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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Cut out the negative thoughts....shit is only as fucked up as you make it....you are the one in control....
  2. He is still leading your Rep party....what I find hilarious is that many Trump supporters since the election have started treating Trump like the creepy uncle that gets locked away in the basement where they hope he will be quickly forgotten....
  3. VPs rarely do much but hopefully she is learning how things work at the top and yeah she didn't pull many votes because she was and still is for the most part an unknown quantity unlike Biden at the time....but go ahead and keep banging on about it and since we are talking numbers how about the 3 million more votes Hilary got than Trump in 2016....if the US had a true representational government Trump wouldn't have won.....
  4. So everyone you know who has had the vax are now magnetized....
  5. U.S. senator representing California starting in 2016, serving on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on the Budget... Beginning her career as the deputy district attorney in Alameda County, Harris worked for San Francisco's City Attorney Louise Renne as the chief of the Community and Neighborhood Division, where she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases. She was the first Black woman to be elected district attorney of San Francisco and served from 2004 to 2010.... She served as the attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017, becoming the first woman, first Black and South Asian American to serve as California's attorney general. These are actual qualifications that means she has experience and understands politics and how the government works unlike your hero Trump whose only qualifications you have come up with are that he is a business man (with 4 bankruptcies) and that he got enough votes to win the election...
  6. I doubt Biden quits unless he has a serious health issue....and if she is the best the Dems come up with for 2024 then they may be in trouble....I expect them to lose both houses in 2022....
  7. I've said it before but I will repeat it...she is no more unqualified than the previous president....of course that isn't high praise so if she is no better than him then you will be correct, it will not be funny....
  8. Considering the attitudes toward Harris here...I can hardly wait to see her as president...it should be very entertaining...
  9. First I've heard of this!....will need to track it down.....
  10. Music like this is why I rarely check out this thread....but to each their own....
  11. There have been quite a few people who make their money from conservative talk radio and who have shit on vaccines only to then feel karma bite them on the ass....a lot of these people say these things because they believe it is the right thing politically!! ... as if politics should have any bearing on a health and common sense issue....
  12. I've been reading up on the Libertarian policies and they are quite good although the foreign policy of isolationism doesn't work for me, the rest is better than anything from the Dems or Reps....too bad they are not considered as a real option by Americans as I believe at the very least their political positions would force the other parties into a more moderate line if they were considered a threat...
  13. True, no ones opinion gets changed here as most people are set in their opinions....I could have mentioned a ton of shit that I think Trump screwed up but it would all be defended as great by his supporters so not worth the time....
  14. Sounds like you have a good strong independent woman there....it could be a lot worse as she could be a one night stand who was looking for someone to pay all the bills for life.....if you are going to have this kid and be a father then you are going to have to make changes in your life to deal with the new reality and going to Manchester will be the least of the changes.... time for a new headspace...one of the problems most of us have is that as we get older change is harder to deal with as we get set in our ways....
  15. I can't speak for anyone else but marriage and/or abortion would not be acceptable to me...sometimes you just have to suck it up and carry the weight....I figure that when a guy hits 50 he should get the V done or become a monk since having kids after 50 is irresponsible as by the time they get out of high school you are hitting 70!...assuming you actually live that long....
  16. I've always had an aversion to marriage as it is a legal contract that as you say fucks you if it fucks up and I always figured that any woman I settled down with would be working, strong and independent so we would be equal financially so no need for legal contracts.... of course settling down and having kids makes you mature quickly and I never had to really do that and as a result I'm still a selfish prick most of the time...lol...on the positive side I would never have been able to retire as wives and kids are incredibly expensive...retirement would have been a pine box.... but I always thought having kids would be an incredible thing, of course when I'm in a store and there is some kid screaming at the top of its lungs I have serious second thoughts....
  17. Congrats buddy, I was never fortunate enough to have kids , mainly because I never met a woman I could stand for more than a few months...lol.. I've often wondered if I missed out...
  18. Because of filibuster rules the Reps in the Senate have plenty of say in what legislation gets passed and what doesn't and these days with Trump demanding that Biden and the Dems get no legislation passed and McConnell saying that they will block everything that means very little gets done...so yes the Reps have plenty of power...
  19. Bassist Ron Holzner, formerly of Trouble and currently in The Skull , tells Chicago Reader that Wagner smoked cigarettes, occasionally drank, and vaped. The singer had health issues, but Holzner says he’d managed to eliminate a few regular prescriptions by taking better care of himself and switching to a plant-based diet. Wagner was generally opposed to institutionalized medicine, but he wouldn’t make an exception for the COVID vaccine. “We argued about it, and he stood his ground on the matter,” Holzner says. “I always joked, ‘The World According to Eric Wagner - you should write a book.’ He lived his life his way.”
  20. Yeah quite the business man, he has only filed for business bankruptcy at least 4 times.....very impressive...and I keep bringing him up because if you are going to criticize Democrat leaders then it makes perfect sense to compare them to the Republican leader which is still Trump even if many people would like to forget that salient point....some people seem to think Trump disappeared down some deep dark hole after leaving the White House (we could only wish...lol) but he is still in charge of the Reps so enough with the whining about bringing up the Rep leader unless you are going to stop the criticism of the Dem leaders...ffs
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