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Mindless Morons


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Welcome to Surrey, B.C. - home of the stupidest people in the world - bar none. The Vancouver Canucks are embroiled in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and each game they win gives a select group of citizens in the city of Surrey to display their extreme stupidity. I can understand people celebrating wildly if their team wins a championship, but these bozos, who claim to be fans, take the aftermath of EVERY win in the playoffs to a dangerous extreme. The moment the Canucks win any playoff game, a throng of 2,000+ mindless morons take to the streets (specifically the busy intersection of Scott Road and 72nd Avenue along the Surrey/Delta border), and think it is the height of intelligence to lean from the windows of moving vehicles, waving flags and screeching like a pack of wild coyotes - and that's just the fools, who choose to whoop it up from their cars and trucks. The other clowns congregate around and IN the road, charging out into traffic, waving flags at moving vehicles, and attempting to latch on to cars for Christ knows what idiotic reasoning. The RCMP are forced to send out squads of officers, whose presence is certainly needed elsewhere to do their actual job, which is fighting crime, in order to keep these ding-a-lings from causing a riot, and last night, someone was finally seriously injured in the midst of the fool's parade. An RCMP officer, attempting to keep the peace, suffered a broken leg, and one dolt is in custody pending charges. In some circles, the idea of having the fire department turn the hoses on these numbskulls is being considered, and I for one, think that's one hell of a fantastic way to disperse the flock of dummies. When innocent people trying to go about their business are being terrorized by pinheads rocking their car after they've been forced to stop by idiots bringing traffic to a standstill, I say the fire hoses should be unleashed full force. Trust me - the Canucks have to win 12 more games to capture the championship, and if they get that far, it's not outside the realm of possibility that someone will be killed at that intersection through the actions of fools looking for any excuse to cause mayhem. The sheer stupidity of these brainless nitwits really has to be seen to be believed, and the more media publicity they receive, the more idiots show up to act like fucking imbeciles. It's only a matter of time before looting and destruction of property become a part of their shenanigans. Here's hoping the powers that be have the intelligence to counter attack before the pinheads can escalate things to that level.

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Welcome to Surrey, B.C. - home of the stupidest people in the world - bar none. The Vancouver Canucks are embroiled in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and each game they win gives a select group of citizens in the city of Surrey to display their extreme stupidity. I can understand people celebrating wildly if their team wins a championship, but these bozos, who claim to be fans, take the aftermath of EVERY win in the playoffs to a dangerous extreme. The moment the Canucks win any playoff game, a throng of 2,000+ mindless morons take to the streets (specifically the busy intersection of Scott Road and 72nd Avenue along the Surrey/Delta border), and think it is the height of intelligence to lean from the windows of moving vehicles, waving flags and screeching like a pack of wild coyotes - and that's just the fools, who choose to whoop it up from their cars and trucks. The other clowns congregate around and IN the road, charging out into traffic, waving flags at moving vehicles, and attempting to latch on to cars for Christ knows what idiotic reasoning. The RCMP are forced to send out squads of officers, whose presence is certainly needed elsewhere to do their actual job, which is fighting crime, in order to keep these ding-a-lings from causing a riot, and last night, someone was finally seriously injured in the midst of the fool's parade. An RCMP officer, attempting to keep the peace, suffered a broken leg, and one dolt is in custody pending charges. In some circles, the idea of having the fire department turn the hoses on these numbskulls is being considered, and I for one, think that's one hell of a fantastic way to disperse the flock of dummies. When innocent people trying to go about their business are being terrorized by pinheads rocking their car after they've been forced to stop by idiots bringing traffic to a standstill, I say the fire hoses should be unleashed full force. Trust me - the Canucks have to win 12 more games to capture the championship, and if they get that far, it's not outside the realm of possibility that someone will be killed at that intersection through the actions of fools looking for any excuse to cause mayhem. The sheer stupidity of these brainless nitwits really has to be seen to be believed, and the more media publicity they receive, the more idiots show up to act like fucking imbeciles. It's only a matter of time before looting and destruction of property become a part of their shenanigans. Here's hoping the powers that be have the intelligence to counter attack before the pinheads can escalate things to that level.



Actually I think the dumbest are in Montreal....check out what happened last year....



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