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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Ok, I need to ask anyone who has heard this album in it's entirety, and whos FAVORITE PC69 ALBUM IS SONIC DYNAMITE! this question is only to anyone who fits this description, Ok those still reading, how is this album? thank you


    I have no idea what it sounds like yet but I can tell you the best PC69 album imo is Electrified. I prefer Change & Food for Thought over SD.



    ***edit*** I am referring to anything without Deris as the early stuff is way more killer than anything released with Readman.


    REALLY!! that early PC69 must be more your flavor, I thought I had heard everything prior to SD, but apparently I have not, so can you point me to which album brings that type of rock that they came with on SD? I dont know what the fuck do we even call it? gonna have to do a thread on that, but anyways, that heavy powerful and not fast, but faster sound, the falling somewhere between Metal, Power, and Rock, with the 80's style vocals with much melodic overtones, I dont recall hearing that flavor on anything prior to SD, seems like it was more of that heavy heavy metal sound, like Shakra, like Edguy, that kind of metal sound is what I fuse into what I feel SD came out with, agree or disagree, THATS MY FUCKING LINE OF MUSIC THAT ALL FITS INTO MY OWN GENRE THAT SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS CAUSE IVE NEVER HEARD IT BE CLASSIFIED! but thats about the point of my whole question here, I havent really enjoyed anything after SD, Ive liked songs here and there, but I would really really enjoy a return to that style of sound, and BTW, if you guys can throw any other bands of that style my way id appreciate it, oh another one I consider this genre would be Dynazty? thats all.


    You want one size fits all and games people play immediately!!!!

  2. Ok, I need to ask anyone who has heard this album in it's entirety, and whos FAVORITE PC69 ALBUM IS SONIC DYNAMITE! this question is only to anyone who fits this description, Ok those still reading, how is this album? thank you


    I have no idea what it sounds like yet but I can tell you the best PC69 album imo is Electrified. I prefer Change & Food for Thought over SD.



    ***edit*** I am referring to anything without Deris as the early stuff is way more killer than anything released with Readman.

  3. I see there is a JAPAN version available, but don't see a bonus track. Anyone get the JP release?


    The Japanese version bonus track is titled "Liquid Jesus."


    My copy has got Liquid Jesus and it ain't Jap - either that or it a f cheap Jap!!


    It's a shit song anyway lol.


    Well not shit, but a filler for sure by Crashdiet's standards.

    So, if it's not the Japan version, why isn't it on the standard version?? Anyone know if maybe it's a bonus cut for downloads of the album??


    Mine has got a sticker on the back but nothing which would identify it as Jap. Also it was £9 delivered which is way cheap for Jap.


    Japanese CDs come with an obi strip on the outside as well as Japanese and English lyrics sheet. You would know if you had it. As soon as I get mine I will confirm the track.


    Yeah I know what Jap usually looks like - I have many. Think Jez has cleared this up by the euro version having the bonus track - not really worth discussing as its the weakest track in any case.


    It's a bit early for folk to be labelling the album as their weakest - I've only listened to it 5 times as opposed to 100s with the other albums lol.


    It's a massive grower though


    Just clear up my quote, the weakest album I was referring to was revolution, not the new cd.

  4. I see there is a JAPAN version available, but don't see a bonus track. Anyone get the JP release?


    The Japanese version bonus track is titled "Liquid Jesus."


    My copy has got Liquid Jesus and it ain't Jap - either that or it a f cheap Jap!!


    It's a shit song anyway lol.


    Well not shit, but a filler for sure by Crashdiet's standards.

    So, if it's not the Japan version, why isn't it on the standard version?? Anyone know if maybe it's a bonus cut for downloads of the album??


    Mine has got a sticker on the back but nothing which would identify it as Jap. Also it was £9 delivered which is way cheap for Jap.


    Japanese CDs come with an obi strip on the outside as well as Japanese and English lyrics sheet. You would know if you had it. As soon as I get mine I will confirm the track.

