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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Dude........check yer Yahoo. Spinnin' here........nothin'.......got a freakin' headache!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damn.....what's wrong with his 'yahoo'??!! And isn't that a bit personal for the message boards!!! to stay on topic.... On the way in today I jammed to: Billy Idol ~ "Devil's Playground" <------ very good album!
  2. That sounds worth it to me, I'll have to look it up. Anything above 8 is acceptable in my book. Do you like his Gen X stuff? Some of it's too cheesy even for me, but there's some good stuff there too IMHO... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To be honest I don't think I've ever heard any Generation X stuff....if I have it was probably only in small quantities as I don't have any of their albums.
  3. I would say that it's slightly behind that era..those first two discs of his. But there are some pretty kickass tunes on this one. The Christmas song is so freakin' cool....you need to check it out!!! I'd give it about 8.25 out of 10.00 How does it stack up to the "Rebel Yell" era stuff? Listening to PM5K - Transform at this very moment... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  4. Today I was sportin' Billy Idol's new one! Very good disc.....although I was bit surprised at the Country sounding track near the end of the disc!!
  5. Trash Can Baby ~ "s/t" ....hmmm...kinda sleazy.....not bad at all....
  6. Leiahdorus ~ "Ashes Ashes" <-------- synthpop of the highest magnitude!!
  7. Threshold ~ "Subsurface" ......by hearing Dan rave about this band I had to pick up some stuff from their discography. Excellent stuff!!!!!
  8. I didn't think my post was antagonistic whatsoever....my reply to Genr8tr was an analogy to sellers who use innaccurate descriptions and a general agreement about where those kinds of sellers sit in my book. My reply to Koogles was merited as well...as he has spewed forth through questioning that there IS a bootlegging operation going on...and that he would then question the label's legitimacy. That's not right. If anything....Koogles is spouting off with rhetoric again.... but...you are the boss...and I'll live by your decisions, Dan....but you must be fair in your 'pruning'.....
  9. Maybe I should take up the piano...........
  10. There ya go, Tim!! Glad you're enjoyin' that one!!! And anytime I can help a friend out....well that's fine by me!
  11. On the way in today I played two excellent Indie discs.... Inside Out ~ "s/t" and ELI ~ "Push it Hard"
  12. Really cool DVD is HIM ~ "Love Metal Archives Vol. 1"...all of his videos.....awesome stuff!!! The song and video for "Join Me in Death" is absolutely killer!!! Highly recommended!!!!!!!!
  13. I don't think anyone mentioned these bands...... Red Sea King James Sacred Reign Blood N Fire Jeff Sheetz Damascus Road Princess (single only...but WELL worth checking out the cover!!) Latter Reign Feast or Famine Relyant And some others that escape me right now.......of course, some of those I listed are harder to come by than others....
  14. Now listening to Sloth Radio.... Camouflage ~ "One Fine Day" off of 'Methods of Silence'
  15. Today, on the way in to the office I opted to go with something I recently purchased called Hopesfall. Not a bad disc.......after the first three tracks *which I thought were....not very good..LOL* the disc really picked up steam and ended up being a very nice slab of 'modern rock'! But, right now we're jammin' to Revolver ~ "Turbulence".........'Dead Weight'!!!
  16. That's what happens when women go on the 'juice'.....disgusting. I mean....I trained for many years (never used steroids) and have seen some grotesque stuff...but those women fucked themselves up. *shakes head* Sad..........
  17. Because Whiplash made me do it, I took out the Erasure and put in: Pretty Please ~ "Come and Get It"....track is 'Evil Woman'
  18. Erasure ~ "Nightbird"....track is 'Here I go Impossible Again'.....
  19. Pretty Please ~ "Come and Get It".............RAWKS!!
  20. Yep, same here. The only other one that ever held my interest is My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee. That one was quite hilarious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I enjoyed the hell outta that show!!!
  21. Yeah...she's cute. Nice bod......
  22. Tell them the REAL reason why you don't watch..... haha Ok..I will... It's because you can't pull yourself away from the computer long enought to actually sit down and watch something!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Even though you're right....I still watch them. I enjoy them...because I look at them as intertainment, not necessarily that they are based on 'reality'.
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