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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Again, my main concern about this is the quality of the tracks they've selected. Of those three, 'More Than a Man" and 'The Rock That Makes Me Roll' are terrible...but that's because they were in the first place. Immediate skips when originally recorded - why re-record them? What it needs is some of their treasures like 'You Won't Be Lonely,' 'Waiting for a Love That's Real'...and just looking at their first 3 albums I forgot, there's really not much great stuff to choose from. 'In God We Trust' is really where they started to be a decent band. Thankfully they have realised these songs don't need to be re-recorded.

    Have you heard the riff on 'More Than a Man?'

    I could seriously pick an EP of good songs off those first three CDs personally. Riff or not, that 'More Than a Man' is still a very poor song, imo.

    Geoff, we so often agree on music--and norks--but this time I'm calling foul. "More Than a Man" is one of my all-time favorite Stryper tracks. As Mr. Mullethead has rightfully pointed out, the riff on that track is fantastic and the chorus just soars. I can understand why it's not one of your personal faves, but calling it "very poor" is just...wrong.


    As for those 3 newly-recorded tracks...I think they sound great. Frankly, better than I was expecting. Sounds like the tunes have been given a very nice sonic upgrade.


    He is use to being wrong, it's okay ;)

  2. Hey fellow HH peeps,


    I wanted to have a thread to be used for any updates to the website. Those of you who have not been back in a while will notice it has changed some, hopefully for the better. The plan is to continue to expand the site a little at a time. When I am at a place I am comfortable with it, I will probably start emailing some other sites to help promote the site. Hopefully it will help keep the hard rock community stronger by adding another site dedicated to our music. What it will become is finally taking shape in my mind & on the site to a degree. There will be a lot of focus on Japan pressings but overall, it will be all about the music.


    Thanks for continuing to check out the site and please see the current update below.




    Thanks! \m/



    From the website:




    - CD collection update complete (Minus items in transit which will be listed in the "New Arrivals" section until they can be scanned.


    - 4 sale 4 trade section has been updated with new items listed as well as a few price reductions.


    - Coming soon..."New Arrivals" list, "CD of the month" section, "Japanese Bonus Tracks" with full tracks to hear & a "Review" section.

  3. I wonder if u heard the euro version which is far superior. KYD that is......


    Yeah, I owned the Japanese version for the bonus tracks and downloaded the other version due to production differences. The non Japanese version sounded much better but its not just the production for me. The songs themselves were not on par with the other 2 releases. Sophomore slump maybe I dunno....just wasn't thrilled with it.

  4. I rated the new Dynazty 89% - great record, but not as good as 'Knock You Down' - that was awesome and the production on that baby kicked arse (euro version).

    I agree. I think Knock You Down is the better disc. By quite a bit actually.


    I didn't really care for KYD that much and rank the debut higher. Sultins of Sin is perfect though with no filler. KILLER Japanese bonus track as well.

  5. Ended up being one of the best ever IMO.


    Seriously? Or you just making fun?

    I can think of many that this one wouldn't even crack the top 10.


    Boring, more boring, really no drama at the end except a non-call that gets called all year long...shit a defensive back cannot even breathe on a receiver in the NFL and they don't call that? Jim Harbaugh is just embarrassing....then the Ravens you got Mr. Double Homicide....and who is the idiot that ran through the tunnels of New England's stadium after they beat the Patriots yelling about how they showed the Patriots....Suggs? Classless idiot. But that said, Ed Reed is my kinda player and John Harbaugh is way classier and more tolerable than his younger temper tantrum brother. I dunno, don't really care for either team. Game over, Baltimore won, but it was a stupid game IMO.


    By the way, on that non-punt safety....did anyone else see the Raven guy hold on to the 49er lineman by the waist and pull him away from the punter? Wouldn't have made a difference but it was just plain weird looking and not called.


    No, not a joke. Storming back in the 3rd quarter and it coming down to the wire. I would consider that a great SB in my book.

  6. Again, my main concern about this is the quality of the tracks they've selected. Of those three, 'More than a man' and 'The rock that makes me roll' are terrible... but that's because they were in the first place. Immediate skips when originally recorded - why re-record them? What it needs is some of their treasures like 'You Won't Be Lonely,' 'Waiting for a Love That's Real' ... and just looking at their first 3 albums I forgot, there's really not much great stuff to choose from. 'In God We Trust' is really where they started to be a decent band. Thankfully they have realised these songs don't need to be re-recorded.


    Have you heard the riff on More Than a Man? There is no bad Stryper song in the 80's as far as I'm concerned. And now also a Michael Sweet solo album as well? I'm feeling closer to Him every Day :)

  7. Population 1 - Rescue


    Killer song!


    Good to know there are more Nuno fans.


    Huge fan of both Population 1 albums and the Dramagods release but his best stuff was with Mourning Widows. Both albums just killed!


    I think I'd rate his work: Population 1, Dramagods, Mourning Widows, then Nuno. But it's all great.


    Wow really? I actually rate MW higher than even any Extreme cd!


    You have to understand, they're practically all on par with me. There isn't one album I'd want to be without.


    Agreed :)

  8. Yeah, I hope and expect this one to be pretty good. I wonder if he'll include any tracks with his 80's voice on it? ;)


    Thought the same thing listening to Dizzy Dean's solo outing. Played Girlschool and New York City Night back to back for the wife and told her it was the same vocalist on both songs. She just gave me the WTF? look. Not saying I don't dig both but two completely different vibes altogether.


