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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Ok Not Robert Englund as Freddy.. BUT it does look pretty badass actually....... I shall have to check this out.....
  2. Saw the Pilot episode on Hulu and thought it was pretty funny actually....
  3. Watched Last House on the Left last night, the remake?? Damn good flick!! And the ending?? DAMN!!!! Just watched Monsters vs Aliens today, pretty funny stuff......
  4. Nah, I think that was Whiplash, not F-O-F. Although for all I know F-O-F could've been on the bill that night as well, we didn't stay for the whole thing as I recall... But they were definitely on that Sepultura bill... Igor C. used Faith Or Fear's drum set cuz they hadn't brought all their gear over from Brazil yet... I believe You would be correct sir.. Far be it for Me to argue with the Godly Lord Roadkill...... And We didn't stay for the whole listening party cause L'amour was PACKED!!! But I DO remember Overkill DID play a few tunes.....
  5. Dark Star doubtlessly remembers when we saw F-O-F open for Sepultura waaaaaay back in the day at L'amour in Brooklyn. He was more impressed with'em than I was. I remember watching their first few songs and then going to the bar for a couple of beers with my brother, after which we always referred to them as "Faith or Beer." Actually, didn't they play the Listening party for Overkill's "Years of Decay" Album?? that We got into for free??? If memory serves, at the Sepultura show were bands called Silo and Metal Storm?? though I COULD be wrong..... Although that DOES sound like You and Yer Brother, heading for the bar after a few tunes.....
  6. Wow that is sad news indeed.. I always did like Faith or Fear.. I Shall crank their debut album in His honor!!
  7. Ain't they all ? It won't be the final nightmare as their in production for a new remake coming in 2010. Yea WITHOUT Robert Englund, so I think I shall pass on that one...... If He ain't Freddy?? I ain't interested..... Watched a double feature yesterday... Crank and Crank 2 High Voltage... Good mindless violence and shit blowing up, gotta love it.....
  8. Latest DVD purchases... X-Men Origins: Wolverine Crank 2 High Voltage Last House on the Left[2009 remake]
  9. Oh that looks SWEEEEET!!!!!
  10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pretty damn good!!! Hey Keith, it's on DVD you see it yet?? as I know you couldn't go see it in the theaters, what with kids and all.....
  11. Nicely done Man.. I get there.. Sooner or later.....
  12. Road House... In memory of Patrick Swayze... Damn I love that movie.....
  13. Saw this and I HAD to share.... Give it a minute to load it's FUNNY....
  14. Ok I am DIGGING those samples!!! And for 12 bucks getting 2 CDS AND a live DVD?? what a fucking deal!! Yea I AM Buying this!!!
  15. Sad news indeed, although not totally unexpected.. Still He will be missed... Now I must watch Red Dawn AND Roadhouse in His honor.... OH and the Outsiders too, can't forget that one.....
  16. Crank 2 High Voltage If you can dismiss reality for about 90 minutes this is a really cool flick, I Loved it.....
  17. OH sweet... I did like the Twisted Sister Christmas album, and I Will be checking this out too.. Gonna be a METAL Christmas!!!!
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