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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. I love Contagious and Ten, but also love their early sruff MeanStreak, Black Tiger, etc.


    Great great band. It's a shame Dave's voice is shot and Kennemore passed. Facemelter wasn't bad but Dave's voice is sounding rough.


    I thought Facemelter was great and yes, you can hear a difference these days but considering his age, he sounds better than Don Dokken.


    I love their early stuff as well including the two Yesterday & Today albums. Not a bad release from the band with everything pre 1991 being the best.

  2. I am giving them some credit as they did not hassle me at all about returning it. They made it clear to me that the band only wanted 100 of these pressed and they can only do cd-r pressings unless the order is 500 or more. I told them I understood but that they need to list it that way because the consumer should know. I have had the MP3's of that album for years, I don't need a cd-r. I almost asked them before I order since there was only 100 but I decided against it since the package was so expensive ($120+) Had they listed it as a cd-r, I would have never bought it. I suggested they list it that way but who knows if they will listen. Cheap ass art work...the whole nine yards.

  3. TEN is a great album.

    It shows the band returning to gritty, bluesy, hard boogie songs. "City" alone is reason enough to buy it, but it is chock full of good tunes.


    "L.A. Rocks" is none of the above. It's terrible. It should never have been recorded.


    I love the title track to 'Contagious', and can stand one or two others on there --but three songs isn't enough to call it their 'best'.

    True, that is just my opinion. And I am out-numbered.


    Guess I am getting cranky in my old age!

    I will now go and crank Mean Streak.


    Ten is great, second behind Contagious which has zero filler.

  4. My friend sent me a box of Cd's he either bought and didn't like, or ones he found in pawn shops, there are some interesting selections in this box, and even a bigger gold star by his name, I haven't heard of 18 of these bands, so Ive begun listening, the 1st one to catch my ear is really a tragic tragic almost angering CD, the band is a band called Bad Radiator, I have listened to this entire CD now, and aggravation is the word that clouds my mind, what I discovered here is a disc that musically is seriously on the verge of something brilliant, then this singer comes in and absolutely eliminates everything, I mean this singer takes what is potentially a top 5 CD, and annihilates it completely, my first spin I kept forwarding to the next song, waiting for a song that he sounds good in, it never happens, what a completely tragic fucking ordeal, have any of you by chance caught this band? I know everyones going to tell me I am a fucking idiot and need hearing aids, know it is all of you who needs aids! hearing!


    I am sitting down, firing up my PS3 and getting ready to listen to my next 2 discs, I have selected 2 I have never heard of, which isnt hard with this crop, the 2 I will be listening to tonight are the bands, Rokbox, and Lover Under Cover, so I will obviously be on here quick if theres anything worth a shit, but yeah, I have now updated you all on a matter that not only did I not bother asking if you gave a fuck about, I am going to re-update you on it as well.


    Rokbox is like Journey. If you don't like it, let me know ;)


    No your right, the 1st thing that went through my head on the very 1st song, was The Storm, only with zero production, kind of a bunch of just good aor songs, nothing on it really blows you away, dont really hear that standout track, but on the same note, not really any fillers, so to it's credit it is consistent, couldve used some big over the top production and probably gotten way more out of it, but it's not a bad disc, are you looking for this disc Mullethead? according to my friends note, found in pawnshop in omaha nebraska, so he obviously didnt know anything about it other then it had the word Rock in it id assume, as he drives cross country for a moving service, he stops everywhere he goes and picks cd's up for me all the time, I get so damn excited when I dont know what is going to be on these discs, but yeah, pm me if this is like something youve been looking for or something,


    Yes sir! Shoot me a pm.



  5. But Geoff & Glenn, put your holy lord Michael Boringman on there, then is it still safe AOR


    One n mate.


    He ain't no holy lord of mine


    I know that was more directed towards Geoff


    What do you mean? That Bormann would save this disc for me? You serious? Everything he's recorded since 'Trust' has basically sucked, and this would be the worst of the lot.


    Seriously, you could put Rory Cathey (Cold Sweat) on vocals on this CD, and it'd still be safe, boring AOR. The songs are just average, doesn't matter who's singing them.


    Never heard Rokbox, but Lover Under Cover is average as hell. Maybe 2 good songs on it, if that.


    For the record Geoff, Bormann solo stuff is freaking awesome! Hello!!!

  6. My friend sent me a box of Cd's he either bought and didn't like, or ones he found in pawn shops, there are some interesting selections in this box, and even a bigger gold star by his name, I haven't heard of 18 of these bands, so Ive begun listening, the 1st one to catch my ear is really a tragic tragic almost angering CD, the band is a band called Bad Radiator, I have listened to this entire CD now, and aggravation is the word that clouds my mind, what I discovered here is a disc that musically is seriously on the verge of something brilliant, then this singer comes in and absolutely eliminates everything, I mean this singer takes what is potentially a top 5 CD, and annihilates it completely, my first spin I kept forwarding to the next song, waiting for a song that he sounds good in, it never happens, what a completely tragic fucking ordeal, have any of you by chance caught this band? I know everyones going to tell me I am a fucking idiot and need hearing aids, know it is all of you who needs aids! hearing!


    I am sitting down, firing up my PS3 and getting ready to listen to my next 2 discs, I have selected 2 I have never heard of, which isnt hard with this crop, the 2 I will be listening to tonight are the bands, Rokbox, and Lover Under Cover, so I will obviously be on here quick if theres anything worth a shit, but yeah, I have now updated you all on a matter that not only did I not bother asking if you gave a fuck about, I am going to re-update you on it as well.


    Rokbox is like Journey. If you don't like it, let me know ;)

  7. Bout freakin' time. Except for "Subhuman Race", I always thought Skid Row delivered.

    Subhuman Race is their best Bach album, just slightly ahead of Slave.

    Dude, meet me out back in da alley, 'cuz them be fightin' words. I don't hate "Subhuman Race" by any means, but calling it better than the greatest album ever recorded ("Slave to the Grind") is like saying the sorta-cute girl next door wearing jeans and a sweatshirt is hotter than a Victoria's Secret supermodel clad in the latest flimsy lingerie.


    Take it back right now and I promise not to question your sanity. Well, OK, it's actually too late, 'cause I've already questioned it...but take it back anyway. :shutup:


    Which alley meet meeting in brother, cause SHR kicks Slave in the dickhole. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Slave. But SHR is just heavy, brutal, hard...and awesome.

  8. When was Robert Sarzo ever in Quiet Riot?


    I was wondering the same thing. Unless it was one of the post-fame, touring-in-bowling-alleys lineups I'm pretty sure he was never a member of Quiet Riot. Blame the yutz at Cleopatra Records who drafted this press release, I guess.


    Totally unrelated note, I love this part:


    BLOTZER will be primarily utilized in the studio


    Translation: "He can't play this shit live" :D


    And when was "Robert Sarzo" ever any good? I know many people LOVE Hurricane, but that band truly did suck.


    And I know Blotzer is a sorry drummer, but I don;t think Wright can "Rock"enfield out either...


    Just saying.


    I did not see the other Ryche when they played in Seattle over the summer, but consensus is they were AMAZING!


    Hurricane was so far from sucking its not even funny. Top 15 band for me with the first three being essential,

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