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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. I bought from Bruno (swedenrules) over 5 years ago. He offered a without cases shipping option and I asked if it was well protected to help me decide which option I was going to choose. This was his response....

    "Well protected? Listen, I always ship my items in a bubble protected package. That's as good as is gets. Don't ask for better protection when you want a cheaper rate without the jewel case. That's not how it works. If you want more protection you either pay for it or you choose shipping WITH the jewel case. I do not pay for buyer's shipping by adding more protection. That's not how it works John ok."

    I simply chose the no cases option because I didn't want to talk to this douche anymore. You will be unsurprised to find out that sure enough he threw inserts, booklet and cds into a padded bag. Everything arrived bent and mangled.

    He's a wanker imo and I would avoid him but each to their own.

    I had a similar response once and was done. He is a fucking wank to the highest power...

  2. Neither party is right here. Period...totally reversing the transaction with the minor costs and moving on without any further business is the only way to go in my opinion.


    I have bought from Cherokee without issue but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I have also bought from Josh and while there were no condition issues I didn't care for his practices. That said if I were doing ANY kind of deal this huge I would be asking for every little detail including scans of the cd and artwork. You're both at fault in my eyes from afar.


    Purposely trying to fuck someone out of money to get even is ridiculous and I'd love to know who said is was a good move to Josh so that I don't do business with them either. On the flip side, death threats over a cd? Really??? Isn't there enough to worry about today without that kind of shit?


    Bottom line, grow up, reverse the deal and never speak to one another again.



    To be clear, the CD-R is 100% a band issued CD-R. I actually owned the CD-R before owning the original. Check out Fire Dept.'s facebook page, they have done some re-union shows, this is where they were selling their re-issue CD-Rs. I bought the CD-R re-issue from the band. This CD-R is much like the Trash Can Baby CD-R which sells for like $100 on ebay, hell the Fire Dept. bootleg on Timewarp sells for $70. I just want it to be clear, I did not make the CD-R, it was official released by the band.


    And to state the obvious, if some idiot with more dollars than sense wants to spent $75.00, $150.00 or $500.00 on a cdr and that idiot KNOWS its a cdr than more power to them. The same can't be said if the person doesn't know.


    As GI Joe would say: "Knowing is half the battle".


    Anything less is just dishonest.

    An eye for an eye my friend. You fuck me over, expect the same treatment.

    There it is...I guess it was a matter of time before something caught up with you. You are as shady as you have ever been.

    There, I decided not to be quiet...

  4. I'm still to weight up the best version to get but I am thinking the Japanese 2 cd version with the bonus track and extra cd :) The Pledge version's pretty cool too, atleast the band garuanteed to get paid from thier pledge release :)

    Go to cdjapan.com and preorder it. They are limited and they only have a few left when I did mine.

  5. Haha, love that this thread turned into a discussion about a completely different band LOL. I will have to check out ''bigger'' then. What's the change like is it similiar to when Talisman changed the sound from their debut on Genesis and Humanimal?

    More than anything the albums are five years apart and the sound is a bit updated. I can see where some might not like it and the debut is much better but I love both of them!


    Just to put some additional perspective based on the example of Talisman, The Humaninal cds are my favorite from the band though I like Genesis. So maybe I just enjoy the changes?

  6. Of fuck, that is dreadful. I think I will, without hesitation, take Russ' word on this one and not even think about giving it ear time. Seriously, that is soooooo bad.

    You listening to the same song I am? Sounds like an Extreme song to me. But if memory serves, you don't like them either so you wouldn't like this obviously.

  7. A buddy bought the download version. The Rough Demos cd sound fucking awful, hence the title. The others don't sound a lot different from the demos that have been floating around for years. Maybe doesn't have the hiss? Is it worth $15 a piece for cd-r's that haven't been remastered? Nah...had they been silver pressed though, sure.


    Maybe everyone else will feel different as I try and not allow my hatred for the label get in the way of my judgement.

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