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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. i am sorry for hijacking the thread. So happy birthday again :)


    Don't apologize! That was hilarious! :bowdown:


    And thanks to everyone who wished my wonderful wife a happy birthday. Not only did she read the thread, but she was very touched, (and thinks you all are too). :whistle:

  2. If DLR is a rectal irritation, then EVH is a rectal irritation with steel-wool Speedos. And so...


    Eat 'Em - Vai is untouchable on two-thirds of this disc and great on the rest


    Skyscraper - A bit of a let down after the debut, but still cool


    Ain't Enough - Jason Becker's poignantly magnificent last album


    Balance - Okay, so this one's not intolerable, unlike Filthy Little Mouth (yeesh)


    VH III - The CD is crap, but DLR Band is crap with peanuts

  3. Well, I guess it's time I climb out from under my rock and see what's going on around...hey...wait a minute...








    This will not do!


    I of course will need to purchase my copy as soon as humanly possible! PM to Pete. Make it so, Number One. :P

  4. you should encourage her to get an account and help fight the penis party here.


    Happy Birthday Mrs Jimbo ! :)


    "I agree, more estrogen!" - Bubbasmama


    "Wow, Widda can really get worked up. (I'm a little turned on.)" - Blue Charvel


    "Did someone say 'penis party'?" - Geoff



  5. Although not an official member of the board, my wife likes to pop in several times a week and see what's new. (She thinks you people are all off your rockers, but of course, she also married me so her taste is in question.)


    Anyway, to Jimbette, Happy Birthday! I'm glad we're together to celebrate. :bananamac:

  6. Here's a couple more questions:


    9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


    10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



    The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......


    That doesn't account for the fact that Eloise points out that the reason the Oceanic survivors were never found was because the island kept moving while they were on it...


    I don't remember Eloise saying that but then again there are a lot of details in this show that I can't recall......an alternative answer may be that they have lost communication with the island, wasn't the radio shack/tower destroyed.?


    Dude, I know exactly what you mean. Watching this show sometimes feels like cramming for an exam. :doh:

  7. Here's a couple more questions:


    9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


    10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



    The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......


    That doesn't account for the fact that Eloise points out that the reason the Oceanic survivors were never found was because the island kept moving while they were on it...



    By the way, I just found out Eloise's last name is spelled "Hawkins" and that she is probably the same person as "Ellie", the young girl with the gun who escorts Daniel (her son?) to the Jughead bomb.

  8. Here's a couple more questions:


    9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


    10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?

  9. If I'm not mistaken, didn't he originally go by freddy de keyze, or some such moniker, until he got the "ban from Dan"? I always thought he was fun to rile up, and he was always good for a weird quote or two. Sometimes, having a guy with such a high opinion of himself combined with a lack of self-deprecation can make for some interesting reading...and ranting.


    That's why I also miss jason (FA-Q). (Even though Jason at least had a sense of humor.)

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