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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Surely you are not surprised when governments do not spew the same storyline ? That happened a lot with the previous admin and has happened with every previous admin....some admins have their ducks in a row and some do not and accountability starts at the top....and I'm starting to see Biden do like his predecessor, he tosses in his personal opinion/feelings/slant that often has nothing to do with reality and when that happens it throws off everyone else in the admin as they don't want to be seen contradicting the boss..
  2. Yeah that is a possibility at least for some of the deaths....the stats are only as good as the people collecting the data... but they can tell the difference between Covid and influenza and should be checking...
  3. Steamhammer / SPV are opening the autumn 2021 season with a real bang, taking advantage of the increasingly upbeat mood after that nerve-wracking lockdown: Pink Cream 69, one of the most renowned and longest-serving hard rock bands on the German music scene, has signed with the Hannover-based label. The quintet – consisting of David Readman (vocals), Alfred Koffler (guitar), Marco Wriedt (guitar), Roman Beselt (bass), and Chris Schmidt (drums) – currently finds itself in the songwriting process for its next studio album. Koffler: "At the moment we are sifting through and sorting the new material. There are currently about thirty tangible ideas for new tracks, which we are, as always, subjecting to a thorough selection process in order to deliver a homogenous album." The production of the as yet untitled new release is scheduled to begin in the coming weeks. Koffler hopes that the record will be ready to be mixed in December 2021, and the release of a single including video is scheduled to precede the arrival of the album. Pink Cream 69 have enlisted their former bassist Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Place Vendome, Gus G.) as sound engineer to mix and master their latest offering
  4. I actually agree with cutting funding to WHO, they're being run by China these days...should probably cut funding to the UN as well as it has become a fucking joke....
  5. I have no issue with what you say but let me ask this....how many people have been saved because we have the vax now? How many deaths would there be if there was no vax? Covid is not going away so the numbers will continue to rise unfortunately....back during the SF time people trusted a lot more than they do today which is why motives are constantly being questioned today....and to be clear the SF was worse than Covid....
  6. I'm no expert on the flu but I believe the Spanish Flu was a different variety from what we are dealing with today...
  7. People probably should get the flu vaccine every year...but one issue is that the vaccine is usually only about 35% effective so pushing it on people doesn't make a lot of sense....influenza does kill a lot of people every year (except last year because of all the precautions taken against covid) but I have never heard of hospitals filling up with the sick and dying from the flu like we have with covid.... so a close comparison doesn't really work...the majority who get the covid vax stay out of the hospital... And I personally have no issue with those who do not get the vax as it is their right to choose....even if I think it is the wrong choice.... so no ostracizing from me... the problems I have with anti-vaxers is that when they get sick, they cause issues for the health care system....also the ones out protesting are not always doing it peacefully and I have a real problem when they abuse doctors and nurses...
  8. I don't know if I should laugh or feel depressed over those comments....
  9. This is a silly argument...in countries like the US, Canada and the UK, our frontline nurses and doctors are overworked and probably traumatized by that mere 1% that keep dying in the hospitals from this virus....and then there is the issue that the hospitals are full so regular procedures are being postponed which is threatening the lives of people who do not and never have had covid....so what is the best way to fix this problem?...get vaccinated for crying out loud because it is proven that those who get vaccinated are 25-30 times less apt to need hospitalization or a trip to the morgue...if everyone gets vaccinated it won't matter that everyone is catching it and passing it around as it will be treated like regular flu and we can all get on with our lives....just get a new vax every 6-12 months to combat the new variants...and yes this is a pain the the ass but I don't see another workable option....complaining about getting the vax sure as fuck does nothing for anyone....
  10. What was it Jack Nicholson said in that movie..."YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE HARDSHIPS" or something like that...
  11. This kind of stuff is cool when you first get it but then you put it away and never look at it again....and Metallica does not need any more money from me...it is just a cash grab from fans or as I prefer to call them...suckers...
  12. Dead Planet


    60 Minutes Australia did a story about the biggest cash grab in Australian history where a ton companies took taxpayer money during the pandemic that they did not need as they were still making plenty of money...yet the government is not trying to recoup that money from those companies but is going after regular citizens for any small overpayment...I'm pretty sure this sort of shit has and is happening in Canada as well...
  13. Yeah, I understand your point but I can't help but think that it is a good idea for people to be reminded every 4 years that they live in a democracy and that they should be participating in that democracy through voting in elections...here in Canada we are usually lucky to get 50-55% of eligible voters to actually vote and that is not acceptable IMO...it should be considered a duty and honor to vote and too many people are indifferent these days....democracy in only as strong as the people who support it...
  14. Dead Planet


    Can't view it on youtube at all? It is 60 Minutes Australia ffs....
  15. I don't get out of bed before noon....and the biggest workout I get in the evening is when I have to get up out of my easy chair to look for the fucking tv remote....
  16. Dead Planet


    This should piss off every Australian....
  17. Dead Planet


    If you are talking the former Canadian prime minister, then yes I never thought I would miss him but after 6 years of Trudeau I would take him back in a heartbeat....hopefully the Sept 20 election will boot Trudeau's ass to the curb...
  18. Lets not forget that most health care systems can't handle the influx of covid patients...not only is the pandemic wearing out already overworked frontline doctors and nurses but hospitals are full and most other medical procedures have been postponed and in some cases it has resulted in deaths....so maybe trying to get people vaccinated so that they don't have to take up time and bed space at hospitals is a good thing...
  19. I don't see the racism in voter IDs...and seems to me at least in the red states they should be able to pass laws for voter IDs and it would not be long before everyone followed suit...after all if you can pass a law that prevents you from giving water to people standing in line to vote then you should be able to pass just about any law you want....
  20. Who said it was racist? It is common sense. I also think mandatory voting like they have in Australia is a good idea although it would be difficult to get it passed in Canada and impossible in the US....
  21. It's only bullshit if you are blind to threats to democracy and I don't care from which direction the threats come be they left or right....talk of coups by people is dangerous and the fact that it is happening and the numbers are not insignificant should concern everyone...
  22. And you're not editorializing based on your bias when you dismiss it out of hand or blame the left for anything even remotely critical of your party.... PS. You can discount people like Flynn but that does not diminish their influence.
  23. I read on Forbes (are they left wing?) that 3 out of 10 Republicans expect Trump to be reinstated as president....not sure how that happens without some sort of coup....regardless that sort of insane thinking has be of concern to any level headed Republican voter... Michael Flynn actual promoted a coup when speaking at a conference in June...(is that too old?)...
  24. Dead Planet


    Wait...Australia has politicians who aren't idiots!...WTF!...you can send a few of the non-idiots to Canada...
  25. Yeah every time I hear the right wingers talk about getting rid of Biden and bringing back Trump, of invalidating the election results, I can't help but think they no longer want to live in a democracy......it is dangerous talk IMO...we seem to be taking our freedoms for granted these days....if you want people out of power , you vote them out, you don't use illegal means...
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