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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Sorry, but Rachelle is a scumbag.All he does is run his effing mouth and slags off bands who are way better than his own.Then said bands (or band members) take issue with his site or throw some sh!t back his way and he can't handle it.That's been his thing for years.Don't throw barbs and purposely piss people off and wonder why they don't like you.The guy has zero moral high ground and credibility imo.As far as Bobby goes he does need to stfu already about Pearcy..

    I couldn't disagree more. He knows way more than we do who is really a douche from the scene and he never messes with anyone who gets the joke. The fact here is that Blotz in this instance at least is being a complete douchebag!


    If the bands didn't blow, I'd reply ;)


    That's just it. I think 100% of the people here would agree that they'd rather have someone reply and say they don't like a band/song, then have the thread completely ignored. I think this was discussed before.


    I don't slag on anyone who doesn't like a band I post. It's all about finding someone who might like it. I slag a few bands that other people post that I don't like but at least I reply to said thread.


    When threads gets many views but no replies, it's almost insulting.

    You can't look at it that way. Anybody that even half way knows you knows you are a cool guy. Not everyone likes the same thing. I get rubbed the wrong way from time to time and probably rub some the wrong way as well. But I'm cool with 98% of the peeps on here but I don't always reply to all threads.

    When you get the morning paper do you read every page? Nope, because some things don't interest you.


    It's all good in the hood...now wait for Geoff to start making sick comments about rubbing from my post. He's gay like that :)

  3. To be fair, this is a rough demo he recorded over 10 years ago and has decided to make available to raise money for Montreal Children's Hospital.

    The what a waste comment was a positive, wishing he had done more. I didn't even listen to the clip. Just love the guys music. His debut was perfect as well.

  4. Read both Blotzer's and Pearcy's books. Neither impressed me. Something tells me the two of them are extremely difficult to get along with. If Blotz was the sole problem why wouldn't the rest of the band send him packing and carry on with the voice of Ratt. There is no legit Ratt unless Pearcy is fronting them, regardless of the current state of his vocals. Blotzer knows this and loathes the fact Pearcy steers the ship.

    They can't...Blotz and Warren own the band name.





    I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


    Feel free to elaborate...

    The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


    He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


    Worst day at work EVER.....

    Wow! That was INSANE...


    Thanks for telling. :)

    Ha ha....only in America eh!!!!


    I get all my cds delivered to work - just easier.......so often the post / couriers wont 'push' through the letterbox....not sure why as most are just singles. Perhaps they feel it might damage the package. I just ended up making continual trips to the sorting office. It never used to be a problem as my wife didnt work, but now she does, work is the way forward!!

    I think it was more a product of the bitch in receiving. She can suck my balls!

  6. The real problem in this album is 'Storm In Me' and 'Be Who You Are Now'.


    For me, both songs are around 6 and 6.75 respectively and that's after around 4 spins so I guess if people can overcome that two songs and gave both around 6 or 7, I guess the overall score of this album should fall around 80% but if they gave it a 1 or 2, now that's gonna be a real headache haha


    Another problem is 'Tin Soldier' because it might be too progressive for those with hard rock taste but then 7 is a reasonable score for that one. I also really like 'Out of This World', a bit too long but I love the atmospheric nuance on that one.


    I wonder why won't they play a little bit of 'naughty' arrangement instead of messin around with 'heavy and dark' all the time, at least a song, like what they did with 'Seventeen'. The guitar line on that song is mind-blowing!

    Because it was 25 years ago and they've grown as a band. I don't want to hear bands rehash shit. Many bands have pulled this off and a Winger is one of them. I love listening to the old stuff, but I don't want to hear " she's only 43" as a song title.


    I use to have my CDs sent to my work address...until I got a visit from a federal agent. :(


    Feel free to elaborate...


    The bank I worked at previously the branch was inside Wal-mart. All the mail came to them in the back & we had to go there and pick it up. The lady in the back who handled it was a bitch from hell and hated it when I got packages. Most of mine were coming from overseas because they were Japanese pressings so that freaked her out even worse. She ended up calling my corporate office and also the FBI. I got ambushed one morning at work. Came strolling in like any other day and the minute I sat down my supervisor and an FBI agent came inside the branch with a couple of my packages under arm. We went in the back room and I literally felt like a criminal that day because I got asked 100 questions about the packages. He was a DOUCHE with a capital D! I got tired of answering stupid questions like"why don't you just buy the cd's from this country?" I asked him what difference it made where I bought them and why it would even be an issue and he got pissed off. I was tired of answering the questions so I just asked him if he would like to open the packages right here in front of me. He acted surprised...like I'm importing fucking drugs or something. When he opened them, wow! Look at that...fucking cd's. Must have bummed him out....


    He told me to stop having them sent there because it was freaking the lady out (which I still don't think they can do) but I agreed to get it the hell over with. Then I got to spend another 20 minutes on the phone with my Risk department and had to explain what was going on. When it was all said & done, they were actually pissed that it was an issue since it was so silly. They blew it way out to be more than it was....


    Worst day at work EVER.....

  8. and as for women, the more you around someone the more they CAN become attractive. someone you first started working with you didn't find very attractive but as you work with them more and more you start to find that they become more attractive

    And of course if you're drinking she looks hot by the end of the night!

  9. I finally got the album and I don't hate it but I don't love it. He continues to go further and further in to Nu-metal and it gets a bit samey (similar to what happened with the Dynazty album). I don't know...going to take more spins. I enjoyed the last cd but it took a bit. The last album I loved was Angel Down, nice mix of heavy, straight-forward & ballads.

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