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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. I was just directed to this thread by T-Bone after inquiring about the guitar pic in his signature, and I just have to say...




    I love my own gear, but to have a guitar prototype that you designed yourself? Are you shitting me? That is off the hook, and the hook it was hooked on!


    Grover keys? Two Drop and Gains? Hand-made bone nut? Schaller bridge with fine tune? My only reservation would be that an ebony board is a bit high-maintenance, but they do resonate well. And damn! That black on white look is awesome!


    All in all, an axe I would be proud to own.


    T-Bone, you are da man. :bowdown:

  2. Jimbo's back! Proof there is a God! :jump:


    As you can see, Jim, many of us "old timers" are still haunting these Boards, but there's been an influx of new blood to keep things fresh (except for that one guy who's karpet is full o' funk). And then there's Geoff, but the less said about him the better...


    Thanks for the welcome back, Mark. It's both flattering and a bit frightening that some folks still remember me. And although it's been several years since I've been here, I think I've already managed to tick off T-Bone in one thread, accidentally dupe someone else's thread, and generally make an irritating nuisance of myself many times over in the course of just a few days...


    So all in all, things seem exactly the same! :D


    By the way, the Winter Rose CD you sold me many moons ago is still in steady rotation on my CD player. So thanks again! :guitbannana:

  3. Thank goodness my Browns scooped up Mangenius when they did! We might have gotten stuck with a Super Bowl winner like Gruden at the helm if we hadn't, and who the hell wants that? I mean, what would I bitch about all off season? (Besides K2 and Braylon Edwards and the owner and the lack of discipline and the humiliation of losing to the Steelers every year and the humiliation of losing to the Ravens every year and the lack of a pass-rush and the team's draft history...) :hammer:

  4. I think someone should combine Dan's two favorite things and make a police drama with lots of music videos in it. Like, the police could chase the bad guys down an alley and then spotlights come up and a dance number a la "West Side Story" could break out and the baddies sing and the coppers reply in song as well and then there could be extras popping out of windows and cars and used as backing vocalists and every song could reach a crescendo until the violence seems almost poetic! And they could call the show something really cool. Something like...oh, I dunno...Cop Rock, maybe!


    (I wonder if Steven Bochco would be interested in something like that?) :P

  5. This may be a trivial rant to most of you, but I just bought the re-issue of Y&T's "Mean Streak" on Krescendo Records (an awesome release, btw) and when I opened the case for the first time the CD popped onto the floor (groove side down, of course). It seems that all the plastic tines in the CD case were broken and the CD was laying in it loose. Not that big a deal, but it's brand new and this seems to happen all the time. What are the record companies doing with these cases? Using them for skeet shooting? Boxing the ears of pirates and bootleggers? It's getting more and more rare to find a wrapped CD in a case that's not already cracked on the outside or on the inside. Or is it just me? :unsure:

  6. It occurred to me today while I was listening to one of my favorite albums (Stranger's "No Rules") that I really hate, hate, HATE the song "Autumn Time Again". In fact, I don't think I have ever been able to listen to the whole song straight through. If not for that one song, that album would be a 9.5 in my humble opinion...


    What songs do you guys think stink up an otherwise stellar release?

  7. I just found this thread today, which reminded me of this one movie I saw where this completely misunderstood outcast tries to live up to the demands of his overbearing "step-father" while battling a horrible speech impediment, a deformed face and a limp, and then meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her and discover that she was coerced into the relationship by his evil "step-father"...


    It's soooo sad...


    It makes me cry everytime...


    (Poor Frankenstein...)


    Seriously, though...anyone ever seen the movie "Life Is Beautiful" from 1998? It's about a Jewish father who uses humor to protect his young son from the emotional horrors of the Holocaust. Not the best film ever, but a tear-jerker for any loving father. :crying:

  8. Thank you all for your well wishes! It's really great to be back. I'm really...I just...(I'm sorry, I feel a little... a little emotional)...Oh, shucks...GROUP HUG!!


    Hey! What the? Back off you guys! I said "Group" not "Grope". (Geez, this place really hasn't changed very much, has it?) :blink:

  9. Hi, Heavy Harmonizers!


    My name is Jim, and although I've been a member of this site for a long time, I haven't been on the boards in years. Some serious family health issues made me re-evaluate my priorities, and I realized that I was spending too much time with my cyber-friends and not enough with my wife and kids. But now that my wife is doing better, and I'm more mature (snicker) and less likely to be a candidate for an HH intervention, I figured it was safe to wade back into the melodic-metal pool with you all again. (But not for half an hour or so...I just had a sandwich.)


    Anyway, I don't expect anyone to actually remember me, so here's what I wrote many years ago...


    Gosh. Where to start?

    Well, first--my name is Jimbo with one "o".

    My hobbies include running stuff over with my car and taxidermy.

    I enjoy beach-lit walks on the moon.

    And if I could meet anyone alive or dead I would prefer to be alive.


    And you?


    See you around!

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