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    • It's  Yep it's an AI voice, he was asked were the vocals real or AI and this was his answer... AI Voice, I upload the voice into the AI tool as well so that it can come close to matching the same voice for all Ryder SRIII songs. Lyrics are 100% human/original and even the music melodies are created as well then uploaded into the AI tool. There's song editing and structure that takes place to get them finalized and all songs are mastered after they are written/completed as well. So it's really more like a collaboration between human and AI. Hope that helps. Seriously been considering making a video about the creation of Ryder SRIII because I have been getting asked this question more and more lately, not even on this channel but have seen it on other websites now as well.
    • New song 'Hold On'.    
    • For those who haven't seen this https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0dmx4p4m0lo
    • Jeez, that one looks like a punish to use, especially compared to Suno. Couldn't figure out how to get anything worthwhile out of it at all, but a little look on youtube suggests that paid memberships do give you a lot more options, including uploading your own work and then I assume the AI does it's thing with it after your prompts... which, I assume is what this dude did - probably uploaded a tonne of his actual work and complimented it with an AI tweak. 
    • Terrible album, didn't realise it was their last. They definitely had and handful of classic tunes sprinkled throughout their career. What the new album sounds like to me, for over half of it, is a group of well accomplished musicians jamming with the mics on. A couple of songs sound structured and planned (but still bad), but yeah, to me, the other half of the album just sounds like a few dudes jamming and someone leaked the sessions onto the album for release.  Said it a million times about this band - never going to argue their worth as musicians, but sadly it rarely translated to a good song, for me, when it came to these guys. Thank goodness for the gems amongst it, though. If nothing else, you could make a truly killer 10-15 Best Of album from these guys... and leave it at that.  
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