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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. isn't it pretty much been said by the band themselves that although they didn't admitt it at the time the Against The Law time period the band was a mess as a unit and each member individualy? they had gotten caught up in the "rock n roll life". I think I even heard M Sweet say that before he did his first solo album the record company had him on a 2 year probation period to make sure he had his life back in order???? I swear I read that.


    Idk, but if they were in bad shape they made a great album. If memory serves, it was the other brother having all the issues.

  2. Why are they doing this?


    It's easier to get rack space in major retailers like Wal-Mart or Best Buy with a "Greatest Hits" pack than with an album of new material that most people won't give a sh*t about.


    That said, a whole new album of fresh material is already in the works so it looks like we'll get two Stryper discs in the same year. I'm OK with that.

    Also a new Michael Sweet solo album due this year.


    Plus, Michael is putting the finishing touches on his autobiography too, which will be published later this year. Geez, when does he sleep? :blink:


    I can tell you I will be first in line to buy this. I may read straight through until I finish it. Cannot wait!

  3. If that was the case, how comes they didnt buy the best Stryper album. Against the law didnt even go gold.


    They got caught up in a Perfect Storm - their change in image/attitude didn't go over very well with their Christian fanbase, who thought they'd turned their backs on God, and the tide of grunge music beginning to rise certainly didn't help matters either.


    Yep, what he said. Not to mention they picked the worst song on the album to lead off with. By far the most strange choice of a track to even add to the album let alone as the 1st single. Combine that with the album coming out right before Nirvana hit it big (1990-1991) and you get what you got. I have to agree though...as much as I love THWTD, Law was the best album they could have made at that time. It could be argued very easily that it's their best.

  4. I can respect that but I wonder what the total sales were vs. each other. Anyone know?


    According to my good friend, Dr. Wik E. Peedia, "To Hell..." went platinum (1,000,000 sales) in the U.S. and "In God..." went gold (half a million).


    Sounds like a half a Million people knew what they were talking about ;)

  5. Thats no reason to leave, you guys hurt my feelings on a daily basis, sometimes im in full blown tears when I log off, but do you see me running away like a little girlie man? actually yes, I understand him, you guys can be very very cruel sometimes, like when you guys ganged up on me cause im Irish and I like Wham! and Michael Bolton, that hurt me alot you guys, just fyi.


    We're still waiting for you to take a hint and leave.



  6. In god we trust was also where they really hit their stride


    In God We Trust is just a carbon copy of To Hell With The Devil... it kicks off with the heavy title song, followed by the "pop" rock song (which was, of course, released as the first single)... even the ballads are in the same positions in the running order as the ones on THWTD. You can practically hear the band in the studio saying "OK guys, since we sold a shitload of the last album, we're gonna do another one EXACTLY LIKE IT!"

    You misquoted me though, I said "TO ME its where they hit their stride"

    Whether the structure was the same, the songs were just miles better for me. There are probably only three songs on THWTD that I think are great, there are a lot more on IGWT.

    That said, neither of those albums is a patch on ATL.


    Really? For me the only thing better on IGWT is the production. The songs are no where as good IMO.


    I agree with Howdy. I trust Keef's parallel of the two albums, but I have to admit I was never a big enough fan to ever notice that. I will say, though, like Howdy, similar or not, the songs on 'IGWT' destroy the songs on 'THWTD' and I also only really like 2 or 3 songs off that CD, and plenty off 'IGWT'.


    I can respect that but I wonder what the total sales were vs. each other. Anyone know?


    I listened to each of them back to back and I honestly don't see them close at all. In fact, I would say THWTD murders IGWT. All of Me is the only filler on the album.

  7. Tasha wasn't baneed, she was just annoying and much younger than most of us so she was pretty clueless and thought she was the little HH princess. I have no idea how she ended up here because she really didnt' know much about music other than mainstream stuff. One day she just disappeared... 2004 or 2005 maybe? Long time ago...


    Yeah, those young punk-asses just need to stay away from here.




    Speaking of yung ins whatever became of that sprite "sambora86" or some such nonsense...


    I was just wondering about him as well. He was very young and seemed to get his feelings hurt easy.

  8. Hi guys, I'm touched youi guys are still thinking about me. My kids got me back into my very old hobby in tropical fish keeping again and that's been taking up a bunch of my CD money. Also we got a new puppy over Christmas and my kids sports it's hard to find time to post. I hope to get time to start posting again on the site.


    My lastest puchase was Razor - Shotgun Justice it's a boot but a damn good one.


    Fuck yeah Bob! Good to see you around again!



  9. In god we trust was also where they really hit their stride


    In God We Trust is just a carbon copy of To Hell With The Devil... it kicks off with the heavy title song, followed by the "pop" rock song (which was, of course, released as the first single)... even the ballads are in the same positions in the running order as the ones on THWTD. You can practically hear the band in the studio saying "OK guys, since we sold a shitload of the last album, we're gonna do another one EXACTLY LIKE IT!"

    You misquoted me though, I said "TO ME its where they hit their stride"

    Whether the structure was the same, the songs were just miles better for me. There are probably only three songs on THWTD that I think are great, there are a lot more on IGWT.

    That said, neither of those albums is a patch on ATL.


    Really? For me the only thing better on IGWT is the production. The songs are no where as good IMO.

  10. Player - Baby Come Back


    Is this the song that says baby come back, you can lay it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you?




    This may be gay but I love that song. Catchy...damn catchy...


    It's not gay, 'cause I'm sure Geoff doesn't like it. I always mistook it for Hall & Oates. Which is a good thing. I don't know anything else from Player, but that is a classic.


