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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. Interesting take... the original is an alltime great song.
  2. I have no idea what the fuck I just watched, but I love it! Reminds of Eskimo Callboy without the screamo.
  3. Not gunna lie, I dig this.
  4. Talk about about a blast from the past! I don't think I've listened to BoP in almost 20 years. Now back with a female lead vocalist... and she belts too. Very Ann Wilson-esque in places.
  5. Another GODDAMMIT!!! video... so many aspects of this are so good, and yet...
  6. GODDAMIT! I'm starting to come around to Geoff's perspective on this stuff.... why the fucking screamo vocals? Musically and once the chorus hits, this is pretty fucking good, but the screamo ruins it IMO.
  7. Talk about a blast from the past... I remember them from the days when MTV was actually MTV. Had no idea they were still active.
  8. Not sure what to classify this... melodic prog?
  9. Just hit my Youtube mentions. Not my style overall, but seems to be very well executed and produced, and you can't deny their vibe.
  10. Soon to be announced: "Band changes name to Vanden Vecchio."
  11. Album "Karma" out March 8 on EAR Music. Pretty damned epic classic hard rock IMO.
  12. Normally southern rock isn't my thing, but this is solid IMO.
  13. I really wish this wasn't so heavy-handed on the autotune, as it's otherwise pretty damned good.
  14. Their vids are always so much fun.
  15. Nope. Looks like at this point titles are getting thrown out at random, so... My #4 album is Cyhra - Trigger (Nuclear Blast Records). Excellent slice of modern melodic metal/rock. Now... my #1 album of the year. This one broke my process entirely. It was released on December 28, so my guess is that it never was listened to by a LOT of people. Poor choice of release date. I had to delay making a decision as I wanted to "let it simmer" and see if it held up upon replay over several weeks both on its own and mixed in with other material in heavy listening rotation... and it did. The way I decided to start my writeup: "What would happen if Robby Valentine, Kissin' Dynamite, and Powerwolf all came together to record The Rocky Horror Picture Show?" You would end up with something very much like Dominum - Hey Living People (Napalm Records). It's a horror themed album with a sense of the theatrical throughout, but at its core melodic hard rock and solid across the board. The whole fucking album is infectious as hell IMO. My candidate for "song of the year" is from this album, the lyrical genius of "We All Taste the Same" (remember the theme of the album): The crunchy "Frankenstein" with great gang choruses: And the wonderfully quirky Better Shoot Yourself: Even the two (!) covers on the album are very well executed: Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Right Round and Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning. Here are the official videos they've done for the album thus far:
  16. Nope. Riverside was in my top 5 early in the year, but it faded down the stretch.
  17. And... fail. Although Orbit Culture made my honorable mention list. My #4 has been posted about here on the board, but my #1 has not... and yet it fits the genres here. If they haven't been guessed by morning, I'll post the answers.
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