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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I consider this a win for Biden as Australia gets nuclear subs with the capability of adding nukes later plus the EU is talking about building up their military(about fucking time) because they no longer feel they can depend on the US and as a bonus France got shafted for billions....
  2. Dead Planet


    In case anyone wonders why nurses are concerned, you can read this article about Canadian nurses... https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canadian-nurses-are-leaving-in-droves-worn-down-by-16-merciless-months/
  3. Dead Planet


    Speaking of balls, the latest rumor is that the vaccine causes swollen testicles and impotence...so something else to look forward to...
  4. Love AC/DC and while the Bon Scott years were their best, Brian Johnson did manage 2 decent releases in Back in Black and For Those About To Rock, after that the band went downhill rather quickly IMO.... Great White had some good songs but they are not in the same league as AC/DC.....
  5. Guesting on the Not These Two Fucking Guys podcast, Testament frontman Chuck Billy confirmed the increasing buzz that he is working on a solo album. Check out the interview below. Chuck Billy: "I was recruiting some guitar players over the last six months to write a record with me, and I was gonna use a different guitar player on every song to help me write songs. Mark Morton (Lamb Of God), I've talked to him. I also want Gary Holt (Exodus) to write some songs with me, Glen Drover (Eidolon, ex-Megadeth) is gonna write some songs. I want it to be different, and what I've told all these guys is that I wanna do a solo record, but I don't want it to resemble Testament. I wanna do something different, and the direction I wanna go is the old classic vinyl-sounding records; just real, clean and dry and big. Real tones, not compressed digital stuff. I want it to be classic sounding, but have it rock, have it bluesy."
  6. Good one and it would be down to Revenge or Creatures of The Night for me....
  7. Glad to hear you do not take it seriously, neither do I as all the non-musical commentary is meaningless opinionated BS...
  8. While this should be true , it is not the reality....
  9. Gotta agree, these discussions are just going around in circles, I try to add some balance to the discourse since most commenters are to the right of center politically but it is clear that no one really wants to hear opposing views as they prefer to have their own carved in stone views parroted back at them....
  10. Your mindless comments do not impress anyone except perhaps yourself....
  11. Yeah, we see so many smart and insightful comments from you.... insults are what those with nothing intelligent to say use and you use them constantly....instead of showing everyone how stupid you are have you considered just shutting up...
  12. I don't mind it although I'm not sure I want a full album that sounds like this.....
  13. Yeah I don't think Biden has been very good as president although I figured he couldn't be any worse than his predecessor and he has 3 years left in his term so we will see if he continues his downward trajectory....as for the right wing commentators/shows, it is no surprise that they are shitting on Biden at every opportunity, sometimes with good cause but mostly it is political bias...to be fair the left did the same to Trump so this is the new reality of meaningless 'journalism' in the US....
  14. Yeah I stopped buying his stuff a while back as each new release sounded like the last.....
  15. Professionalism disappeared with the previous admin but I had hoped Biden would bring it back....I think they are still rattled by the Afghanistan fiasco....and now they are taking a lot of shit for the delta variant spread as if they could have slowed it down without everyone on board the vax train.... The biggest concern governments have with Covid is that health care systems are not setup to deal with pandemics so yes they are pushing the vax as they know that vaxed people have a very small chance of ending up in the hospital...it is not a conspiracy, they just don't want the media reporting on people dying in corridors , outside hospitals , in tents or gymnasiums or wherever because the health system is drowning...because that will be blamed on whoever is in charge....
  16. Dead Planet


    Love the common sense approach he has to everything.... too bad he isn't in politics...
  17. Dead Planet


    When masks were mandated here, it included kids down to age 3 I believe.....
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