    Flower song sounds cool.


    I can see why should have that look lol. Lets face it though, neither one of these guys can sing that way long term. Especially Tom who has already had surgery done on his vocal chords. Gee, I wonder why...

  9. You can find my copy of Destination Anywhere at the bottom of the Columbia River right about the Oregon / Washington border, resting in peace where it belongs... should be joined there with just about every other BJ CD since Keep The Faith.


    Eh, we'll agree to disagree. My Japanese copy gets played regularly. As for the BJ CDs, I disagree as well being These Days is fantastic and Crush is solid. Everything after, I would agree.

  10. Population 1 - Rescue


    Killer song!


    Good to know there are more Nuno fans.


    Huge fan of both Population 1 albums and the Dramagods release but his best stuff was with Mourning Widows. Both albums just killed!


    I think I'd rate his work: Population 1, Dramagods, Mourning Widows, then Nuno. But it's all great.


    Wow really? I actually rate MW higher than even any Extreme cd!

  11. Okay, so I'm not going to tape my hands, put on the gloves and challenge any of ya'll to a fight, but WANT SO MORE isn't the worst CD I've ever heard, either, that's for sure.


    I purchased this CD with an open mind... not something I often do. For instance, I know ALL future Bon Jovi albums will suck, so I won't bother even listening to clips... Now, before hitting play on my 1986 Technics CD player, I had already prepared myself for inferior sound quality. These songs are pretty much demos, more than 20 years old, and don't have Geffen money behind them. I'm guessing they were never intended to be released in this manner back in the day... but it's no longer back in the day.


    If it was January 29, 1993 right now I probably would have thrown the disc out the window in much the same manner I tossed Jon Bon Jovi's "Destination Anywhere" into the Columbia River back in 1997 or whenever it was released. No, I'm not kidding. I threw it off the Interstate 5 Bridge into the Columbia River at about 60MPH... Anyway, this is certainly not WANT SOME, not even close, but Poole's vocals are unmistakable and overall the song quality, arrangements and inrtumentation isn't horrible. Again, I've certainly heard worse.


    But this one is for the hardcore fans. If you weren't a Roxy Blue fan before now, this one won't change your mind... probably cement it, actually. But if you loved WANT SOME more than any other album in your collection for a couple years back in 1992 / 1993, it's certainly worth a listen. Will I pull it out at parties and expect an ovation? Of course not, but for 60 minutes or so at a time I can pretend it's 1993 and I'm 24 instead of 44 :)


    Except JBJ DA is a great cd and these were all shit ;)

  12. Some harsh words. I remember listening to it the second time through, stepping back for a moment and asking myself what I'd think of it if it was just a brand new band, and not the mighty Crashdiet. It didn't take me long to realise I'd still dig it.


    As noted above, it is at least the 3rd best Crashdiet CD, if not their weakest. But I still think it's good stuff, despite the sound leaving a lot to be desired. I also think the lead vocals sound really different to 'GW' too.


    That said, cousin Wes, I have seen some pretty wild first impressions from your good self that end up in a full 180 degree turn soon after. I will be interested to see if this is one of those cases.


    I definitely wonder why they took such a big step back after GW, but I don't think it's as bad as the last few posts suggest, personally. If you realistically compare the songs to their peers at the moment, I doubt you'll find many better.

    Just to clarify Geoff, This is the first Crashdiet cd I have owned. I have heard a few other songs by the band but I've never dove in and given an entire album a spin. So I basically came into this as a new listener to a new band. I've heard this band compared to Crazy Lixx and for me just going by this album there is no way this band even touches the quality of music CL has released. From what I've read, Crashdiet's other albums are better when compared to this one, but I must say I am very disappointed in what I have heard so far.


    Start with Rest in Sleaze....killer!

    I'm going to have to...I need to find out what all the hype is about.


    The hype has merit for sure. GW is also killer. I am not as excited about getting the new one now :(

  13. Has anyone ever had this? Been suffering for over a week now and pretty much feel like death. First doc appointment put me on anti-biotics, but hopefully I'll be able to get x-rayed tomorrow.


    My advice tho, don't get bronchitis - its evil! Lol


    Stay on top of it man, went thru it a couple years ago and waited too long and ended up with pneumonia. Now THAT sucked ass!

  14. Some harsh words. I remember listening to it the second time through, stepping back for a moment and asking myself what I'd think of it if it was just a brand new band, and not the mighty Crashdiet. It didn't take me long to realise I'd still dig it.


    As noted above, it is at least the 3rd best Crashdiet CD, if not their weakest. But I still think it's good stuff, despite the sound leaving a lot to be desired. I also think the lead vocals sound really different to 'GW' too.


    That said, cousin Wes, I have seen some pretty wild first impressions from your good self that end up in a full 180 degree turn soon after. I will be interested to see if this is one of those cases.


    I definitely wonder why they took such a big step back after GW, but I don't think it's as bad as the last few posts suggest, personally. If you realistically compare the songs to their peers at the moment, I doubt you'll find many better.

    Just to clarify Geoff, This is the first Crashdiet cd I have owned. I have heard a few other songs by the band but I've never dove in and given an entire album a spin. So I basically came into this as a new listener to a new band. I've heard this band compared to Crazy Lixx and for me just going by this album there is no way this band even touches the quality of music CL has released. From what I've read, Crashdiet's other albums are better when compared to this one, but I must say I am very disappointed in what I have heard so far.


    Start with Rest in Sleaze....killer!

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