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66 mustang

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I kind of searched for a thread about these guys and couldn't find one so here goes. I'm not a huge ZZ Top fan, only have about 3 albums so I want to ask what is your fav? I really like AFTERBURNER a lot. I thought it was just a great album from start to finish. I know it was a bit of a change with a real 80's vibe but isn't that what made it so great? they took a page from the 38 Special playbook, keep your roots intact and add what is popular at the time to make a really good, solid album. Isn't much different than what bands like Whitesnake or Tesla do now a days. keep their core roots sound and add to it modern sound to make a really good album.

So, sound of on the little band from Texas. some really great and classic songs this band has put out. What a full sound from a 3 piece!!!!!

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I need to listen to the pre Eliminator stuff as I only know a dozen or so songs.


I have Eliminator through to Recycler, think they`re all great, wasn`t sure about the subsequent albums.

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