  5. I'm really hoping this one grows on me, too. I made the mistake of playing this back to back with "The Unattractive Revolution." Forget about "Generation Wild" for a minute, even "The Unattractive Revolution" blows the new one out of the water. But I'm hopeful.


    Wow, surprised to read that! IMO The Unattractive Revolution is by far their weakest album to date, although 'In the Raw' and especially 'Falling Rain' belong to my favourite Crashdiet songs. I'm pretty sure TSP will grow on you, it probably takes about 3 spins (well, it took 3 spins for me :tumbsup: )...


    I agree, it is their weakest easily.

  6. At this point I think they could have axed Track 1 and 13...not terrible tunes but not really that great either. The rest of it is excellent. Starting at Anarchy, track 3 through Snakes In Paradise, track 10, is the strongest part of the album for me.


    I agree with Glen and embrock. "Gleaming" is a good way to describe what GW has and this one does not. And I agree that the vocals do seem to get lost at times.


    The packaging....I ordered this from the band, pre-order, and it came as a hard case CD (aka not a digi), The package overall is done up to standards, with lyrics, quality print, etc. They autographed the very center booklet which has a pic of each of them, so they signed their pic.


    I see there is a JAPAN version available, but don't see a bonus track. Anyone get the JP release?



    I have the Japanese cd on order. No info available on cdjapan.com but both of the other releases released in Japan had bonus tracks so I bet it has one or two. If it does I will post them on my website so everyone can check it out.

  7. Okay, fair enough. Here's the correct list (roughly, lol):


    1. 1990: Jump The Gun

    2. 1997: Spooked

    3. 1992: Sin-Decade

    4. 1994: Scream

    5. 1999: Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Overdoing

    6. 2010: Pandemonium

    7. 2006: Wake Up to the Real World

    8. 2000: Carpe Diem

    9. 1993: Stripped

    10. 2002: Planet Panic

    11. 1984: Red Hot and Heavy

    12. 1987: Future World



    2013: Motherland


    'Spooked' and 'Jump The Gun' are basically equal for me. One is consistent as hell and basically faultless. The other does have a couple of tracks that are not amazing, but it also does have a massive cluster of the best songs PM ever recorded, and some of my all-time favourite songs ever recorded. Very hard to split the pair to be honest.


    You aren't too far off buddy but wrong as usual ;)


    I am not a big fan of anything before Jump the Gun either. I do love Stripped and liked 80% of Planet Panic as well. Cape Diem is not a good album and I rank Anything Worth slightly ahead of it with much filler.

  8. Spooked

    Lethal Heroes

    Jump The Gun


    Jump the gun and Lethal Heroes are they same aren't they?


    Yes, but I'm with Cody here - its so good it's worth including twice ;-)


    Oh I definitely love it, just doesn't have the punch of the albums that followed it IMO.


    yeah but it does have all the best choruses and melodies ;-)


    If you like the fluff more than the punch ;)

  9. Updated 01/21/2013


    -Background image had been dimmed down & faded out so as to not blind you. More focus is now on the product but in line with keeping the cool ass background.

    -More Titles have been added over the last two days, around 30 or so with many more to come.

    -A Sell & trade tab has been added with detailed pics of the front, back & cd. The more obscure, nicer items also have a full song for each album located on the picture of the cd. I still have to rip a few of them but several already have them. There is also a sale list at the bottom of the page.

    -Got rid of the cheesy looking letters on the band pages.


    Coming soon:


    -Featured artist complete with audio clip & review

    -Rare track of the week audio clip

    -Japan Bonus track of the week


    Very cool stuff coming, a little bit at a time. I hope the changes made help out. More feedback is welcomed as well!


    Thanks for the input & I hope you keep checking it out!



  10. Spooked

    Lethal Heroes

    Jump The Gun


    Jump the gun and Lethal Heroes are they same aren't they?


    Yes, but I'm with Cody here - its so good it's worth including twice ;-)


    Oh I definitely love it, just doesn't have the punch of the albums that followed it IMO.

