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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Decent..the vocals are acceptable...I'd like to hear more before buying...
  2. I loved Deliverance & Wiseblood but the quality went downhill after that (IMO) and I haven't listened to them for several years....now that I know they have a new release out I will have to hunt down some samples and check it out....
  3. Private Line - Dead Decade Vamp LeStat - Filth
  4. New Shakra & Khymera.....excellent news!
  5. Love the band and I'm looking forward to the new release....
  6. Decent stuff...I assume the final mix will be better....
  7. I'll need to hear more than that to decide if its worth picking up.....
  8. I need to hear more but this song is decent....
  9. Yeah ...not really that good...IMO
  10. I like it...I'll have to check it out....nice find!
  11. Decent tune but as Geoff hints it isn't a mindblower but I'll keep an eye open for it....
  12. I'm going to predict that the economy in the U.S. will turn around in the next 4 years. Obama will cut the deficit (to much screaming and complaining). The Republicans (the far right, tea party & centrist) will beat each other silly trying to drive the party in several directions at once....and Hillary will be the next president... ...most likely running against Jeb Bush.....
  13. The last release that impressed me from these guys was "Rocks"...it's been downhill ever since....
  14. I agree. Yeah, I was thinking about this the other day and I'm not sure there are any Bond films I prefer to 'Skyfall'. I love 'Live and Let Die', 'The Spy Who Loved Me' and a few others, but the new one is a really good film. Not completely flawless, but great fun and not the usual Bond fare. The song is pretty fantastic too. Still working my way through these films and I have noticed a major improvement in quality from Connery to Moore although I don't believe either can be considered a great actor, I see them on a par so I believe it has to do with an overall improvement in the quality of the films...I have also now watched Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, Live and Let Die, The Man With The Golden Gun and Moonraker.......with Moonraker being my fav so far...
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