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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. THE ANSWER-EVERYDAY DEMONS :beerbang::bowdown::beerbang::banger:







    Dude, has your wife ever tried to smother you with a pillow? :lol:


    This week:


    TKO - Let It Roll

    Tygers of Pan Tang - The Cage

  2. Holy Shit....Here's who was blocked on this end..........


    66 mustang


    Blue Charvel

    Blue Tequila














    lrc72315 (can you believe I had Lonnie blocked?)









    Finally, someone with some class on this board! :banana:


    (So how does one block one's self, anyway?)

  3. Yeah, thanks for nothing Jez. :P



    Haha - I haven't a clue what this is mate sorry. I probably own it, but I am crap at lyrics I'm afraid. :D

    Yes you're useless Jez! :whistle:


    Tell me about it ;)


    Jez, if you were any more useless I'd have to start calling you "Geoff's penis"...

    Haha, thanks for the compliment. I know it's that big that you'd think it wouldn't fit and it would therefore be quite useless... but that's what lubrications are for.



  4. I'd trick the whacky millionaire by ripping the CD to my Ipod. That way I'd have his $5000, still be able to hear my beloved music, but honestly be able to say that I wasn't listening to a CD. Gosh, I love loopholes.


    By the way, yes, I will stop scratching my balls for 10 minutes in exchange for $2. During those 10 minutes, I will have your wife scratch them for me. :banana:


    That would cost you another $50 for a copy of the birth certificate proving you have balls, $75 for the search party to find them, and $100 for the surgical tweezers that would be needed to zero in and scratch them... :P

  5. I had the rare opportunity to attend the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame commemoration concert for Les Paul which was held in Cleveland last October, and it was the best show I have EVER seen! Besides having the chance to finally see my idol Les play live with his jazz band, I heard Lonnie Mack (with his Gibson Flying V serial numbered 7!), James Burton, the Ventures, Richie Sambora, and Billy Gibbons (you want to talk about a guitar GOD with a live tone that is beyond description!).


    But the two highlights of the night for me were Steve Lukather's ridiculously metallic jazz rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" which quite frankly is the coolest thing I have ever witnessed at a live event, and Slash's solo set, which ripped the house down. I was never that impressed by Slash's playing on CD, but I came away from that show with the impression that he is one of the greatest guitarists alive today.





  6. Yeah, thanks for nothing Jez. :P



    Haha - I haven't a clue what this is mate sorry. I probably own it, but I am crap at lyrics I'm afraid. :D

    Yes you're useless Jez! :whistle:


    Tell me about it ;)


    Jez, if you were any more useless I'd have to start calling you "Geoff's penis"...


    By the way, if it helps, the guitar in the above mentioned song goes "buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, BUH, BUH...BUM!


    Okay, now you all recognize it, I'm sure. :banana:

  7. Pete, if you make any more CDs with other bands can you please call one Savage Peach and the other Mischievous Mango?


    How bout MISCHIEVOUS MONGULOID :crazy:


    Was that in poor taste?

    Is Jerry Lewis gonna come and kick my ass? :unsure:


    Dude, you're all ass.


    Who has that kind of time? :P

  8. Jeez, Pete. The things I do for you. :wub: I put my order in today so I expect it here tomorrow. :)

    Absolutely, I'm looking into flights now so I can hand carry it to you.


    Where did you order it from btw, it didn't come through me... do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry? :crying:

    Sorry mate, I sold out and went through Kivel. Hope that's still okay babycakes. In these tough ecomomic times the couple of dollars I saved was a godsend. Now I can buy nachos for lunch, and flowers for you when you arrive. :wub:

    :lol: Of course brother, I'm just happy you ordered it, regardless of where you get it from. :D


    Im getting a cdr off Geoff. I assume the above comment applies?

    Why not wait and preorder it with the bonus tracks from Lonnie. :beerbang:



    Lonnie's will have bonus tracks...... :blink:


    Yes, there's a demo of Pete singing "Wind Beneath My Wings" accompanied by a mouth harp, and a hidden track of barn animal noises from the last Fry reunion... :nyanya:

  9. My old guitar player had one of the 5150 heads.Ran it through a bunch of marshall cabs-didn't sound too bad.Didn't sound as a good as this ridiculous vintage marshall head he had though...geez i remember that thing sounding like a little god in a box.


    Nothing compares to the sound of a vintage Marshall. Plug in a Les Paul Custom to that bad boy and crank it up, and I guarantee you will meet ALL your neighbors. :headbanger:

    ...and possibly local law enforcement... ;)

    ....and rid your home of unwanted vermin....

    ...and even wanted vermin...

  10. My old guitar player had one of the 5150 heads.Ran it through a bunch of marshall cabs-didn't sound too bad.Didn't sound as a good as this ridiculous vintage marshall head he had though...geez i remember that thing sounding like a little god in a box.


    Nothing compares to the sound of a vintage Marshall. Plug in a Les Paul Custom to that bad boy and crank it up, and I guarantee you will meet ALL your neighbors. :headbanger:

  11. :rofl:

    Actually my favorite line of guitars and amps arent even listed hear, they must be way to high end, like posting Aston-Martin in a favorite cars poll, My preference for guitar as well as amp would be the Diamond by Harmony, as well as the Harmony Tube(the tube is really a light bulb), together they give me the most fearce arsenal one man can handle, the triple pick up system on the guitar makes for clear tone and low impendence, the two ringer pickups are a nice fit, you cant even tell they are decoys, and with the Tone knob also being a decoy, one doesnt have to get stuck undecidedly spinning it back and forth looking for the right tone! the wammy is so sensitive, you have to make sure you don't pounce on it, just the lightest bend, overdoing it even a little will send you to the store for new strings, and to make sure you don't accidently misplace the wammy bar, it is convieniently encapsulated in the bridge of the body! and lightly tightened down on the backside of the guitar, with a small nut! The amp has an overload danger kill sensor, it maxes out at 4, that way if you get drunk and stupid and you try impressing your friends, it shuts off and prevents you from something you'll really regret the next day, I think this is the ultimate set up, and well worth the whopping $42 I had to pay In 4 monthly installments of $10.04. but well worth it when I look back now! you should treat yourself guys, you deserve it!



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