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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Good tune!! Like the movie it came from too.. Eddie and the Cruisers.....
  2. Tough choice for Me,but I went with The Human Factor.. LOVE Mike Howe's voice.. Course I Still listen to the debut and The Dark too....
  3. Raven "All For One" No contest.. With another BIG thank you to My Man Keith for introducing Me to that Awesome album back in My freshman year of College!!!
  4. Wow Lots of good choices here, but I gotta go with Helloween's "Walls of Jericho" By a hair,with a special thank you to Keith for introducing Me to them Freshman year in College!!
  5. Probably My FAVORITE Dokken album,so this ain't easy.. BUT I went with "It's Not Love" Ask Me tomorrow and that may change.....
  6. Hell yea, Rocky Horror rules!! Although I gotta admit, it's one of those things you either "get" the first time you see it, or you don't understand what all the whoop-de-doo is about. (My wife falls into the latter camp, unfortunately...) I haven't seen it in years now but I will say it definitely helps to be stoned and/or drunk outta your gourd when you watch "Rocky Horror." Yep, exactly, there is NO middle ground when it comes to Rocky Horror.. You either Get it, and love it, OR you hate it... And yea, being stoned and/or drunk definitely enhances the Rocky Horror experience alright....
  7. Yes Rocky Horror is NOT a great movie by ANY stretch, but DAMN I love that movie... And so does Keith, right???????????
  8. Who gives a sh*t what Axl thinks? You can't copyright an album title... there's already at least one other CD out there by that title (by some indie band whose name escapes me at the moment) so this isn't totally an original idea on Kory's part. Still funny as hell though! A couple of years back The Offspring were going to call one of their records "Chinese Democracy (You Snooze, You Lose!)" but thought better of it and changed it at the last minute. Buncha candy-asses. Yea, True, Who gives a shit what Axl thinks anyways?? I mean it's been HOW long now that His Chinese Democracy has been in the works?? Over TEN years???? Yea I Heard about The Offspring maybe calling one of their records Chinese Democracy too.. Maybe they got the Fear of Axl or something?? You know, cause He was gonna kick Vince Neil's ass back in the day???? God was that a JOKE or what???
  9. Gee I wonder if ole Axl gonna have a bitch fest over the album name???? I will be buying this when it comes out, definitely....
  10. OH this is indeed excellent news!!! Yes I have "Weapons of Our Warfare" on CD already, but I WANT the debut!!!! I will be waiting for these to be released with baited breath!!!!
  11. Anyone else really enjoy Tommy Chong on That 70s Show??? I thought He was funny as HELL....
  12. Wow I gotta go back and watch the previews, cause I MISSED Tavon!! I gotta say though it's about damn TIME to bring Him back!! What's it been 4 years??? And I also gotta say.. Ronnie grew some BALLS!!! I NEVER expected Him to blow that guy away... Truly shocked Me..... Gonna be a GOOD season!!! Waiting for Sons of Anarchy tonight too.....
  13. Scarface?? Damn I got that on DVD a couple years ago, Haven't sat and watched it yet though.....
  14. Eh would rather drink some Crazy Horse... Right Keith??????? Or Midnight Dragon maybe??? Damn We drank alot of cheap beer back in the day didn't We???
  15. 5 and a half hours and counting.. Man I can't WAIT!!!!! Kinda sucks it's the FINAL season though.....
  16. Not out until September 16th I believe...... But Man do I WANT it!!!!
  17. Best Beer Commercial EVER!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH7bjIajc0A
  18. Yea the lip synching is PAINFULLY obvious ain't it???
  19. Damn Man You don't have those on DVD yet?? I have a box set of all 3 of em.. Got it a few years ago for like 25 bucks I think???
  20. To be honest I haven't really cared about Great White since..... "Hooked"?? And that I only listened to a handful of times when I got it over 15 years ago I think..... Now the older Great White?? Like.. "Once Bitten"?? HELL Yea!!!!
  21. One Crazy Summer.. Hey Demi Moore was HOT.....
  22. Looky what I found..... Kiss singing "I" Without Ace..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCMXqy626AM I know, it's on one of their DVDs, but still a cool tune.....
  23. Recent purchases... Arachnophobia... One of the FEW movies to creep Keith out..... The Shield Season 6!! Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 2 disc extended version Conan the Destroyer One Crazy Summer Executive Decision
  24. Hmmm..*Looks over your list thinking* Ok Got the Judas Priest on CD... as well as the Sepultura... Hell got everything up to the first album with the new singer on CD.... Also got the Shotgun Messiah.. WASP(Yes I KNOW I am still looking for it for you, honest!!! ) Kix and the Raven CDs too..... Man I wouldn't leave You alone near My CD rack.......
  25. One week until the Final Season of the Shield begins!!! Check out some preview videos here, looks like it's gonne be one HELL of a good season, also looks like Shane might live through it...... http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/...nternals/Videos Check out the Season 7 Exclusives.. GOOD stuff.....
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