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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Kane is reissuing the CD again, this time as a single disc. It will have a few tracks from the Phoenix Down which fans told him were the better ones, some of the demo songs from the other disc, a few few demo songs that were not on the two disc release. Not an ideal way of getting those missing songs out there, but better to buy this version as well and get them than not get them at all.



    I have to ask the question...silver or cdr?


  2. If a band self releases, and releases on CDR, then you can sort of understand it. But as soon as a record label gets involved, there is never any excuse to release a CDR.

    If you are a genuine record label, then release genuine CDs.

    I am sure some of the record label people on here will come back with answers about costs or bands etc, but thats all just bullshit.

    Look at the small bands out there who are releasing proper silver pressed CDs. If they can do it, there is no excuse for a label to not do it.


    Simple fact is, if I wanted a CDR, I'd burn it myself for pennies, cause thats all they are worth.


    A lot of the Retro releases i did on cd-r from 2005-2006 are going for bank on eGay - so I wouldnt say they are worth pennies.


    What I mean is CDR's themselves are worth pennies, and thats how much it would cost me to burn it myself.

    Its the same reason why I dont want to be restricted to download only availability. If I am spending £10-£15 on an album, I dont want CDR's or digital files, I want a physical CD thats pressed properly.

    I guess u will be missing out on a lot of great releases and rarities coming out in the next while.....enjoy:)


    I think you are the minority here. You won't be nearly as happy when down the line you pull out a cd to play it and its rotted.

  3. There are 2 Rock Candy-Sucker for a Pretty Face cds on ebay right now. One from the U.K. the other is from Brazil.


    U.K. Same guy, Brazil is Adriano.


    I bought one as well for next to nothing just to have a silver pressing. If the band were to ever actually issue it, I would buy it as well.

  4. According to Paypal I am finally getting my money back and the case is being closed. Not until I get threatened by this stupid fuck via email. Of course that caused me to spout off...I'm not having some asshole threaten to come to my house and "make me sorry because he has my address". Are you fucking kidding me bro? Fuck you and the label. I won't buy shit from these fucks ever again. There will in fact be a link on my website exposing his practices.


    People, I would never tell you not to buy from someone because I know everyone wants to support the bands and the music...but let me say this. Ask exactly what you are getting because the process of getting your money back is fucking ridiculous from this place. Bad enough that I filed a complaint with the BBB. I have never done that in my entire life of buying ANYTHING.


    That is just fucked that he would say that about having your address. That is a threat my friend and should be passed on to the authorities period.


    I told him that...then the cursing and threats stopped.


    Fucking idiot...

  5. Another release never officially released on CD has been booted:




    Smash L.A. - Law n' Authority


    One of the lines from the description pretty much says it all:


    "This is a rare 10 song CD from amazing Canadian hair metal band Slash L.A. which released their album on cassette tape in 1989."


    That's right.... cassette tape, not CD.

    Where else r u going to get this......or r you going to wait until it is released on a silver pressed cd....lol


    Yeah, that's exactly what I would do. It's proven...cdr's last for shit. I'm straight up telling you I would download it before buying a fucking cdr. If it's the band doing it, then THEY are the stupid ones.

  6. I guess I read somewhere on the compact disc information that CD can offer you a lifetime value if stored and maintained properly so yeah I think I also have some used CDs that's produced even before 1985 and it still plays fine so nothing really to worry about unless it's a bootleg disc maybe, but don't know, usually if bootleg is factory produced and decent quality CD were used, that thing may also have the same lifetime value as original CD too.


    The idea is maybe to keep your CDs in a rack that's provided with enough air and lights maybe ? because severe humidity sometimes may affect them and that's the reason maybe why some people has their collection damaged.


    Actually air and light both are the enemy. A cool, dark place with a clear sealed package is the way to go.


    ha ha in that case mine are in the perfect place..........the loft, lol !!


    If your loft is cool and dry, you got it! :)

  7. With Vain I didn't like it when it came out back in the day but love it now. But, in no way is it better than DT.


    As for Aerosmith, not my definition of Sleaze at all, in any of their decades.


    Im with you on Vain, as I came to like it in latter years after re-visiting. Think it might rank slightly higher than DT as its more consistent.


    Aerosmith is definitely NOT sleaze imo......more classic hard rock


    I bought the Vain cassette back when it came out and stomached through it once before chucking it off the deck in to a cornfield.


