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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Ok this CD got reviewed over at Metal-rules.xcom?? Gave it one.. ONE star!! Dang.. Here's the review for those interested.... Lita Ford Wicked Wonderland November 2009 Released: 2009, JLRG Entertainment Rating: 1.0/5 Reviewer: Aaron Yurkiewicz So Lita Ford has decided to return to the music scene after a 14 year absence with a new album, WICKED WONDERLAND. In publicity for the album, Ford has cited this to be her “heaviest” and “sexiest” material to date. You’ll notice that the words “good” or “enjoyable” weren’t included in the description. While most hard rock fans will remember Ford for fist pumping anthems like “Kiss Me Deadly” and “Out for Blood,” WICKED WONDERLAND is a techno rock mess that wants to sound current, but is the farthest thing from anything remotely musically current. This album sounds like what many of the hair metal bands did in the 90s to try and remain relevant – updating their sound to something unfamiliar and uncomfortable (remember those releases on CMC Records?), and eventually reverting to a traditionally comfortable rock environment after realizing how embarrassing that period really was. The problem here is that Ford is a decade and a half behind the curve and she doesn’t realize it. Let’s be frank – Ford was never the most prolific songwriter or performer. More of a novelty within a male dominated music scene, Ford is known for straightforward, catchy hard rock tunes. That being said, the songs on WICKED WONDERLAND are almost unlistenable. Ford has attempted to create a sexually tinged environment within the 15 songs, but there’s nothing remotely erotic or enticing here. Songs about loving it when she “shakes that ass” and spreading one’s legs come across as a desperate attempt to sound like she’s trying to sound sexy and raw, but in the way that your mom would try to sound sexy and raw. Are you uncomfortable yet? Good, because so was I listening to this trainwreck. Ex-Nitro vocalist and “Mr. Lita Ford” Jim Gillette shares a lot of the vocal spotlight with Ford, which doesn’t help things. Again, Gillette was never the most prolific writer or performer either, but his contributions to the album just make things worse. Rather than give us any of the glass shattering histrionics that the guy was (almost) famous for, he phones in a gruff, tough guy voice who’s trying to sound like a dirty, sexy compliment to the misses, but sounds just as awkward in the process. Imagine your mom and dad talking dirty to each other to spice things up. It’s that unsexy. Are you still uncomfortable? Well you should be. Musically, the album is entirely forgettable, full of techno flavored effects and generic industrial-lite guitar riffs. Ford’s voice is awash in layers, and layers, and layers of reverb and fog, which erases any of her remaining vocal charisma. Whether it’s because she doesn’t have the pipes anymore or somebody thought just thought it was a good idea, it makes a bad situation even worse. This album is so bad that I am embarrassed. Not embarrassed because of the pseudo sexually charged atmosphere, but embarrassed for Lita Ford herself. I’m embarrassed because she actually thought that WICKED WONDERLAND would put her back on the map. I’m embarrassed because she doesn’t realize how out of touch she is with her fans or the music community in general. I’m embarrassed because I sat through the whole album (several times) trying to find some redeeming value. Guess what? There isn’t any. Go buy yourself a greatest hits collection and forget that WICKED WONDERLAND ever happened. Er yea ok I think I gonna pass on this one.....
  2. No I am NOT making this up either.. Saw this on blabbermouth and I HAD to share..... HULK HOGAN Wanted To Join METALLICA - Nov. 2, 2009 56-year-old wrestling legend Hulk Hogan has told Chicago Trubune's "About Last Night" column that he played bass guitar in high school and that he tried to get back into music even after making it big in wrestling. "I was in England presenting an award with Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger's ex, and she told me THE [ROLLING] STONES were looking for a bass player," Hogan said. "I sent her a ton of merchandise that she asked for and said 'Tell Mick I'm a great bass player.' I never heard a word back. "When METALLICA was looking for a bass player, I called and never heard a word back from them either. I would have quit wrestling in a heartbeat to be a bass player for METALLICA." Hulk Hogan was in Chicago last week to promote his autobiography, "My Life Outside The Ring". The book is Hogan's second autobiography and offers more details on his family and childhood. Can you just imagine if He quit wrestling to play bass for Metallica?????
  3. Hasn't that been tried before??
  4. Oh I am LOVING that album cover!!! Fucking Badass!!!!! Hell Yea I WILL own this!!!!!
  5. Don't get me wrong, the "Galactica" reboot was VERY well done... excellent visuals and scriptwriting...it just wasn't what I wanted to see. I'm too attached to that cheesy-but-great original 1970s version. Call me an idiot, a retard or just plain slow but I didn't know that that the newer series was a remake. You shittin' me Wes? You didn't know there was an "old" Battlestar Galactica? Ran on ABC for about a year and a half, two years starting in '78. I was eight years old at the time and it BLEW MY F*CKING MIND. Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! I had action figures, comic books, paperbacks, anything I could get my hands on that was related to the show. I believe I may have cried when it was cancelled. I am still trying to figure out how to swing buying the DVD set of the entire original series (housed in a case shaped like a Cylon Centurian's helmet) without my wife finding it and stapling my nuts to my forehead when she finds out how much it cost... Should I mention now that I HAVE that DVD Box set???
  6. I am in that same minority Man.. I DO Like Me some Creed and I am digging this tune!! Will probably have to pick up the album one of these days.....
  7. I woul tend to agree with you. All 4 times I have seen Def Leppard it has been in the Summer and outdoors. Never saw em at Clark County though..[Fuckin MAX doesn't go there damnit!!]] Saw em 3 times back in NY at State Fairs and such, then once out here in PGE Park in Portland.... And Each concert was just excellent!!
  8. I've been wanting to see that. Is that at the theater now? No it's out on DVD Now actually.....
  9. What am I doin?? not a damn thing!! Never get any kids coming to the door, so not much TO do really.. Might pick up a 12 pack or something though.....
  10. *Bumps this up again laughing at the new pics*
  11. Man if I thought that was the REAL trailer I'd shit bricks watching that movie!!
  12. Saw VI and yes I enjoyed it.. I know Many people simply don't "Get" The Saw movies, but I enjoy em.... Oh and watched National Treasure: Book of Secrets too.. GOOD flick!!
  13. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Forgot how good this was.. Not a huge Kevin Costner fan, but I did enjoy this....
  14. Was that your rationale for buying Two's VOYEURS CD as well? Yea well ok I admit That was a HUGE Mistake on MY part.....
  15. Trtue.. But but it's the Metal GOD!!!!!
  16. Ut oh.. I think Wes Craven gonna sue somebody......
  17. Bad Boys.. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.. GREAT together!!
  18. Here's a couple of the songs off this album.. Sounds GOOD to Me!!! "We Three Kings" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXhbrReRDO8 "Get into the Spirit" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPASd8Hb-dA Enjoy em.....
  19. Saw thia on Yahoo's homepage and I HAD to share it.. Meet Steel Panther! http://omg.yahoo.com/celebrity-videos/the-...he-411/16206973 *Snags those B-sides*
  20. The Toy... Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason.. Classic comedy there!!
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