  11. They will have to go some to beat Pandemonium - that was their second best album IMO behind Jump The Gun


    Ooh now that would be a nice thread. I have very different opinions. Not to get completely off track but my top three are Scream, Sin Decade and Spooked in that order.

  12. It's OK except for the cd list. The list is very heavy on the eye, too compact and maybe the wrong background colour as well. Some more spaces and some playing around with fonting in between would do wonders...


    Okey dokey, let me see what I can do!


    Really dig the site man, but the all CAPS on the CD list, combined with the small font make it brutal on the eyes.


    Also, this background pic that you're using on some of the pages:




    while cool as hell on its own, makes the background really "busy" and hard to enjoy the main content.


    For example, I think your rare CD page would benefit from dropping the background pic, and going with the standard grey background you use on your main page. Just my opinion; would be interested in what others think.


    But again, diggin' the site, and as far as content, you're definitely rockin' in the right direction! :banger:




    Mike, I appreciate the comments and will adjust it. I agree with all you said. I am trying like hell to get my collection uploaded. Also, a blog, forum and buy N sell page coming as well.


    It's been a lot of fun for me. Thanks again for the feedback!




    Fully agree to the things above and that's an awesome background!

    The 'busy' background colours could be dimmed a bit (like the background on Dan's main site), it really draws your attention away from the things that matters, the cd pictures.

    But hey, who the hell am I to give you advice Jarred. I couldn't do the things you do even if my life depended on it. I wish I could... :(

    I really suck when it comes to computer stuff.


    Anyway, great website. Keep it up!


    So do I, that's why I am asking lol! I'm learning as I go. I have plans for it to really be something cool but uploading the collection is taking for fuckin ever! :(

  13. Pretty much agree with Jarred here. First spin yesterday so it's rusty in my head, but off the top of my head:


    Live disc - complete and utter waste of space. Disgraceful sound quality and this should never have seen the light of day.


    'Stripped' - the acoustic tunes just sound like anything and everything they could find of the band that they recorded with an acoustic guitar through the years - regardless of quality or worth of sharing with the public. It's not all shockingly bad, but it's all very un-essential. The only point of the interest is the last 4 tracks, which are 4 unreleased Roxy Blue tunes. But like Jarred says, they're pretty poor songs. These seem more likely to actually be Roxy Blue songs than the others on the last CD, but they are pretty weak songs. Definitely a newer style to suit the 90's.


    'Want some more' ; sound quality on this is not perfect, but really not bad at all for this type of release. The first song is probably the only reason this whole thing was ever released. Like Jarred says, it must be an out-take from the debut. And then towards the end there seem to be a couple more songs performed by Roxy Blue - maybe. But there is no doubt that the stuff in the middle is not the full band by any means. To me it sounds like an attempted solo outing by the lead singer once grunge broke out. They're not grunge songs - just really bad mellow rock songs. Awful, in fact. And NOTHING like Roxy Blue.


    Overall, the whole package is really a mess. I couldn't recommend it to anyone, and as much as people hate downloading, I don't see the crime in finding out how poor this actually is for yourself before forking out au$60+ to find out the hard way...


    I was waiting for someone to review it as well...spot on mate.

  14. It's OK except for the cd list. The list is very heavy on the eye, too compact and maybe the wrong background colour as well. Some more spaces and some playing around with fonting in between would do wonders...


    Okey dokey, let me see what I can do!


    Really dig the site man, but the all CAPS on the CD list, combined with the small font make it brutal on the eyes.


    Also, this background pic that you're using on some of the pages:




    while cool as hell on its own, makes the background really "busy" and hard to enjoy the main content.


    For example, I think your rare CD page would benefit from dropping the background pic, and going with the standard grey background you use on your main page. Just my opinion; would be interested in what others think.


    But again, diggin' the site, and as far as content, you're definitely rockin' in the right direction! :banger:




    Mike, I appreciate the comments and will adjust it. I agree with all you said. I am trying like hell to get my collection uploaded. Also, a blog, forum and buy N sell page coming as well.


    It's been a lot of fun for me. Thanks again for the feedback!



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