are far worse bands around.

    I'd have to disagree. There is some worse music around. But as far as bands go, I can think of Red Hot Chilli Peppers as being a worse band. And, well, I'm sure there are more out there but I'm having a hard time thinking of any. Truly an atrocious band, in my opinion. :)


    Songwise you may not like the Chili's, but musically, they certainly aren't a terrible band by any stretch of the imagination. Flea and Chad Smith are both excellent musicians for starters and Frusciante ain't half bad either.


    and one of my best times ever was in one festival in greece when they had to cancel and saxon played in their place. :christmas:


    I too would have been a very happy man if that had happened to me. Saxon over the Chili Peppers - oh hell yes. :headbanger:


    ha, this is the typical brit humour. i meant they played in motorhead's place. but i have another lovely thing to remember 'bout motorhead. when there were 2 big major metal magazines in greece they made some motorhead releases, with demos,lives etc. i think there were 4 or 5 cds. a belgian buddy, who's huge motorhead collector,wanted them and asked them. i've sent them and he sent me a lovely ultra rare belgian 7" inch single.

  12. as Nick says, there are far worse bands around.

    I'd have to disagree. There is some worse music around. But as far as bands go, I can think of Red Hot Chilli Peppers as being a worse band. And, well, I'm sure there are more out there but I'm having a hard time thinking of any. Truly an atrocious band, in my opinion. :)


    Songwise you may not like the Chili's, but musically, they certainly aren't a terrible band by any stretch of the imagination. Flea and Chad Smith are both excellent musicians for starters and Frusciante ain't half bad either.


    ha, they had the olde hammeron drummer(RIP). and motorhead have mikkey dee(actually i always thought that he's there them just for the money).still i don't care the less for them. and one of my best times ever was in one festival in greece when they had to cancel and saxon played in their place. :christmas:

  13. nope and never. hammeron's 2nd,for example, is only availiable through this way and although i'm dying to listen to it, i didn't do it. neither i found it somewhere. and the majority of the tracks are not from their well known demo.mp3s, mp4s, mpsomething(actually and cds,hehehe) are devil's thingies.

  14. Maybe it's just me but that site is crazy-ridiculous to try and find your way around.



    bro,look at the left hand side, under the word "welcome".click on , lets say, "database-import" and it will navigate you to another page.there, on the right hand, click on the letters to find what you're looking for. etc etc etc.you have to copy-paste the titles you want and send an email.there's no shopping cart.

  15. i just saw that this great mailorder isn't listed here. the prices sometimes are big but overall is a great site with tons of stuff. the guy who deals with the overseas orders is an american from florida and he's a great lad. i got today my japanese pressing of praying mantis-sanctuary with tons of goodies(diary, sticker etc).


    browse the page(especially the huge imports list) and drop Bill an email with your wants. yes, they accept paypal.





    now, that mandrake root is no more due to bankruptcy, this is the best online store!

  16. Hurry Scuary - Break It Up (Jap pressing sealed)

    Nightcrawler - S/T

    Robby Scott And The Guilt Trip - S/T

    The Bloody Stools - Meet The Bloody Stools

    Trash Can Baby - S/T (reissue)



    wow. i din't know that you're into metal as well! although it's not as good as their other demos and EP. actually i think that the only thing that saves it from mediocrity is hamar's throat!


    The one I got it actually an EP, only 4 tracks, did they have more than 1 EP? I think its really good straight ahead heavy metal.



    this is their first classic one:




    and here are some trax of it:




    time for some serious banging!

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