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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. For those not on FB https://mega.nz/file/oRdm1bxA#SrgRC6b1yo1jgCOzEnwfygKyh6ZOzYTxZe40RS8zpTA
  2. My first FM album was Tough it out on cassette probably back in 1990 as I ordered it from an old school mail order catalogue when it was on sale. Had never even heard them, just based it on the description in the catalogue. Absolutely loved the album. Then a year later I heard their version of Grapevine and was working at the record distribution warehouse when Taking it to the streets came out. I remember later picking up indiscreet and being disapointed with how lightweight it was compared to the two albums I already had. Aphrodisiac was another great album, and I remember it being highly lauded as the best album they ever made by a lot of the UK rock press. After that, as far as studio albums went, I found their output to be a bit dull. Not bad, but just no longer excited me like they used to. When they came back, I never bought any of their albums as pretty much every single I heard left me with those same feelings of "Sounds good, but just does not excite me". I think my biggest issue is I am not the biggest fan of more blues oriented rock music, and only a few artists really nail it for me. Shame really as I love Steves voice.
  3. Well that song has a few good covers
  4. Never thought I would see the day a rock album was described as "breezy".
  5. From the songs posted here I felt his vocals were a mix between Blackie and Kevin Dubrow, but nowhere near as good.
  6. I can't remember the ins and outs of it, but last year he put up a tweet about how anyone who does cover songs is unoriginal and have no talent, and he would rather listen to the original. I have no issue with the second part of his statement as that is all down to personal taste, but for him to call out bands as unoriginal and lacking talent when bands he listens to have done covers is quite laughable. Every time he posts shit like that I reply and he always ignores me as he knows he is chatting shit. He does it with wrestling as well. Called someone out for instulting a woman wrestler, and saying it's unacceptable to insult wrestlers like that. Pointed out he always calls Brock Lesnar a gorilla and he he should practice what he preaches .. ignored again As I say, always has to pretend he knows everything, but always gets caught out.
  7. This just reminded me of a guy I know (I struggle to call him friend as he annoys the piss out of me). He is one of those guys who was late to metal but acts like he knows everything. One of his great lines was "How can you call yourself a metalhead if you dont like Pantera" to which I said, "Or maybe they are a real metalhead and are not judgemental pricks who think everyone must like the same shit they do". Anyway, one time we were talking about Steel Panther while queueing for one of their gigs, and I mentioned I had just picked up the Mitch Perry album which has some songs on it by 7% solution, featuring Michael Starr. He then started saying "Oh yeah, Mitch Perry I have heard of him". I know full well he has no clue who Perry is, so later on I started talking about something else and totally made up a band and of course he had heard of them as well
  8. Hazzards oldest Duke was always a bit weird.
  9. Ok a TV show not a movie, but its a great song
  10. I was gonna order the new Crazy Lixx CD and as per usual seeing what the best option was price wise etc, and surprise surprise, Amazon do not have it, only market place. So yeah, ordered from Replay again like I did with Durbin and Cassidy Paris. Really seems as if Amazon UK are no longer stocking Frontiers albums.
  11. Just in case anyone here is interested in this guy
  12. Now I might be sounding a bit of a lunatic with this, but everytime I listen to the song Killing Breed it reminds me of something off of the Pull album by Winger. I would say that this was due to Paul Taylor, but he wasn't even a member of Winger when Pull came out
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