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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by darin

  1. January purchases: Anatomic - In For The Thrill Bonfire - Rebel Soul Burning Rain - S/T Crashdiet - The Savage Playground D.T. Boyz - Knockin' Up Ya Neighborhood Vaduz - Better Days Wicked Sin - Strictly For Pleasure
  2. I probably read the same thing. The music was already done with just the vocals to be finished. Kelly Keeling has been busy with his solo tribute album of late. So who knows. yeah,Think its a Frontiers release for 2013 at some point,hope it is a Baton Rouge releasenot just a Jack Ponti solo vehicle like album 3,which I liked,just not as much as the self titled/Lights out stuff Yeah you're right. Its a Frontiers release, just no release date yet. I believe all the original members got back together for this release.
  3. I probably read the same thing. The music was already done with just the vocals to be finished. Kelly Keeling has been busy with his solo tribute album of late. So who knows.
  4. Agreed!! Especially the production with the drums. Hopefully this production issue is not becoming a trend with these Swedish sleaze bands. If it is , I hoping Hardcore Superstar bucks the trend.
  5. Never got into Wig Wam, but I like this. Looking forward to more.
  6. THE REAL THING - Christian Tolle Project
  7. These guys just signed with Z Records for a their self-titled debut to be released in April.
  8. Live about an hour an half from these guys. Never heard of them. Great find!
  9. Southern Hard Rock from Hollywood. Samples below. http://www.stonebreed.com/AUDIO.html
  10. Done! Any tour plans in the near future? Any shows in the Twin Cities area?
  11. Song from their upcoming album due later this year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zRzvvQOL-yE
  12. Cool! Thanks, I just did a quick search over on Amazon & they only have the digital release.
  13. Really? I never knew that. How come there's no threads about the disc from that time? The sound isn't perfect, but the songs surely speak volumes. Is that odd, that the same album gets released on two labels in the space of a year? I'm not sure if it was ever officially released by Suncity.
  14. Looks like they are already looking for a new singer.
  15. Very nice indeed. I do get a Dokken vibe. Is this a digital only release?
  16. Yeah, its a CDR. A bit pricey for a CDR. I was hoping the price might go down a bit. Its been out for awhile. You are right that there are some good tunes on this release. Still might breakdown & purchase this.
  17. The Station Agent Note: First bar scene the bartender was wearing a Danger Danger concert shirt.
  18. DEAD Man Soul - Freak Kitchen
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