    Haha, Geoff would love it! Lol!


    I can see the Hall and Oates vibe. Also a decent band. Love the Adult Education song.


    You're killing me, Jarred. Decent band? Hall & Oates are top class.


    For that genre, I will give you that ;)

  11. But, as the above posts say they both kick ass!


    Ehhh... IGWT is a'ight. THWTD is definitely the superior disc. I've never been able to fully enjoy IGWT because of the whole "same bread in a new wrapper" feeling I got from it....


    Now Against the Law, on the other hand...THAT kicks ass! :beerbang:


    ATL is killer!!!!

  12. the funny thing is bands gets killed for doing an album just like that last one and bands gets killed because they don't do an album like the last one.


    Lotsa bands will do a follow up to a successful record that sounds kinda sorta like its big predecessor, but In God We Trust was almost too freakin' blatant. It was like they just Xeroxed To Hell With the Devil, put a new cover on it and changed the song titles. Every song on In God We Trust is an analogue to a track on To Hell With the Devil. Hey Stryper, your formula is showing. :D


    The evidence:

    "To Hell With the Devil" = "In God We Trust" (big heavy opening anthem)

    "Calling On You" = "Always There For You" (poppy, radio friendly rock track, first single)

    "Free" = "Keep the Fire Burning" (big-chorused rock anthem)

    "Honestly" = "I Believe In You" (power ballad)

    "The Way" = "Writing's On The Wall" (heavy track to mark the album's mid point)

    "Sing Along Song" = "It's Up 2 U" (irritating, lame ass crowd-response track)

    "Holding On" = "The World of You and I" (pop song)

    "Rockin' the World" = "Come to the Everlife" (big chorused rock anthem)

    "All Of Me" = "Lonely" (power ballad)

    "More Than A Man" = "The Reign" (show stopping heavy album closer)


    ...okay, maybe the only ones that don't quite match up are "Holding On" and "The World Of You And I," (they're both "pop" tracks in my book, but "Holding On" is more of a "rock" song whilst "The World..." is sorta ballad-ish), but other than these exceptions, the two albums sync up almost as well as Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" matches with "The Wizard of Oz." :blink:


    ...and yes, I realize I have probably spent way too much time analyzing this. But it's bugged me for YEARS! I'm like "I can't be the ONLY one who's noticed this!" :rofl2:


    You are forgetting one thing though...regardless, both albums kick ass! :)

  13. Again, my main concern about this is the quality of the tracks they've selected. Of those three, 'More than a man' and 'The rock that makes me roll' are terrible... but that's because they were in the first place. Immediate skips when originally recorded - why re-record them? What it needs is some of their treasures like 'You Won't Be Lonely,' 'Waiting for a Love That's Real' ... and just looking at their first 3 albums I forgot, there's really not much great stuff to choose from. 'In God We Trust' is really where they started to be a decent band. Thankfully they have realised these songs don't need to be re-recorded.

    For me In god we trust was also where they really hit their stride, and just didnt stop running with Against the law, those two were the defining albums of Strypers original run.

    I love the title track of In god we trust, but think the re-recorded version they did on their comeback album was amazing.

    Its much easier to ruin a great track by re-recording it than improve a less good track in my opinion, but I have the utmost faith in the modern Stryper to not ruin anything as they have not had a bad album since IGWT.


    I don't know, most would agree that they hit their commercial stride with THWTD but as good as the newer albums are, nothing touches the first 5 for me.

  14. Player - Baby Come Back


    Is this the song that says baby come back, you can lay it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you?




    This may be gay but I love that song. Catchy...damn catchy...


    It's not gay, 'cause I'm sure Geoff doesn't like it. I always mistook it for Hall & Oates. Which is a good thing. I don't know anything else from Player, but that is a classic.


    Haha, Geoff would love it! Lol!


    I can see the Hall and Oates vibe. Also a decent band. Love the Adult Education song.

  15. Yeah dont get me wrong I do very much like Chemical (as I do the rest of GW). My only gripe is that the chorus is just a bit over the top.....not a bad thing but just grinds a bit with me. Love the solo etc tho in that song.


    'its A Miracle' is just perfection for me..........I do love the hard rocking style of the debut but that song is just something special.


    On a side note the guys who produced GW - Ram Pac, see they did a load of rap etc before. Did a good job on GW tho.


    Agreed..It's A Miracle is the best song they ever did. Just perfection!

  16. 02/07/2013


    - New arrivals list updated


    - Japan Bonus Track page is unveiled. Six songs uploaded to start. Songs added are:

    2 Die 4 - Find the Time (1992 S/T Album)

    2 Die 4 - My Day Will Come (1992 S/T Album)

    21 Guns - Cold Heart (1992 Salute Album)

    21 Guns - Blood Gone Bad (1992 Salute Album)

    Arcade - Reckless (1993 S/T Album)

    Arcade - Polaroids (1994 A/2 Album)


    Most major updates will occur on Thursdays & Sundays at this time.


    Thanks for looking & I hope everyone enjoys the tracks!



  17. I have been here since 05 and I dont even know the Lonnie Vs Hurricane outcome, would you like to share, or go off the bored and message me, please I must hear dirt on others to make myself feel important,


    The thread is still readable somewhere around here.


    And pack a lunch...it's long as a muthafucka!

  18. There were bad calls made all night on both sides with the Ravens making out better. The non call in the end zone on Crabtree was ridiculous.


    Overall the officiating was terrible. Did any one else notice as well how many tackles out of bounds there were? No calls made...

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