    I think he meant Aerosmith back in the day when they were younger but I still don't think they are a sleaze band.

  8. I guess I read somewhere on the compact disc information that CD can offer you a lifetime value if stored and maintained properly so yeah I think I also have some used CDs that's produced even before 1985 and it still plays fine so nothing really to worry about unless it's a bootleg disc maybe, but don't know, usually if bootleg is factory produced and decent quality CD were used, that thing may also have the same lifetime value as original CD too.


    The idea is maybe to keep your CDs in a rack that's provided with enough air and lights maybe ? because severe humidity sometimes may affect them and that's the reason maybe why some people has their collection damaged.


    Actually air and light both are the enemy. A cool, dark place with a clear sealed package is the way to go. Air causes the oxidation process and light ( sunlight) is very bad for the cd.


    I believe we are in more danger of losing newer, cheaply pressed CDs than we are the old heavier ones.

  9. Yeah, Howdy, can't say I'm with you on this one, mate. To me, the Stryper CD features well updated and heavier versions of their old songs - to me they all sound like improvements. The Firehouse disc, I thought, was a total waste of time and the new versions, one and all, are all weaker versions of the originals... and not as well produced as the originals either.


    Agree 100%. What a waste with he FH cd. Could have put out something new....

  10. I doubt it - I've had CDs since 1985 and all the original purchases still play fine.


    The first 3 I bought were BJ - s/t, Asia - Heat of the Moment and Marillion - Script


    All are still in perfect working order nearly 20 years later.


    That was my thought originally as I have cdr's that are over 10-13 years old and have been baking in 100 degree weather for years yet they play fine. That being said I am still concerned. I would assume too that since quality is a factor that with most of my collection being Japan pressings I should be safe. All of my stuff is protected in plastic sleeves as well. Japanese know how to do it...they supposedly have a cdr that will last 100 years. I guess in the end I am willing to pay more for a Japanese press than some of the cheap shit being pressed here. The Japanese don't cut corners on CDs, never have. Might serve as a warning to companies trying to find the cheapest silver press print. Just my opinion....

  11. I hate to admit this but Sam got me thinking. How real is the threat of your silver press CDs to stop working? I have thousands of dollars in my collection. Have paid over $500 on a cd multiple times. Think about how much some of you have paid for indies? Is this a real threat even in the next ten years?


    Below is an article that is very good but clear as mud. It was also published back in 2004 so if anyone can find something newer please post.


    I guess the question is, when do you go 100% digital and make your money back off your collection?




    Dan, your thoughts as well?

  12. Yeah there's no disputing that the Dangerous Toys debut is a great album.


    Trying to define what fits into 'sleaze' is really tricky..........


    Here's what I'd put above it -


    Bang Tango - Psycho Cafe

    Crashdiet - Rest in Sleaze / Generation Wild

    Guns n Roses - Appetitie for Destruction

    Hardcore Superstar - Dreamin / Beg / Split / C'Mon

    LA Guns - s/t

    Vain - No Respect

    Crazy Lixx - New Religion / Loud Minority / Riot Avenue

    Peepshow - Brand New Breed



    Having said that 'Scared' is about as good as any song on any of those albums imo - top top tune.


    ok a few more -


    Love/Hate - Blackout (mentioned above)

    Distorted Wonderful - their debut was excellent imo

    Dirty Looks - Five Easy Pieces / Cool From The Wire

    Skid Row - s/t (is this sleaze??)

    Motley Crue?? Surely they must be...................


    So yeah in summary Dangerous Toys would maybe squeeze in the top 20, so a great album for sure.


    Agree 100% that all mentioned above have had a Sleaze album. You're right, tough to define but....


    Out of the list above I would rank the first three Crue albums ahead of DT, GNR Appetite of course, Skid Row ST is the only thing they did sleazy and it ranks ahead of DT as well. I would also rate Split Your Lip ahead of it and everything else for that matter.

  13. How about Snakepit Rebels' S/T album? It's a bit of a gem as far as I'm concerned ... and would you say that Every Mother's Nightmare's debut was Sleaze? I'd probably rate that higher than the DT album (although if you ask me again tomorrow, I might chnage my mind :))


    Ugg, I badly dislike SR, terrible in my opinion. Both EMN CDs were killer but I would put neither ahead of DT.

    You're a fussy bugger ;)



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